>cleaning out old computer from many moons ago
>find this
what the fuck. also, avast boot scan won't even finish because of the viruses. what can i do?
Nasty computer
Other urls found in this thread:
jesus christ how horrifying
>what can i do?
Nuke it and reinstall from a clean image.
install gentoo
Dban and install a clean verified OS image (I reccomend gentoo.org)
>Clean image
Install a linux distro you like, preferably one that's lightweight.
the only logical option in this thread
this is my new favorite desktop screencap
also please post his wallpaper. i need it at work
OP here. I don't wanna install Gentoo for a couch PC. What's a good media server distro?
boot from linux live disk, install clamav in ram, mount this sad little drive, then run virus scan with --remove
sure thing bud, made by yours truly.
media pc? just use the 'buntu
media server? install freenas and use the plex plugin or just install plex on any linux but that's a fraction more work anyways
It's almost impossible to salvage a windows installation like that. Just nuke it and start again with a fresh OS
thanks for delivering, it's glorious and sure to raise questions here at the office
doesn't exist anymore
Damn, you predicted Sup Forums's freshest meme of 2017 way back then.
Isn't Ubuntu bloated though? Or is that just a meme?
It's bloated and a meme.
It's a little bloated, sure, but you can de-bloat it fairly easily.
what about linux mint?
Now you listen to me you piece of shit kid. Ubuntu is one of the few proper distros, it's actually developed by a company of professionals compared to those piece of shit home made distros like Mint.
Fucking nigger you should either go with Fedora or Ubuntu.
>proper distro
linus didn't even write the compiler, nice try
What's wrong with Ubuntu?
nothing lad, just memeing
>Turbo booster for torrent
>Uninstall helper
nuke and install Manjaro
actual advice, try installing a panda safe cd/kaspersky rescue disk/dr web live to your usb drive