there won't be a truly stable Wayland release until 2022

> there won't be a truly stable Wayland release until 2022

I mean, what's the point of using Linux, if everything I want to do is hindered by screen tearing? Watching videos, browsing the Internet, etc. I've tried using KDE neon with Wayland but the tear is still there.
I made peace with Linux being incompatible with a lot of games, but I refuse to accept that it can't display content properly either.

>use intel drivers
>use lxde
>use compton
>no tearing

I guess more software is always the solution, eh, user?

Real question, why it has taken so long to realize X was shit and needed to go?


This poster is a Microsoft shill spreading lies in an attempt to prevent people from trying GNU/Linux.

srsly though, I'm on Jewtel and LXDE and the only time I see any tearing is heavy CPU load + non-fullscreen video in browser.

>having any screen tearing at all

Personally I wasn't even aware that things outside of games could have screen tearing, before using linux. It was just a minor annoyance you had to deal with when you started playing a new game and you forgot to enable Vsync first

OpenPEPE's Tumbleweed installer wouldn't work for me.

>force vsync via graphics drivers
>no tearing

I find it worrying that you care more for screen tearing than the blatant security vulnerabilities provided by xserver. There is literally nothing you can do to protect yourself from an attack since xserver is so open.

Wayland Is the only solution to this, no firewall can protect you from an attack via xserver which is what the majority of DE's rely on.

If "screen tearing" (vsync off) is your biggest problem, then you are living large. Gamers prefer vsync to be off for a higher frame rate.

>Gamers prefer vsync to be off for a higher frame rate.
pls go

>Intel CPU
>Tried countless distros
>never even seen "screen tearing", whatever it is
I dunno, stop ricing like an autist and maybe things won't break? Everything works fine out of the box.

that doesn't apply to your whole fucking desktop so even videos tear like shit

Up until this decade, Linux outside of servers was literally just a hobbyist OS.

You shouldn't see it ever, making excuses for GNU/Linux being so broken wont help it get better or make it go away because you lie to yourself that it's okay.

i have no idea what screen tearing even is, so i guess i don't have that problem ? or is it something only autists notice ?

depends, it can be only slightly noticeable and then there are some extreme cases where you can't not notice

>Vsync == get




Because there's no hierarchy to make decisions. It's a bunch of hobbyist projects and everyone does what they want while giving 0 fucks about the end user.

You have to mean it
Kek work in misterious ways, and Nvidia is green

Nobody gives a shit about the end user.

>It's a bunch of hobbyist projects
so a bunch of universities working together on a project makes it a hobbyist project ?

>getting screen tearing with Wayland

Type this in your terminal and post the output:

loginctl show-session $XDG_SESSION_ID


It's just a bunch of CS grads and professors adding stuff in their spare time. Compare that to google, MS and apple who pay tens of thousands of developers to develop their OSes fulltime.

Yes, as it's not a commercial project. Asking money for a product makes the developers of it create something proper, otherwise they're forced out of the market by superior products.

A bunch of pajeets working at Microsoft makes winshit hobbyist too. Difference is they get money for it.

listing MS and apple doesn't really help your argument.
apple just copies shit from others and calling the shit MS produces broken would be a compliment.

also, universities pay people to work on FOSS projects.

This. Don't forget how Microsoft can't even properly copy from MacOS and Linux.

you're letting your bias cloud your views. The vast majority of code contributed to these projects that comprise gnu/linux are from hobbyist. Random individuals or small groups of people doing it on their spare time not as a fulltime job.

You can't build something from the ground up with a group of hobbyist. Those people who are paid by universities to contribute to FOSS projects probably only work 20hours/month on those projects compared to a full time developer who will work 180-200hrs/month on some proprietary project. Just give it up famalam

Jobs are just paid hobbies. Your arguments are leading nowhere and mean nothing.
Also, people tend to be more passionate or put more effort into hobbies than jobs.

>Jobs are just paid hobbies.
Ok kiddo, I stopped reading there.

>universities pay people to work on FOSS projects.
For academic-specific projects, they're not paying anybody to make the font rendering less shit or the drivers more stable

>FOSS projects probably only work 20hours/month on those projects
i do 20 h/week (- 5-10h/month for things like organizing classes, etc) and the person i'm working with does 40 h/week with about 20hours/month doing stuff for classes/grading/etc


because only autists cry about the font rendering and no one gives a shit bout them
and drivers ? are usually supplied by the manufacturers and not by hobbyists

>Gloating over 20 hours a week
>Fulltime developer will do that in 2 days

Funny how tons of FOSS "hobby projects" are better than those that are products of "serious jobs" :^)

>atleast it is coming out

If they were better they would have marketshare instead of being used by a bunch of basement dwellers on Sup Forums.

Have fun with your screen tearing and all the other bugs in your shit OS.

you do know that there are rules at universities for how much you are allowed to work ?
and 40h/week is the max you are allowed to work in my country

>market share
You don't know what market share even is, obviously.
>screen tearing
Overused meme. 99% users don't have this problem.
Everything has bugs
>your shit OS
I'm not using windows

All your doing is reinforcing his point.

>Overused meme. 99% users don't have this problem.
Typical FOSS development right here.

>I don't have this problem so it doesn't exist

Compared to a business

>X has this problem so I better investigate what's causing it and find a way to solve it.

>only thing that can be proprietary or FOSS is an OS
You're retarded. Firefox and Chromium dominate the web browser market. They're both open source. And that's only one of dozens places where FOSS > proprietary.

>can't get around a specific DE with an experimental display protocol
>blames the kernel

Doesn't count if all the developers are Google employees.

>FOSS isn't serious

>what is redhat
>what is SUSE
>what is cannonical
>what is ROSA
>what is Google
>what is Mozzila

>chromium doesn't count
Yes it does you double standard retard.

Makes no difference. Firefox is still better and market share means nothing other than how much money companies can throw around for advertising and cucking people into using their services further.

fake FOSS
Not shit because they run their business like a propriety software company.

Now your just pulling shit out of your ass.

>what's popular is good xD
If you don't think Microsoft is shit then your opinions can be ignored.

>OOOOHHHHH Look at me I use this little thing called FOSS software, it's very unknown you've probably never heard of it.

>Thinking just because 50 people use your shit program automatically makes it good.


>using ad hominem and strawman at the same time
>literally no arguments

Doesn't make sense to argue with you freetards because you can't see logic. It's why your marketshare keeps sinking and you have to rely on college kids provide manpower to help develop your shit software.

He's right. Learn what vsync is before embarrassing yourself again.