Social Media

So I came to the conclusion about something Sup Forums

The only reason(s) you don't like social media is because of:
1. you don't know how to use it to your advantages
2. you have the emotional aspect of a 16 year old saying "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"
3. you don't really have any friends, so what's the point of socializing?
4. you're likely autistic

And by calling facebook a failure, I think what it really amounts to is that you're jealous that mark is smarter than you can make shit you can't. Let's be honest Sup Forums, you know how facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr, all forms of social media work. The only way it knows anything about you is if it you tell them things. If you tell them your name and main info of course you'll get the ads targeted at you from your amazon or eBay.

Logically speaking, why is "data mining" a bad thing? You realize that with data mining, them knowing what you're into HELPS YOU in the end as an outcome. Taking a poll or watching say what goes on in your amazon, even if you just buy music or vinyls, it will pop up as an ad and you can be reminded. Guess what, they don't give a fuck what you're into, you aint nothin special to them.

It's not like you can't get facebook purity and uBlock anyways.

>B-but all the idiot cancerous meme pages!
Who said you had to follow them?
You know what I do with my facebook, follow nerd news about comic books, cons I like and some other shit and the 33 friends I have on facebook.I "follow" about 1/4 of those friends cause I'll admit they are a bit whinny.

And if you say social media is "autistic" why don't you reconsider that notion and realize that you're the one who is afraid of going out and talking to a girl while the "normies" are taking pictures, being noticed and loved while you're the nerd who hates all that. Yeah, their autistic all right. The normal, every day Joe is updating his wall about him and his friends, his wife, his family, what did you do today? Jerk off to anime girls again? Thought so

didn't read anything of this
kys facebook is shit

so are you
now jump off a bridge kneesocks faggot

5. You forgot 5.

5. You are not ok with being a product for a service you are not paying for, and are capable of maintaining social contacts by one of the many thousands of other methods available.

Now go back and keep helping that ad revenue churn over little goy, there are no shekels to be made from you here.

>giving your info to a corporation to datamine and sell it
Dont be a cuck

>im this mad
user when are you finally going to grow up?

There ARE several different methods but why use a method of contact that certain people only use but not almost everyone?

You have what? Skype? Email? Telegram?
OK have fun getting people on those any more

Again, you don't HAVE to give them any of that on anything, you can bullshit that all.

I use social media. I use Facebook only to communicate with people and sometimes call my friends. It's also helpful since we've had a college group there. I don't really give any other info, I don't even have a picture of myself.
Sup Forums is also social media but idiots will try to deny this, so is discord.

Discord said the next thing they want to do is add a profile and a wall. It's only a matter of time.

And yeah that's basically what I was saying but Sup Forums thinks that outside of this sudo social media is a horrible thing.

You can have both, you just have to learn to balance them both

Or I just don't like it for different reasons? I am somewhat introverted as a person and I use the internet as escapism, a place to get away from people I know.

I have about half a dozen truly close friends and we all have group messaging on WhatsApp/Hangouts, I get on with more or less everyone at my work, and I have a public facing role and I enjoy it for the most part. I just do not need it in my life.

>user when are you finally going to grow up?
says the retard using facebook

At least you're mature enough to say that vs insulting it like a child

>calls me a retard
>literally has almost 0 friends and is a giant introverted virgin loser who doesn't know how to social interact with humans
So you finally see a person IRL, you insult them, they punch you, you insult them again. See where I'm going jackass? So explain how I'm a retard cause I use social media while you sit there and think it's for retards. Go on.

Well, you are insulting people throughout your entire thread, and opened the thread saying that those who don't use certain social media platforms are either stupid, have no friends, autistic or immature.

very true. I'm doing so to knock Sup Forums down a peg with their ego.

I think this board needs it with their "superior" OS and their expensive ass headphones and other shit that no one knows about cause they are giant hipster (they can be as bad as Sup Forums) would you not agree that Sup Forums has been too much some times?

It's more about a reality check.

Other than
>didn't read anything of this

Well, good luck. Ambitious to change a hive mind and unwritten etiquette of a board with one thread on social media.

I use social media to learn of events. I use email, text and voice calls (ya know, the reason phones have sim cards to begin with?) for everything else. If you're so fucking tedious and pedantic that you wont use services that are basically available by default to every human being, then I prolly don't want you at my party anyway.

