Just bought this, is it very good?

Just bought this, is it very good?

I was gonna get a 4k one but no store near me has one and this is the only 1440p one even! Looks nice and I hear Dell is good?

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>Not IPS

Well looks like the bank is cock blocking me again so I have a chance to change my order if there's a better one?

Well, if you are a gay...mer then go ahead and buy 144Hz TN shit. But if you are a normal person, buy IPS.

Isn't the only real advantage of IPS over TN viewing angles? Gonna be sittting right in front of it

Yes sir is very good dell make best computer products only with Microsoft windows sir good pc thank you

Yes, the difference is viewing angles and colors.

Colors gonna be worse, but I never had any expensive NT though. Maybe they are better.

i.e., fucking google it.

This has 170 degree horizontal and 160 degree vertical viewing angle, how could that not be good enough

ok I will research further. Currently using an IPS screen and have a TN panel next to it. Only difference aside from one being glossy and one being matte is the IPS blacks look slightly darker. Who gives a fuck I just browse Sup Forums and shity

Its a good monitor yes. I was looking at that one but I bought the ROG SWIFT PG278Q instead.
These cunts on here have no clue, they just repeat what they read on the net as theyre too poor to actually own anything half decent.

I love mine. The colors are way better than my old TN monitor next to it. In the shop it stood next to a an IPS and it really wasn't much worse. The viewing angle complaint is completely trivial.

144hz and G-sync are great, hope you have at least a gtx 1080 to power it though.

picked it up for $280 recently, I love it so much

I don't think you got op's monitor for $280.

no, but honestly TNs no matter how expensive they are, they still are shit compared to IPS. If you want something really good get some 120hz IPS panel, but only retard manchildren that play CSGO think it's a good idea, I mean they suck sweaty monkey balls but they think that having a monitor that can display more fps and a mouse that it's more accurate will make them better, fact is it won't.

Dell had a refurb of this monitor for $169.


It's all sold out now though.

>Just bought this, is it very good?
Yes, ignore the IPS fags, let them enjoy great colors on still images

You guys are honestly delusional if you think there's any difference in color reproduction between TN and IPS. The difference is in viewing angles, while both are equally shit in black levels and motion.

Color reproduction will depend on factory calibration, the problem isn't tied to the panel technology itself,

Ah and while you are at it, buy VA instead.

TN = 6bit color
IPS = 8bit

i haven't the 24in version op. same 1440p 144hz gsync but 24in instead. been an incredible monitor. colors and contrast are extremely good for being TN. 1440p, 144hz, gsync is super nice. can't beat it for the price.

the tn panel dell using in these monitors iirc are 8 bit displays.

yup it is: 144hzmonitors.com/monitors/dell-s2417dg-review/
24in and 27in use the same type of display. 1440p, 8-bit tn, 144hz, and gsync. only physical size are the difference.

oh and personally i would grab the 24in version for higher dpi. 1440p on 24in will look sharper than on 27. unless you can get a better deal on the 27in of course. beautiful monitor for being tn.

Dude the IPS might look better if you are looking at it from an angle but the TN isn't going to have horrible backlight bleed and shitty response times like an IPS.

That is a top tier panel.

yeah my s2417dg has near perfect lighting. very little bleed. excellent color since now i know its 8-bit which explains it and contrast is actually pretty good for being a tn. the best i have ever seen. i've never seen a better tn panel than what dell is shipping these gsync monitors with. ips is still better of course but these panels are more than "enough" in that regard. simply destroys my previous benq xl2411z and very comparable to my old dell u2412 ips monitor from a few years ago in terms of contrast and color. 1440p on 24in is super nice.

it also has a 165hz overclock available but disables gsync since gsync only scales to 144hz at the moment. well at least on this display and you also need a better cable than the one that ships with it. you might want to pick up another one anyways since the one it ships with is pretty short. only 3 feet.

Accell B142C-007B
is the one i got and works splendidly well for 165hz.

oh yeah and i got mine during black friday from dell for $350. was a steal at that price.

OP here. picked it up from best buy and 144 Hz is not a meme.

>doesn't research before buying
It takes 5 seconds to find out whether a monitor is IPS or TN. Fucking dumb nigger.

Thanks for your awful post.

BTW already got thi smonitor in my house

you stupid fuck

price or stfu


It's fucking great OP, but make sure you have the GPU horsepower for it.

it should be pretty good for a TN but I wouldn't spend 600 for it

yeah m8
all good to go

it's just viewing angles, you literally won't notice if its IPS or TN if you're looking at it head on. you won't see a difference in the colors, especially with the higher end dell displays, and even more so if you are gaming. for most people here the "IPS" is just a badge to wave around since they aren't graphic designers or artists or whatever. the differences would be very insignificant for your purposes.

you don't want IPS for a gaming monitor you tard

IPS is inferior if you know how adjust gamma and color settings on a good TN panel.


>144 hz IPS panel doesn't exist

hahaha, you stupid fuck

Do kill yourself

why are the corners so much darker than the middle

I own this monitor. It's pretty damn good

I switched from an IPS and after calibration the colors seem about the same (haven't done a side by side though). You will not notice the difference during regular use unless you work with graphics and/or you are autistic.