>The worst feature of Windows 10 is automatic updates -- even when you're in the middle of something.
The fuck is going on with Microsoft? Their contempt for their customers is approaching levels of insanity.
>The worst feature of Windows 10 is automatic updates -- even when you're in the middle of something.
The fuck is going on with Microsoft? Their contempt for their customers is approaching levels of insanity.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Their contempt for their customers
If you don't like things being made by Microsoft for you, you can stop being their customer.
As I did it in case of Windows 10.
i can understand both sides. on the one hand, you have a company with a operating system known to be easily exploited. on the other hand, you have tons of users who refuse to make updates, because their edgy friend told them to never install updates back in 1998.
there are no winners here.
>If you don't like things being made by Microsoft for you, you can stop being their customer.
>As I did it in case of Windows 10.
Except some of us, who aren't NEETs and our PC's are literally our livelihood, don't have much of a choice, do we?
companies are reluctant to switch to 10. everyone i've worked with still use 7.
you are retarded right?
Nigga you can block the damn updates just by opening services.mmsc and changing "windows update" to "disabled" then rebooting
>even when you're in the middle of something.
But that's not really true any more. You can put off the restart and it'll only happen outside your "active hours" anyway, which is something it sets based on when you use your PC but you can also adjust it manually.
Am I retarded if I think automatic updates are fine because we're living in a world where there is basically no way an end user is going to be capable of keeping track of fixing security holes that could exist or counteracting malicious programs that might get exposed and infect a system before the user even hears about it?
[spoiler]I use linux on my thinkpad and also definitely feel the desire for independence and privacy but since 95% of windows users are running in root 24/7 it becomes extremely dangerous and I can totally see why microsoft would want to just have a "fuck you we're installing this security update" option.[/spoiler]
Then again I use my PC for torrenting anime and fapping to hentai so the gov'ment probably has me on some sort of weeaboo shitlist with the botnet.
Heh! Yeah leddit is that way.
Y-you too.
automatic updates would be fine if you would be in charge of giving the ok to install them. if people are stupid enough to never update anything, they deserve their rek'd installations, but it's a no go to force the time of the update.
I can definitely agree with that.
Never had a problem with that...
>complaining about microsoft's bullshit and not doing anything about it
it's your fault faggot
install ubuntu/mint it's fucking easy
dual boot is also easy if you need some windows only programs
some people are dependend on windows software that is not easy to emulate. i'm a linuxuser in private, but at work i have to run windows and if it would force the time of an update upon me, i would fucking snap.
If I have windows installed can I just section off a part of my hard drive as a linux partition? How does dual booting work?
you installed it and THEN asked for them to treat you properly
that's the problem. Stop using their shit.
You can disable the updates, it's just a little sketchy
it's easy just use gparted on a live usb (every Linux distro can be used a live usb) and make some partitions for Linux and windows after that reinstall windows then use the live usb and install your distro in the other partition
don't install Linux first then windows or windows will overwrite the mbr and wont let you boot into Linux until you fix it by reinstalling grub with a live usb
>everyone i've worked with still use 7.
they were given a choice?
some of them, yes, like freelancers, as long they can still run the requiered software (adobe cs 5.5 and stuff like that). pretty much all of them stayed on 7.
Active hours are only 12 hours long max. Its fucking retarded.
it shouldn't do anything automatically unless its been a few days of you not saying to do it later.
This. Holy fuck, this. I've done it on three W10 installs now. If you decide to update, turn it on and update, then turn it back off. FFS.
How long until they start to threaten and infect Linux?
Windows has "always" had automatic updates and you always had to disable them so that they don't bother you.
Nothing has changed with 10, they just made the off switch a bit harder to reach.
why does windows need to halt the rest of the system to do the updates and then do a full restart?
Every OS does this when updating system files that are in use.
what is linux?
Linux too. Maybe slightly less often than Windows, but not much.
You can literally set up update hours. Just set it for when you sleep.
when poojeet has to poo he's gonna poo
nope. everything running, programs, sys services etc., keep running just like they were even when the programs themselves or the syslibs they use get updated. the move to new versions happens the next time the program is (re)started or lib accessed.
in practice only update that requires a restart is kernel and even that can be delayed/circumvented with updating just modules or ksplice shenanigans
not since 4.0
ksplice spins up a new kernel, and then hands stuff over to the new one. When it's done, the old one commits sudoku.
Does this mean distros with 4+ don't ever have to be restarted for updates?
I find that hard to believe, but I want to try it.
Better than
>update linux whenever I want
>it never boots ever again
that's kexec, ksplice live patches a running kernel
Supposedly, but I don't know how well it achieves it. It's called livepatch.
It's the Indian way.
Ahhh "magnificent" auto updates
I had to deal with sb problem with external WiFi card (or should I say ball)
What was problem? BSOD after few minutes of working with it. What caused it? Autoupdated drivers from MS for that card. Installing bit older and from D-link drivers and blocking autoupdate worked.
