So I came to the conclusion about something Sup Forums
The only reason(s) you don't like social media is because of:
1. you don't know how to use it to your advantages
2. you have the emotional aspect of a 16 year old saying "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"
3. you don't really have any friends, so what's the point of socializing?
4. you're likely autistic
And by calling facebook a failure, I think what it really amounts to is that you're jealous that mark is smarter than you can make shit you can't. Let's be honest Sup Forums, you know how facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr, all forms of social media work. The only way it knows anything about you is if it you tell them things. If you tell them your name and main info of course you'll get the ads targeted at you from your amazon or eBay.
Logically speaking, why is "data mining" a bad thing? You realize that with data mining, them knowing what you're into HELPS YOU in the end as an outcome. Taking a poll or watching say what goes on in your amazon, even if you just buy music or vinyls, it will pop up as an ad and you can be reminded. Guess what, they don't give a fuck what you're into, you aint nothin special to them.
It's not like you can't get facebook purity and uBlock anyways.
>B-but all the idiot cancerous meme pages!
Who said you had to follow them?
You know what I do with my facebook, follow nerd news about comic books, cons I like and some other shit and the 33 friends I have on facebook.I "follow" about 1/4 of those friends cause I'll admit they are a bit whinny.
And if you say social media is "autistic" why don't you reconsider that notion and realize that you're the one who is afraid of going out and talking to a girl while the "normies" are taking pictures, being noticed and loved while you're the nerd who hates all that. Yeah, their autistic all right. The normal, every day Joe is updating his wall about him and his friends, his wife, his family, what did you do today? Jerk off to anime girls again? Thought so