What`s the best port to convert a digital signal into analog? DVI-D, HDMI, or Displayport? Does it matter?
What`s the best port to convert a digital signal into analog? DVI-D, HDMI, or Displayport? Does it matter?
First, those asses are fucking glorious
Second, to answer your question:
The company i work at saved a little money buying adapters instead of new monitors (almost all of them were 16:9 but only VGA, WTF)
The DVI-D to VGA shows better results IMO. The image on the monitors with the HDMI adapters is sightly blurred.
>The image on the monitors with the HDMI adapters is sightly blurred.
Could this be because the converter is low quality, or something inherent to HDMI?
Could be. Another guy on the company bought a different one for himself (HDMI to VGA) and when the connections aren't perfectly in place, a lot of red pixels start appearing on the screen. Trippy as fuck.
just imagine the pleasure of your face being sit on by those asses holy shit senpai baka
I think it's because DVI can output an analog signal natively, HDMI doesn't have analog video pins despite having the same digital output IIRC
Could be this. Just make sure that your adapter is DVI-I compliant, because this standard carries the analog signal unlike DVI-D
HDMI probably has the cheapest high quality digital to VGA converters. So far all I've played with have been near perfect quality wise, but I usually use them on relatively low res 1280x1024 displays.
Display port/mini display port has plenty of converters available, but they run the gamut from dirt cheap to the cost of a hard drive, and from horrible quality through perfect. The problem is, you can't map the price to the quality on them, so you're stuck buying a bunch of different adapters until you find one you like, and then ordering a bunch of those.