What is the best DE for GNU/Linux? I'm getting tired of Gnomes shit

What is the best DE for GNU/Linux? I'm getting tired of Gnomes shit.

Cinnamon of course. Everything else is shit.



I really like Unity. So do many gainfully employed adults.

These guys are both correct.
Also, the trips of truth confirm it.

Xfce if you wanna customize the shit out of it.

>What is the best DE for GNU/Linux? I'm getting tired of the best DE for GNU/Linux.

Then buy a Mac faggot. Oh, you can't afford it, that's why you're a lincuck in the first place.

XFCE big screen

dwm small screen/slow systems or both

XMonad if you have enough autism to configure it

Is Gnome the best for using multiple virtual desktops?

>Is Gnome the best for using multiple virtual desktops?
No, a Mac is but you probably can't afford that so use cinnamon instead.


I own a macbook air.

Is Cinnamon better than Gnome at virtual desktops?


Can you Explain why you tired of GNOME ¿

i have debian + cinnamon on my mac air and can confirm its superior.

Lumina Desktop is the only right choice, OP.


KDE. Just make sure to turn up the animation speed (or disable them completely) or it feels unresponsive.

The rest


Cinnamon is just a GTK copy of KDE, it even includes the bugs and bloat. I don't know why it's so popular.

What are you looking for in a DE? Gnome works for basic shit. If you want more visuals go with KDE. XFCE tends to work pretty well too, you can even make it look like windows if you want.

Unity and xfce

I really like Budgie

had a strong prejudice against it when tried ubuntu as my first gnu/linux experience. went to debian, suse, arch, manjaro, debian and finally ubuntu again and now i am really enjoying unity, didn't even bother installing other DE

I'll let you in on a little secret that may not be too obvious. There is no best, which is why we aren't all using the same thing.

I can highly recommend Fluxbox though. If you want a desktop that's exactly what you want, then it is great. You can customize just about every aspect of it, by editing simple text files. If you have no interest in customizing shit, it's not something that you would enjoy using.

I use unity all the time.

You can try any other one but, for better or for worse, GNOME is the best one and the most polished.


I don't care what you use it with but it's a godsend for being productive.

Just use windows 10 if you are a retard that can't use shell.

Try windowmaker, it used to be my favorite wm many years ago.

Now I use cinnamon.

KDE if you want to be able to personalize nearly everything, comes with some minor annoiances like some widgets or themes not working properly. Sometimes feels like a giant beta test, but is still miles ahead of everything else.
Plus it defaults to the best file mamager.

Alternatively Cinnamon, still nice, or, if you need some resource economy, xfce.

Install, try, and decide for yourself, it's subjective.

unity. plain, simple, comfy and you can remove the bloat.

>it just werks (for me)

Gnome 3 is like the Android of DE...

>A fucking app drawer.

Cinnamon is comfy and modern.

KDE and XFCE feel dated, but work well - good choice for artists that need to customise everything.

Amazon is watching you Fap

depends on your gpu. if you have Intel HD then you should go with xfce4


It's now turned off by default.

They only watched you fap for 4 years?

KDE. Download new themes straight from its settings, no bullshitting with a crappy -look site.