/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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Arch is the best distro

top kek

I accidentally ran the command reflect instead of reflector while updating my mirrorlist and this thing opened. What is it and why is it installed? (Arch)

Terminal font in pic related?

bump for interest as well. nice looking font.


Probably just some simple graphics test program like glxgears

In Debian there is a osgreflect binary in package openscenegraph

Maybe this will help you


Learn to use your package manager and the basic "which" utility.

Fedora 25 or Debian Sid for my new XPS 13? Just came arrived :3

If you have to ask then none, you idiot.


systemd cucks in denial, they wave it off as potential DoS but is full LPI.



I have Arch on my desktop, I won't be using the XPS13 as often so I want a distribution I don't have to update as often

Debian. Fedora is a decent distro but you're basically beta testing red hat. Debian has a much better community and is slightly more stable (obviously sid throws that out the window). Fedora might just werk in a few more situations though. If you want something stable why use sid?

What do you idiots get out of someone using "your" distribution?

Software has security bugs which get fixed?! STOP THE PRESSES.

Everyone should just stop using any piece of software that's not a one line "hello world". That will solve your problem.

There is a difference between software and software that wants to do everything.

an award

how to fix Arch's font config post infinality
I followed this gist

and enabled export

in /etc/profile.d/freetype2.sh
the fonts look better than the default state but still nowhere as good as the infinality fonts

btw is "bohoomil" kill

>pic related (font after following these steps)

Who knows. Aside from package managers, every Linux distro can be made to function like any other. just pick your favourite package manager. If you want something that just werks then pick an easy install like mint or Ubuntu.


Kind of want a rolling release distro, should I install Atnergos or openSUSE Tumbleweed? Fan of both so far.

Or lemon.

What's the best tiling window manager?

By "best", I mean "works properly without giving me a reason to scrap it all and go back to W10"

Where do i get the font? Apologies for retardation

It doesn't do everything, you utter retard. It doesn't browse the web, it doesn't edit videos, it doesn't view images, it doesn't encode audio or video. It's a set of seperated system management utilities developed under the same roof.

Kill yourself for being a retard who can't inform himself, but instead jumps on to every tiny bit of edgy and controversial sounding information and adopts it as his opinion just to masquerade your actual incompetence.

Cure is part of the artwiz font package, lemon (I guess it's actually that font) from git: github.com/phallus/fonts

Also don't forget this list right here: github.com/Tecate/bitmap-fonts

I've used most tiling window managers and they all require some config editing to get things comfy. Awesome is probably the easiest for people new to it.

% pacman -Ql | grep $(which reflect)
mesa-demos /usr/bin/reflect

>Kill yourself for being a retard who can't inform himself

"Friendly GNU/Linux thread"


Recently I've started working with some lab equipment featuring a TI c6454 DSP

I went to the manufacturer, but safe to say while they are best in the world when it comes to high precision lab equipment they are not computer savvy. At the training we used code composer studio on windows, but I'd like to just do everything with make from emacson gnu + linux without that code composer studio shit.

Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?

I'm sure systemd wants to be all that, maybe you should inform yourself about anger management

After many hours I got Arch to work. Now what do I get a DE or use one of those windows managers?

Forgot to add: I'm on Arch

DE's are for pussies, just use the tty.

We don't know,user. You need to know yourself.

install gentoo


>dat pepper
gr8 m8

Add a GNU/Linux deflecting a >linux post

/fglt/ - friendly GNU/Linux tank


brb pewdiepie


Decided on openSUSE, installing now.



what's this

p e r l

but user, suse doesn't have the arch logo

pretty much the same as grep, I use it to search in emacs


I know, it has a much nicer logo.

How do I fix this?

I set up my user and when I startx the aero theme pops up but when more than 1 icon in the middle of the screen loads, it crashes back to command line.

Is it my monitor driver, nVidia driver or network settings? I don't know how to configure my dhcp.

>DE's are for pussies
How so?
Well if I do i3 or Awesome, it looks like I'll be up all night doing this.

why the fuck cant i set the mouse sensitivity below 1.0? are xorg devs retarded?

why doesn't this work
printf 'foo\nbar\n' | grep -P '(?m)foo\nbar'

It's just you.


it's trash

no u

can you spoonfeed me then?

How can I remove flickering from my LibreOfficeWriter?

I'm using Lubuntu 16.04 version.

>installing arch with archboot
>Detects system as uefi64 (actually BIOS)
>Asks if I want a BIOS bootloader such as grub
>GRUB already installed from my last distro
Do i install it?

>he fell for the arch meme

no need, just update its config so that arch shows in the menu

With update-grub? Where do i run it?

update-grub is a script delivered with ubuntu, not part of grub.
You should install os-prober, so that grub can autodetect any install system, then run:
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

NOTE: since you probably installed grub in the other distro's pratition, you must set the correct path to grub conf file.

Or, after you have installed everything, just reboot in the other distro, install os-prober and run update-grub

How am I suppose to run that if I can't boot into arch because grub can't see arch? Any reason not to install grub again because this seems confusing

>How am I suppose to run that if I can't boot into arch because grub can't see arch?
don't you have a shell in front of you?

>Any reason not to install grub again because this seems confusing
It's fine, just remember that now grub will be installed in arch's partition unless you are using a separate /boot partition for the bootloader

How to rice?

I installed rxvt-unicode, and put some "colors/themes" whatever in. but what now?

my weechat looks weird with these colors.

how to fix?

I'm on Arch. You?

get on my level


Downloading Sabayon Linux, what am I in for?

A lack of packages. That pos doesn't even have ffmpeg.

Any other cool distro I can try on a laptop then?
Preferebly not debian or arch based. I tried opensuse once but it was pain in the ass.

idk, maybe void or fedora?

Okay thanx, I'm sceptical of smaller independent distributions but I'll try void.

So I'm trying to make gpodder save to an external drive I found this

but I don't know what it means, I'm on fedora 25

The great thing about Arch isn't using it, it's that you can tell everyone on the internet that you do!


for some reason that software use an environment variable (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_variable) to set its download folder.

To set an evn variable globally (i.e. for any user) add this line in the file /etc/environment:
export VARIABLE=value
so in your case:
export GPODDER_DOWNLOAD_DIR=/path/to/ext/disk/folder

If you want to set an env only for one user, then add the previous line to the file ".pam_environment" (mind the dot) in his home

cat /dev/cdrom > cdrom.iso
cp /dev/cdrom cdrom.iso
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cdrom.iso

>no rsync

>no pv

The first one is bad.
Second, as far as I know, will not even work.
Third is perfect, but I would add a "bs" value for speed.

tac /dev/cdrom | tac > cdrom.iso

>The first one is bad.
>Second, as far as I know, will not even work.

I'm making a bootable USB image of Xubuntu.

I am using Rufus to create it.

Rufus asks what my partition/bios is

I know that my motherboard is UEFI, but what/how can I tell if I need to choose GPT or MBR

What's the best speed value and why?

and should I format the stick to FAT32 or NTFS, when I intent to boot this off from UEFI Bios + Windows 10 PC?

It's not this fucking hard, just leave everything as default


yeah, I was wrong

That's not UUOC tho.