You DO realize that mpv has the same issue as VLC, right?

You DO realize that mpv has the same issue as VLC, right?

If you were meme'd into using mpv over MPC-HC, then you're a tard. If you're on shitnux or macOS though that's understandable. Pic related. mpv is literally a meme player

Other urls found in this thread:

>blaming mpv for a corrupted file

wich player is best to read DVD
VLC looks like shit
Windows media player is ok but are they any better one ?

>this happens 1/10 times
>blames the file
top kek

>>this happens 1/10 times

nigga what?
and posting the same webm over and over just proves you're a shitty troll. at least put some effort into it.

mpv can't seek for shit

i had this problem before
it was when i tried playing a file that hadnt finished downloading

There you go, now you're applying yourself.

these files finished downloading ages ago
mpv is just shit

kill yourself, w4m. you subhuman autist

>implying you didn't screencap your desktop while using MPV and then used VLC to playback the recording

>i am IRL butthurt because seeking though my animoo has artifacts

you're already dead inside aren't you

>damage control
You're an inbred tard, w4m. You should honestly consider suicide. Maybe mpv's new maintainers can make it not shit once you slit your throat

I have never had any problems with VLC. What the fuck are you people watching?

Me neither, that's mpv. VLC is still shit though, but mpv somehow manages to be worse.

Nice, I like the enthusiasm. I knew I could unlock that potential.

When I use VLC I get horrible artifacts. When I use mpv everything looks amazing.

Install Gentoo

>too stupid to use mpv

Nice damage control, w4m "the autist"

upload one of those files

>mpv shill threads posted daily by w4m
>still hasn't fixed this issue from 2014
piece of shit

>look at how mad i am about my animoo
>im totally not a faggot

yeah we believe you bud

he wont it will ruin his troll game



This is the 4th time I've seen you post this webm FAG

maybe you should fix the issue then, w4m. I can spot your posts from a mile away, you fat piece of shit

I do have actual autism but not sure why that's relevant. I was just explaining why I use mpv over VLC.

Works on my machine, you're probably just an idiot.

you're not explaining shit you're going wryyyyyyyyyyy normies use mpv and vlc

you're like one of those kids shrieking autistically at their mom at a store because they can't have their puppy dog stickers

I don't think you're allowed to use the word 'faggot' while running OS X

But VLC doesn't have that problem.

>works on my machine
How ironic. The retards using VLC always spout the same shit when we call them retards for using VLC. Really gets the noggin' joggin'.


mpv is broken shit

Forgot the description, this is when the players are on pause.

why is OP so butthurt?

low testosterone

should get more exercise

that has nothing to do with mpv. you downloaded a shit quality rip of anime or you didn't wait until it downloaded

OP you're a retard, you can't blame mpv for this, since the video rendering artifacts are due to ffmpeg bugs. They literally have no control over that unless they submit upstream patches.

not just using MPC-HC


>File: eveywhere.gif (1.99 MB, 480x292)

Please kindly fuck off, you're a bigger fucking idiot than the retard spamming the webms.

Behold, MPV playing a 720p60fps video. It's a 3770k running at 4GHz!!


Right, that's why VLC and MPC use less than 3%, combined.



Meanwhile on my system, it's cpu is 6% on 1080p60fps. Post your conf and and terminal output of mpv. If something is actually broken, the devs can fix it from there.
Until then, you're a shitposting, tech illiterate attention whore.

What about posting a small clip of video so we can try to replicate it, that has never happened to me using mpv.

>If something is actually broken, the devs can fix it from there
Theyu couldn't fix the broken d3d hwa, I have to resort on opengl on Windows, and you want them to fix that? lol

my room mate explained to me that weeb uploaders don't know how to use computers or encode distros so the playback is really janky unless you use a weeb-enabled super tolorant player and download from trusted sources

This with youtuve-dl
MP4 not WEBM
It's actually 50fps, not even 60. On 60 that shit of a player would choke to death I guess.

memepv uses libass
this alone makes it shit

If you think vlc is still plagued by those issues, you're the retard. Mpv is fine and vlc is fine, the main reason to use mpv over vlc is for quality playback.

