What would be a good upgrade to this PSU?
I have a sneaking suspicion that it's faulty, or just going bad. I have a $100 budget I can spend on a newer/better one.
What would be a good upgrade to this PSU?
I have a sneaking suspicion that it's faulty, or just going bad. I have a $100 budget I can spend on a newer/better one.
These refurbs are the best deal on a PSU you can get, they are perfectly fine. They are usually refurbs because retards RMA them saying the fan is broken and it turns out the PSU is semi-fanless.
I have one and the fan never spins up ever. PSUs are easily the noisiest part of a PC nowadays that PCs have huge silent fans.
You'll first have to reconsider your current power requirements. Maybe because of a few upgrades you made during your PSU's lifetime you don't need 700 W anymore.
Unless he was running a FX-9590 with GTX 480 SLI, he never needed 700W.
Hmmm.... only significant (for this tower) change I've made is went to a GTX970 GPU. Everything else is the same from when I bought the TR2. Isn't there a way to check how much wattage it's pulling?
550W will do? That's a 150 drop from what I have now.
Ha, admittedly, someone recommended it. Kind of a "you shouldn't need another PSU, ever" I'd imagine.
I honestly can't think of a refurb issue I've ever had. I'd be willing to try it.
550W is more than enough for any single-card configuration. Even if you had an old dual-chip monster like a GTX 690 or 6990, it would still be enough.
>you shouldn't need another PSU, ever
And yet here we are. . .
It's better to buy the optimal component for your current config and not try to anticipate to much on what "may" happen. This bloats your system.
I agree with all this.
On this subject, is there a good way to check if your PSU is faulty or failing? I've googled countless ways for memory, GPU, PROC - don't see much for PSU, other than the "if these 30 things are working properly, it leaves only the PSU as the problem" endurathon troubleshooting..
You can check voltages in HWMonitor at idle and under load and see if they're fluctuating or out of spec. The computer shutting down on load (starting a game or something) points to the PSU. But you really can't give it a full checkout without a test bed.
Bad mobo and PSU are both difficult to nail down.
>buying a new GPU
OP, don't buy shit, just upgrade the fucking firmware on your PSU and move on with your life.
For fuck's sake, if you're gonna break the help rule of Sup Forums at least give him actual, correct guidance.
>updating a power supply's firmware
>PSU firmware
>the firmware... of a PSU........
.....what in the actual fuck are you on about user?
take this shit trolling back to r4dd17 faggot
user, don't listen to this shit. A PSU doesn't have anything that can be updated except the PSU itself. There is no firmware of a PSU.
Just go hear where I linked, read up, and make a purchase decision for yourself.
Wait, DOES a PSU have firmware? I've never actually looked into that.
>PSU firmware
Probably not.
Most are build around a standard switching voltage regulator IC. Maybe some meme PSUs with custom fan and/or LED controls have it but you don't buy these.
Saving this for future trolling endeavors.
2/5 because it's good enough to remember.
No. PSUs have no internal memory to save any type of -ware onto. They are literally boxes with electronic components and wires.
You sure? Because a battery is memory. And memory is a component.
700 watt? Enjoy frying your entire system in a year or two. You do know that PSUs lose their capabilities over time? Around 10% decay a year. That would mean you're down to 567 in 2 years. You should get ATLEAST 1k to make it last and keep your system safe.
This meme again.
According to your logic all of my PC PSUs, Laptop PSUs, phone chargers and integrated PSUs of all the dozen devices I use at home should be dead by now. You know how many actually died? One (1) phone charger.