A+ - lands you a job at a phone repair shop that will go defunct after a year or two or a computer repair shop like...

>A+ - lands you a job at a phone repair shop that will go defunct after a year or two or a computer repair shop like data doctors for $10 an hour
>net+ / ccent MIGHT get you a job at godaddy or some obscure web hosting company that will go defunct in a year or two for $10 an hour
>rhcsa / linux+ MIGHT get you a job at godaddy, some obscure web hosting company that will go defunct in a year or two , or a new "IT consulting / staffing firm" that will go defunct in a year or two for $11 an hour
>rhcsa / linux+ PLUS net+ / ccent will get you a job at godaddy, some obscure web hosting company , or a new "IT consulting / staffing firm" that will go defunct in a year or two for $13 an hour
>msca will land you a job at a call center or data doctors for $11 an hour
>msca + net+ / ccent will land you a level 1 help desk job for some small company / mom and pop store for $13 an hour.
>rhce + net+ / ccent with no experience will land you a job at godaddy, amazon , or a new "IT consulting / staffing firm" that will go defunct in a year or two for $14 an hour or $18 with experience
>rhce + ccna with no experience will land you a job at godaddy, amazon, or a new "IT consulting / staffing firm" that will go defunct in a year or two for $17 an hour or $23 with experience
>rhce + ccna + security+ with no experience will land you a job at a school district, or a "IT consulting / staffing firm", or a government job for $20 an hour or $30+ with experience
>mcse will land you a job as a junior admin for $15 an hour
>mcse + ccna will land you a job as a junior admin for $15 an hour or intermediate admin with experience for $25
>mcse + ccna + security+ PLUS other microsoft certs will land you a job as a senior admin for school, fortune 500, government for $40+ an hour
>bachelors in business management PLUS mcsa / rhcsa / and net+ / ccent will land you a comfy $70k a year job shitposting all day managing an IT department.
at least here in my state its this way.


?go to /bizz
>get told to go to /g
>go to /g
>get to told to go to /bizz

Whats your question?

Move to a different state

certs get you interviews, not jobs. if you have no experience then you will get an entry level job with entry level pay no matter the certifications you have.
for IT work it goes experience > certs > education

/biz/ is too dumb to understand anything tech related

and Sup Forums couldn't care less about this because we already know that the market is fucked

>learning javascript and PHP will land you 6 figure starting salary
>learning ruby on rails and mongodb will double it

Certs / degrees are bullshit, complete waste of time, because they are about what?
>landing you a job
Jobs are shit. Your goal is to start your own business. World is run by people with no certs, no degrees, instead they have ambition. Fuck everything else.

I'm getting nervous. I'm in my last year of college doing computer science. I want to do security stuff, what certs do I need to get an interview. What should I be doing? I have an interview for a internship tomorrow, but I'm not too hopeful for actual jobs when I graduate.

/biz/ has a better attitude about programming since they know it's not worth it to try to spend too much time over autistic details or try to do everything by hand using some dropout lang that doesn't have a framework

Contribute to an open source project, preferably something low level with C and ASM. Or look for projects with vulnerabilities and patch them, that'll go miles beyond certs

yeah i know and its horse shit. i'm 27 and stuck with nearly zero experience. my a+ and rhcsa already expired. i couldn't find fucking work outside of working at a third party mac reseller repairing broken macbooks. started off as a "helper" for $8 an hour and then made my way to a glorious $11. wasn't to bad since i was 40 hours a week mon - fri. but now unemployed since they went under.

my career aspects now is working at an amazon warehouse an hour and a half away from here for $11 an hour. fuck IT. i should of went to college for business management because then i could at least be working at Honeywell jerking off to porn managing an IT department full of drones making barely above mcdonalds levels.

Fucking this.

Where the fuck do you live user?

I have a CCNP and a MCSA (no experience) and I can't find any fucking work.

I'm actually considering joining the military or air force or something.

Web devs really make that much?

and you still won't be considered a real engineer

The air force is a crazy good career, great benefits, good hours, good pay. 10/10 bueno career. All my mates work a lot harder than I do i jobs they don't like for less

fucking air force get to kick back in hotels and jerk it to anime.

Only because so called web devs polluted the feild with so many defunct frameworks and meme languages.
Web development gave me cancer.

Which board is more shabbos goy(or dare i say full blown jew), /biz/ or Sup Forums?