The only reason to use MPC over VLC is CUVID, quality is the same.

>Theyu couldn't fix the broken d3d hwa, I have to resort on opengl on Windows, and you want them to fix that? lol
Opengl hardware acceleration is fine under windows, post your config and logout put, or gtfo.

No it's fucking not, what is subtitle kerning, what is icc profile support, what is chroma and luma upscaling.


What OP showed does not happen.

anyone knows a script or a way to request for the player to re-play the file without loading, or just simply replay the file when it has ended and you press play again ( this would be more convenient imo)

retard OP reposting the same faked webms but even more retarded people falling for it. wew.

yes, both of these are clearly outlined in the MPV documentation. mb u should read it.

I fucking hate "read the manual" responses
its such an annoying way to add settings to a player

Do you mind linking me or giving me a keyword hint?



etc etc

>Ryuusei no Gemini
Wait, when did they make DtB S2?

No I want for playback to replay the file whenever the file has ended and you press play again

>I have never had any problems with VLC
I guess you weren't using it 8 years ago or so.
It's fine now, but ti's still inferior to both mpv and MPC-HC.

Not that user, but I get what you mean. You would need to read the manual and the behavior of the player after it finishes playback.
# Video settings



#display-fps=60 #Set the display FPS used with the --video-sync=display-* modes.

no video settings


Mpc-be so comfy

Why does MPV reload the file instead of replaying it with infinite loop?

Loop a single file N times. inf means forever, no means normal playback. For compatibility, --loop-file and --loop-file=yes are also
accepted, and are the same as --loop-file=inf.

The difference to --loop is that this doesn't loop the playlist, just the file itself. If the playlist contains only a single file, the dif‐
ference between the two option is that this option performs a seek on loop, instead of reloading the file.

You can put
enter seek 0 absolute
in your input.conf
so when you press enter it goes to 0 seconds (the beginning of the video)

Maybe there's a better way of doing it, I'm not sure.

>still using nvidia's broken-ass implementation of cuvid

use dxva-cb nigga

i couldn't get it to work the way mpc-hc does.

>launch any video
>it always starts in some tiny window and I have to adjust window size myself
>the frame preview in the seek bar didn't work

Actually that is not the fault of mpv.
mpv appears to be giving equal quality to VLC, but only because you are on an inferior operating system that isn't as good for media and artistic works as GNU/Linux.

That shit is even worse than windows

Works on my PC user ;)

what build are you using? i've had zero playback issues using MPV on OSX

this sometimes happens with some forms of hardware decoding, try software or a different hwdec.

Still better than macOS ;)

He said he uses one thing because when he uses the other one things look bad. Stop making this about your ego.

I've never had this problem with Windows Media Player

this isn't even the problem with VLC.
The problem with VLC is the crappy decoders it has and color accuracy being a joke

>open video on 2006 hardware
>mpv --ytdl-format=298+140


Uh no, VLC looks really washed out and makes everything appear grey. Have they ever added any kind of real quality settings to compete with the scalers that mpv and MPC handle with ease?

More importantly, you're using either a really old WebM for an issue that was fixed months ago, or didn't update mpv.

>Aug 29, 2014

>same file
how fucking retarded are you
oh, that explains it

It does not. I can play the same videos in MPV as I play in VLC and they don't suffer the random garbling like it bypassed a key frame and turns green. They work fine in MPlayer as well. The only time this ever comes up is in VLC. I'm not saying that VLC is all bad. It does mange to do a hell of a lot for a media player, but it's high time they fixed that shit.

shit player is shit

mpv is SHIT


some one post the funny come back of this image, can't remember that post

>Uh no, VLC looks really washed out and makes everything appear grey.

Go set your shit to 0-255 in you video card's control panel

>He spends his free time shitposting about an obscure media player
Get a life.

Hang on, so you think I should change my video card settings for one program when no other player (worth using) even has this issue? Het!

Looks like all he needs is a few more ladders to stack up.

Not using mpc/SVP