>There ARE several different methods but why use a method of contact that certain people only use but not almost everyone?
Why use a service which actively sells your data and damn near demands access to all aspects of your life when you can just.. not?

Is this what this thread is all about? You are everything you have described in OP if your arguments are anything to go by. They are all based on the social construct of "not into popular thing = outcast weirdo" as opposed to any technical or practical advantages.

You're just projecting, aren't you? You access it and you're you're mad everyone else can. You don't even see just.. not.. as an option.

>So you finally see a person IRL, you insult them, they punch you, you insult them again.
Social media IS for retards,you immense bullshitting retard. If you want to socialize,go the fuck outside.

Oh, you are projecting. I didn't see this post.

Lol u are 1 sad fgt u sad fgt.

>sad fgt u sad fgt.
sez da sad fagut

Not an argument.

You're mad user. You should consider calming down.

This is an autistic person gets when they are wrong.

Estimate or forecast (something) on the basis of present trends.

Hmmm, nope. I'm clearly not. So try again there user. How so?
>insulting me instead of having an adult conversation

>You're mad user. You should consider calming down.
Oh look,you're defending yourself.

How pathetic.

>The only way it knows anything about you is if it you tell them things.
Not true in Facebook's case. It has systems that infer things based on other things you've typed. Stallman's anti-Facebook page has plenty of sources for this. My friend didn't actually like the Japanese McDonald's page, but Facebook wants me to think he did - all because he's accessed Facebook from a McDonald's Wifi network before.

>of course you'll get the ads targeted at you
Why "of course?" We put this information in because we want to make it easy for other users of the service to get to know and contact us, not because we want the service to sell us stuff. Which brings me to my next point:

>why is "data mining" a bad thing?
Because the fact that the service is hoarding this information and selling it to whomever it pleases is extremely unnerving. The potential for misuse of this power is staggering.

>they don't give a fuck what you're into
Advertisers do. The government does. And even if nobody did, the fact that havoc can be wreaked the moment someone does is enough reason for many of us to abandon ship.

>the "normies" are etc etc etc
Facebook is not a default aspect of life, nor should it ever be. Few people in my life right now use it for anything more than communication - and even then, that's only because it's the only thing that's convenient for and used by everyone. Rather than use it for posting vapid nonsense about what they're doing, they do more stuff.

I do hope I was able to explain why some of us stay away from social media, and I also hope you can someday get over your apparent anger toward random Internet dwellers for their personal choices that affect you in absolutely no way.

>So I came to the conclusion about something Sup Forums
Sorry I stopped reading after that.

Social media is biggest waste of time that ever existed.
Not even mmorpgs come close.
And a lot of people cant even do proper communication anymore, i have seen parties where people would just sit there the whole time and checking their smartphone every minute.

Just use email and sms you fucking autist.

Funny how OP didn't even respond to this. Oh well.

>sudo social media
why do you need to do social media as superuser?

Yes to all 4.


>You have what? Skype? Email? Telegram?
>OK have fun getting people on those any more
Skype works with people using FB messenger, you RETARD.

>1. you don't know how to use it to your advantages
>3. you don't really have any friends, so what's the point of socializing?
>4. you're likely autistic

Yes, yes, and yes. Also I am happy.

Go to bed mark


You sound like someone who hadn't experienced life before Facebook existed, it is not a necessity to stay in contact with people you like. Also, there are many different social medias to use that aren't as bloated, why not use twitter or instant messenger instead for example? That is enough to contact people one would care about.

If you are talking from a business perspective, sure use as many social channels as possible since you are the one trying to grab the shekels.

One more thing about data mining, it's worth quite a lot why would I give it away for free when you can actually turn it into money? I'd rather be a whore than a sleazy slut

So I came to the conclusion about something Sup Forums

The only reason(s) you aren't a respectable person is because:

1. you don't know how to be respectable
2. you have the emotional aspect of a 16 year old saying "HURR DURR YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO"
3. you don't really have any self-respect, so what's the point of being respectable
4. you're likely a stupid

haha nobody is reading your blogpost
everyone is answering after the first paragraph.
nice waste of time dude (and so is Facebook)