>Sup Forums swears up and down that VLC is bad
>still recommends VLC in the wiki
Hypocritical much, Sup Forums?
Are we gonna remove that piece of shit VLC from our wiki or what?
VLC hate thread
>Sup Forums swears up and down that VLC is bad
>still recommends VLC in the wiki
Hypocritical much, Sup Forums?
Are we gonna remove that piece of shit VLC from our wiki or what?
VLC hate thread
VLC is good for versatility, especially if you aren't using GNU/Linux. Other than that it's pretty bloated.
VLC is good for nothing.
VLC isn't bad... it is however below average and there are better alternatives out there, namely MPC-HC and MPV.
No one maintains the wiki, dumbass
>Are we gonna remove that piece of shit VLC from our wiki or what?
Do it yourself faggot if it bothers you, that's the whole point.
big fucking deal
>wasted RAM and processing power is good
Hating VLC is a meme. There's nothing wrong with it.
No-one on Sup Forums contributes to the wiki. The wiki is 75% a mixture of mostly 8ch, lainchan, and Endchan. The wiki serves as the wiki for all technology boards on all imageboards.
>Hating VLC is a meme
Supporting VLC year after year, failure after failure is the meme.
>Supporting software that works is a meme
Your lunch break is probably over soon, probably about time to get back to class sport.
Tech illiterate detected. VLC is a joke in every tech discussion.
And yet there is no good alternative. MPC-HC is long dead and mpv is meh.
Every tech discussion on Sup Forums maybe, but Sup Forums is full of children.
So why is VLC bad exactly? I haven't had any problems with it for a long time.
The playback is shit. Artifacts show up especially when seeking and the devs ignore longstanding bugs solely to ensure compatibility with dead formats from the Kazaa era.
What other alternatives do I have for android?
Weird, I have been using it for several years now and haven't experienced any artifacts.
It's fine on Android since they are forced to use Android playback tech. Just don't use it on desktop.
Gotcha. I've been using mpv over VLC on desktops anyway.
mpv is already usable for android but we are waiting for it to get to VLC level before everybody switches.
There's an android version?
>wasted RAM in megabytes
OH THE HUMANITIES!!! The last time that was an issue for me was four years ago.
What bugs? Give specifics, otherwise this is a bullshit answer.
Also one of VLCs major perks is that it supports "dead formats from the Kazaa era"
VLC is bad. It glitches out all the time. However all other video players are so amazingly catastrophically horrible that VLC remains the best, especially on windows.
MPC-HC is a joke for weaboo faggots
Artifacts are a result of hard drive seeking/accessing, also happens when you use its streaming feature. Not a bug, get better hardware/internet.
What do you guys think of DAUMâ„¢ Potplayer
So VLC has issues that can be only fixed by replacing hardware while other players do not have this issue, and VLC is still better?
It's amazing how far some people go to defend just about anything, but claiming something is superior when it's obviously not is just retarded.
>wasted RAM
used RAM
And indeed, there is nothing wrong with using RAM.
This, so much this. When will people realize that unused RAM is wasted RAM?
It's not using RAM as efficiently, but it is NOT wasting RAM!
It plays literally any file, yet morons on Sup Forums recommend that amateur hour piece of trashware mpv over it.
VLC has SAMBA support. Unless you can get that, mpv will NEVER reach VLC on Android.
>less efficient software is good
mpv streams over samba on windows and linux so we will probably get it
I've played files on mpv that vlc couldnt.
No you haven't.
yeah totoally. my 1921 thinkpad x pro has only 12mb of ram so i need that extra 1% for my hi10p animes
but not native samba browsing. it took VLC years to add that in.
i've played files on vlc that mpv couldn't
I really have, it was a poorly wncoded avi file.
>100mb RAM usage matters at all
Kek, please be joking.
we just use the system file browser for that on desktop. it wouldn't be hard to get SMB support on Android.
You're lying and everybody knows it.
The only thing I actually admired from VLC that its actually can play corrupted files without proning to crash.
>it took VLC years to add that in.
vlc devs are retards confirmed
kek, whatever you say. Use what you want, I'll use mpv.
>implying you don't keep VLC installed just in case mpv fucks up again, which it inevitably will.
ok goy
I havent used vlc in years, there hasnt been any need to.
Look vlc is fine, I have nothing against it. It's just that there are better players that can give me better playback, and that's the most important thing for me.
meant for
>>It's amazing how
No the point of my statement is that VLC does not have artifacts, artifacts are generated in the image when it can't access the the file it's meant to be reading fast enough.
Other players will just hang or freeze up instead of displaying artifacts, pick your poison.
It amazes me how far some people will go to not use their brain
Removed it from the wiki.
>It amazes me how far some people will go to not use their brain
Welcome to Sup Forums.
>It's just that there are better players that can give me better playback, and that's the most important thing for me.
It's just that Sup Forums told me I was a noob if I used VLC, and I desperately want to belong, that's the most important thing for me.
>implying you don't keep VLC installed just in case mpv fucks up again, which it inevitably will
gtfo retard
who hurt you, user?
Great rebuttal cuck
>y u mad tho?
yes, why are you mad? Is because someone prefers one media player over another?
is there any feature that mpv has but vlc hasn't except that ugly theme of mpv
Quiet child, let the grown ups talk.
>Sup Forums is a person
VLC is fine to keep around if you need some really weird features once in a blue moon, i.e. not worth learning how to do it in a better, less obvious player, like mpv
Nice deflection
notepad.exe works, too. but it's still shit
>he calls himself an adult
>>Sup Forums swears up and down that VLC is bad
Weeb shitposting
Best kept secrets in the world:
1) All the popular video players are good.
2) You have to rape your processors with fancy algorithms and pixel hunt just to notice the smallest gain in video quality, unless the content in illustrated/animated, hence the weeb shitposting
3) You should choose your video player based on compatibility and the features you want
>I need attention
seems like it
seems like faggot OP already removed vlc from wiki page
>14:57, 25 January 2017 Kirosaima (Talk | contribs) m . . (44,482 bytes) (-271) . . (Removed VLC due to agreed dislike of it on the board.)
we did it, Sup Forums
Even Sup Forums knows that VLC sucks.
>Shit quality upscaling, no features to ensure "perfect playback" without repeated frames and motion judder. Shit subs. Just few major flaws that came into my mind, there is much more.
there's also agreed like on waterfox too why don't they add it?
Waterfox is a meme browser
>Pale Moon tends to be behind on security updates, so use with caution
so is palememe
VLC is normie trash, professionals like me use mpv.
>Ask why VLC is bad now
>Don't get a single legitimate response
Wow, Sup Forums does it again. Software gets too popular? It's shit now!
This is truly a cesspool. Nothing but meme shitters, hipsters and tech illiterate conspiracy retards from Sup Forums
>I didn't read the thread
Fuck off retard
Best phone video player I've encountered.
Unfortunately, I did read the thread. What a waste of time.
For example
VLC is the best player. Customisable, plays everything, cross platform, lightweight too.
do you ever not shitpost?
>inb4 wasted ram meme
You mean SMPlayer is the best.
Ding ding ding, we've got a winner here, trips for truth people, get em while they're fresh.
Show some evidence, I've never experienced those issues.
Weird, when I set all players to hwdec and have them all play simultaniously mpv uses the least resources.
And the prize for being the greatest retard goes to...
wew lad, 32,1mb!
Do you people not have at least 8gb of RAM or something? How poor can you be?
Oh look, a contextless screenshot, really made me think, I hate vlc now.
>missing the point
also this is with 8GB of RAM
Anyone who mindlessly hates VLC because it's popular