What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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first for anime
dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.072.2
I just got it off AUR.
>Post more though.
Just in general? With D?
Trying to get back into programming after completing my non computar-related degree 2bh. I've just installed Visual Studio. My most recent affair had been with Lua trying to make games with Love2d. Been thinking of getting into C++ and Javascript. Would those be a decent start for someone trying to get into software development? Any resources anyone would personally recommend besides KillMyself.exe???
Why are there no tutorial sites for intermediate programmers
Why am I forced to go through a hundred beginner tutorials before I can get to anything more complex
thank you for using an anime image
What are you looking for? General information about programming that's intended for people who know the basics?
What field do you want to get into?
Because intermediates read books and docs, not follow shitty tutorials.
I just want something that covers more advanced concepts sequentially or with a list like beginner sites do with their lessons. I don't know WHAT I want to learn, because I don't know what else there is besides specific libraries or other languages entirely
>What field do you want to get into?
Was thinking of something generalised like application development as my primary focus. (Software, games, etc.) But I kinda have an interest in embedded systems (Have a Raspberry Pi waiting to be used) and a bit of security stuff as well.
you were using algorithm's splitter which is for ranges.
You want std.string's split
auto splitString = split("ls -l"," ");
C/C++ sounds like what you need then.
Why would you need a tutorial if you already know the basics?
Any framework in any language should be a piece of cake to jump right into and get a good understanding of if you are intermediate, as long as there is at least some documentation, and the rest can usually be found on stackoverflow and the like.
If you feel like you have to follow tutorials after becomming intermediate, you are essentially gimping yourself. I do, however, think that beginner level tutorials *can* be useful for getting a quick overview of how a language or framework works.
Ah, yeah that works.
But I'm also curious how I'd get from what I had to char[][] now.
Read references
Any of you girls know where I could buy these shorts? (link since NSFW)
>cute boys
Sure you meet that criterion, user?
im a girl btw
Yeah, do you want some pics
Neat, may I please know where to get them
>Yeah, do you want some pics
Do it.
just say you want male sexual attention user, no need to beat around the bush ;)
How good is pic related?
I wanted to learn about data structures.
Sorry I really just want those shorts
You want, std.conv;
what should I pick?
what's the most sensible option?
>muh PATH
the second option is fine.
First and make a special batch to launch cmd with git in path.
anyone know where i can get theese panties?
I dunno but I have it in pdf.
What language?
mental illness store
The most sensible option is to install msys2 and install and use git from there.
what time do you go to bed / wake up?
nice quints
what time zone do you need?
whenever im tired
whenever i quit feeling the urge for a wank
how come i only get motivated to program when its for a job?
studying design patterns for my exam ~
when the visions start
>wake up
when the visions stop
most programmers work 9-5?
anyone know where I can get a thicc bitch?
Pick a goal and then learn skills to complete that goal. When you run into problems and start digging you will find solutions and learn something new or better ways to do things.
If you never run into problems and you achieve your goal, then set another more challenging goal.
There is no tutorial for thinking for yourself. You just have to try your best and hope you aren't retarded.
u want som fugg
I do,u thicc bitch ?
im good at wearing girly clothes
Why is this allowed?
sorry man, I'm not a homosexual
just don't look at the D and it will be ok.
Eek! Don't look, user, I'm half naked here!
Idris > Haskell > Scala > OCaml > F# > Rust > C++ > C# > Java > D > C > Lisps > Fortran > Perl > Go > Forth > Python = PHP = Ruby = JavaScript
I posted this in the stupid questions thread but it might be more related here.
I'm in an intro to prog logic class and my professor was talking about "constructors" and "destructors". Can I get a rundown or example of what these terms are?
I've tried finding it in his book that he made himself but it doesn't even mention it.
Good luck finding work.
jquery and html? because it's a free country.
Fuck off with your copy pasta.
>just do it it's a convention
Reminder: I have a job, you don't
constructors are the part of a class that initializes or does something you want as soon as you get an object of that class, destructors let you do stuff you want done when the object is destroyed. Don't think about it too much since you're just a beginner. You'll see some examples later
a constructor constructs an object and a destructor destructs it
>web dev
doesn't count.
>Java > D
over the line
Given the ordering of languages I gave, do you really think I could live with doing web dev?
>no face
How do we know if you're cute if you don't show your face?
I have a friend who has his masters in EG and CS, yet has his own start up doing web apps. He's doing quite well. The web dev meme isn't that bad.
I'm not posting my face on Sup Forums.
int foo(){
return 5;
return 10;
what happens now?
Then I'm not sure if you meet the cute criterion, user.
Simple webdev question:
I'm playing around with a web framework (OpenMCT, but it shouldn't matter which one). Out of the box, the framework does not produce a page with any real content, so obviously I have to start creating and modifying files (like index.html) to add functionality. But if I do that I will no longer be able to git pull, at least not easily, because I'm introducing local changes. So what's the best approach to separate the framework from the modifications I'm making?
Just post it upside down.
it returns 5
>tfw javascript developer for a click bait company at $96K a year
feels good mang
One of my classmates texted me examples like
Also pic related, which would ones would be constructors? Sorry if I seem dense
it returns 10
technically those are all initialized once the object is created, but if you wanted to call one of those functions (methods) then you would put it under constructor
don't remember the syntax for constructors off the top of my head, should be in your book
sorry i should be more clear. If you want to call one of those methods automatically right when the object is created is when you would want to put it under contructors
Shit you're right. I should shut up more often.
It doesn't compile in a sane language.
Worked for me in java. Is that C#?
essentials of programming languages
Put Lisps after Haskell and I'll agree with you.
Which is best to learn python 2 or 3?
Is it better to just search for the solution if you can't solve the problem, or is it better in the long run to actually try and solve the problem yourself?
I'm practicing on solving tough algorithmic problems and I don't know which way is better in terms of training my programming skills. I don't know whether I should just find out the easiest way to solve the problem by searching online or if I should train my brain to solve it myself.
Just use a library, bro.
I joined a coding competition and I don't know if we're allowed to use libraries.
I would spend a few hours trying to find a solution. If you can't, come back to it the next day. If you still can't, read a worked example and make sure you understand it fully.
when you can't find a solution and it saddens you, you just write a depressing book about how you're feeling and then you kill yourself!
Is this a meme or what? I would say yes, and in that case, should this type of advertising even be allowed?
Shit competition if they don't give you access to the internet and whatever tools you deem necessary to meet the scoped requirements.
Anyone willing to help me re-write a C code for some dollars?
250 lines.
I started software development 3 days ago and now I make $200,000 per month with this one weird trick.
Python 3 is better but there's much morein Python 2.
How do i create a command in WPF for 1 button to deselect and basically resets all buttons with changed backgrounds?
My current logic for pressing buttons is this private void ButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Button _btn = sender as Button;
if (_btn.Name != "pressed")
_btn.Background = Brushes.CornflowerBlue;
_btn.Name = "pressed";
_btn.Name = "NOTpressed";
What must the code do?
User was banned for this post.
basic linked list with structure.
you iterate through all those buttons and set them as none pressed