How to block Autoupdates? Just turn your network (in network management) into the one that you got to pay per transfer (don't know how it's called in ENG version of W10) and godbye autoupdates
>Install LTSB
>Disable updates entirely
>Windows 10 doesn't spy on you
>windows 10 is shit on all levels
>dont worry just install this to make it a little less shit!
they dont pay you enough pajeet
My work is rolling out Windows 10 and Office 2016 this spring. All employees will be on Windows 10 by the end of the year.
Companies aren't reluctant, it just takes time for these things to happen because they need to test compatibility with the software and hardware used by the company.
>Look mommy I'm memeing
>It's shit because uhh ads!
>Not on LTSB
>But but the apps!
>Not on LTSB
>Not on LTSB
Oh well, you win some you lose some
>The system container with Windows Update on it is using internet!
Wow really stomps the old mind grapes
Microsoft and Apple are social experiments, the goal is to look how hard can you screw the consumers before they go through the discomfort of trying something new
>Am I retarded if I think automatic updates are fine
You never had an unattended long running job, did you?
serves this retards right, should have stayed on 7. MS never gave a fuck about customers, they were forced to make 7 good due to how much they fucked up before. After that they went straight back to shit.
>hurr durr Windows is an insecure piece of shit
>MS forces normie computers to update
>hurr durr fuck MS
If you don't know how to get around automatic Windows updates, you shouldn't be on Sup Forums.
I see no problem with not updating.
>windows 10 users claim 7 is insecure and outdated
>they then proceed to disable security updates on windows 10
it's like when they added a UAC prompt.
Everyone complained at this useless feature, but after some time it was clear that tech illiterate people received less viruses, so it workedin the end
yesterday I tried out centOS and it literally forced me to restart after update
Que up that one Endless Jess video
>letting a machine dictate YOU when it's going to reboot
yeah, no.
I bet you feel like a 1337 h4x0r for sticking it to the Man.
which you can't get legally as a private end-user.
great suggestion, m8.
u mean metered connection? how long til they say fuck it, and force updates even on metered connections?
>which you can't get legally as a private end-user.
>getting windows legally
lmaoing @ your life
>w-w-windows 10 d-doesn't spy on you g-goy
>just turn it off!
it's a huge failure
they have to do this b ecause they cannot maintain their disintegrating framework any other way - as has been stated too many times
it took them billions to get to vista
they cannot rewrite all their garbage - ironically, because it is closed source, it is unexamined
its a total mess -- why, suddenly, they "love linux" .. trying to get across very fast (after abandoning all of their attempts at developing their microkernel (midori)) in 2015. AVOID .. it's not going to get any better. Their model is now broken
windows 10 professional does not do automatic update
this shit seems like spyware itself
if they could manage to make things update in the background, with 1 simple message 'updating', no multiple reboots (as with any good desktop linux), then it wouldn't be such an issue. If the updates weren't so humungous, it wouldn't be as much of an issue
to have to "schedule"
that is the laugh -- that things have become so bad that you have to schedule your life around their inadequacy, if not they do it anyway - pulling the power, essentially on your PC. Work you are doing is far less important.
>Users downloading closed source security theater programs from third parties to feel at ease.
I don't use windows
>not updating manually so you don't have this problem
It's not Microsoft's fault you fucking morons don't update your software. That's why they have to force you to do it.
No one would be bitching about this if they actually bothered to keep their shit updated, but unfortunately, people are stupid and don't care about security.
Doesn't windows 10 auto re-enable the service?
Only if the update is really important, like slipping in some extra telemetry to the botnet.
theyre too busy implementing more important features OP
like emojis and social media
So basically disabling windows update service is just a bandaid fix and windows will auto re-enable it when it feels like it. Gotcha
I've had it restart to update at night only to wake up and see that the update hung. Which in turn makes me have to restart continually until the option to restore previous version comes up.
If you manually installed updates, you could pretty easily avoid the windows 10 downloader update. I only ever installed security updates back when I used windows, so I never got it.
And another side of it is that for a ton of average users who just leave their computers on all the time they wouldn't even notice that it had updated.
It only annoys the semi computer literate people (because the better users would gpedit to prevent automatic installs or set active hours for times they don't want the computer to restart in or postpone the restart until a later day and then manually restart at a time that is suitable for them).
that's like every corporation nowadays
You can just block it with Group Policies. There are tons of guides across the net. There are other ways too like disabling services.
If youre using a pc for work and it gets interrupted for an update, who cares. Free break.
>I hate my job so much that I want my software to waste my time
get a better job
>Have win10
>Set updates to be delayed so when they do install and break shot new drivers are already released
>Anniversary updates installs yesterday
>Breaks my usb 3.0
>Breaks my rear panel sound
>Re-installed a bunch of shit you have to remove via powershell
>Spend next hour fixing everything again
It's nonsense. If they want to force security updates fine, but anything else is just going to cause issues
Maybe they wanted Windows to be more like Arch Linux. You spend the majority if your time fixing your system instead of using it.
why do people use the crap
>The worst feature of Windows 10 is automatic updates -- even when you're in the middle of something.
You either have incompetent IT or you are incompetent.
I never had interruption during work due to windows update. Learn to configurate/ schedule updates.
Looks like someone didnt make sure everything they had was compatible.