why did it die?
Why did it die?
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open source == shit in 99,99999999% of cases
Linux am i rite xDD
memory leaks never fixed
run-away cpu
>ran by sjw's
>bloated with annoying unnecessary featues
it's tied with IE at 10% share
Because it's 2017 and they still can't figure out how to make it multiprocess
Which is because it's a community open source ran by NEET autist volunteers who spend 99% of their time bickering and 1% getting things done, and have nothing to keep them accountable or motivated.
They prioritized a leftist ideology over good making a good product.
I still use Firefox, looking forward to Brave as my main browser.
install macOS
Google advertising their botnet on the world's most visited website
Google dropped them, and then they picked the worst search engine in the world.
It got co-opted by shitty people who couldn't get their priorities straight and are so incompetent that they got overtaken by Chrome of all browsers.
They also tried copying Chrome, added a lot of bloat and removed a lot of customizablity in the process, alienating their core user base which ended up using Firefox forks by independent developers.
Opera did the same shit to their user base, as did Maxthon and other now dead browsers. Even Microsoft dumped IE in favor of what is essentially a Chrome clone as well. Yandex also came out with their Chromium-based "Yandex browser", which if you remove the skin is just Chromium with Yandex botnet on it.
If you want to be successful as a software developer, don't copy shit. Provide an alternative instead. Even if you're not top dog in the market, at least try to maintain your core user base and don't stab it in the back.
and yet nobody cares
google is like television
"not everyone is smart enough to not watch television"
Only in US.
Which means that they didn't.
What a time to be alive.
why did it die?
I'm still using Firefox. What did I miss?
nothing. just edge fags being edgey
People like that "browser"?
People like windows 10, so yes.
I got fed up with Chrome and Firefox.
Opera is way better than it used to be. I am really loving the experience.
i'm using it since the first version.
brave as main ? good luck
can a faggot recommend me a firefox fork of before they went to shit that's has a solid dev base behind it right now?
Edge sounds too close to Edging.
The Edging browser, powered by Microsoft.
self inflicted gunshot to the feelings
Every other update seemed to fuck something up so I finally said fuck it.
I don't really like Chrome, though. Where did all the good browsers go?
They started turning what was once a browser made with power users in mind, imto one made for normies, and every update makes it more and more like Chrome, and less like it used (and was supposed) to be.
Too bad it's still the only browser that offers the features I need, so I'm stuck with it, waiting for the ship to sink, hoping someone would make another decent alternative before it happens.
It's literally the only usable foss browser
Chromium, the ungoogled version.
It downloads binaries -> not foss
Because chrome comes preinstalled everywhere now
it didn't.
Retarded management.
It didn't. It works and it's comfy
Why is the dead browser the only decent one?
I never understood why people have a issue with Mozilla.
Sure they are sjw, but how does that impact you as a Firefox user? There's maybe ONE (1) little message that pops up on the default new tab page that says a fact like ~75% of the internet is English only and it triggers you for some reason?
Just change the tab page and you'll never have to see it again.
Also, Firefox has been improving quite a bit lately, despite being "overtaken by sjws". Nightly is pretty much as fast as chrome now, and has a cooler logo. That's pretty much all you need from a browser.
Because they took a decade to do multithreading and can't fucking design their browser not to use the GTK title bar in linux.
morons from / can't deal with that one little message a normal person doesn't even notice until they make a thread about it on their anime image board. because their emotionally and psychologically unstable.
they need their safe spaces i guess.
morons from / can't deal with that one little message a normal person doesn't even notice until they make a thread about it on their anime image board. because they're emotionally and psychologically unstable.
they need their safe spaces i guess.
XUL removal will be the final nail in the coffin
Press 'F' for respects
The integrated title bar in Ubuntu is amazing
Using Google botnet is literally preferable to that shit
Are you retarded? IE has the largest share, followed by chrome, then Firefox, then safari, then edge. Firefox is on a steady decline and isn't even close to IE.
I wonder if they can replace it with something equally as powerful
Otherwise I'll need to find something else
if I can't change the interface I'll be mad
My bad, correction: chrome is#1 and IE is #2. Had them swapped
It will die this year with the forced webextensions.
They want to replace XUL with HTML. I'm pretty sure one of the main considerations is being able to readily modify the chrome.
What about their new engine Servo?
There's a ton of neat stuff going on right now, I'm actually really excited for firefox.
As long as there's something like classic theme restorer for my FF4 interface I'll be happy
They're planning on discontinuing the classic extensions so the current versions of classic theme restorer will probably die off then but there could be new extensions that accomplish the same thing. As long as someone is still interested there will probably be someone there to make it.
I'll probably have to stay on an esr release until addons become unfucked
This is such a phenomenally retarded move.
Mozilla needs to get their shit together. Classic add-ons are what makes their shit pile of a browser usable because it's easier to add features through add-ons where you can cherry pick than to fork the whole project and add them all from scratch.
And they promised native Netflix on Linux without silverlight. Has that happened yet? Because it was supposed to in 48 or 49 and didn't.
Instead of giving users what they want, they're focusing their efforts on being the biggest white knights they can be, and taking away the shit that's already there that we DO want. They have no concept of the desires of their user base, so they're hemorrhaging users constantly.
>wanting (((netflix)))
I completely understand why they're doing it. The old addon model was simply incompatible with how they want firefox to work. The old addons were synchronous and single process based but firefox is becoming asynchronous and multi-process/threaded. The old addons make a lot of assumptions that do not translate well to how firefox works now, it causes performance and stability issues and some addons are just incompatible.
Mozilla should have done this years ago to be honest. Then when they implemented e10s it would have been a lot less painful.
Install pale moon
> Succeeded by another open source browser
Try again.
What kind of problems are people having with Firefox? It's neither slow or bugged for me? I don't really care that Chrome is a few milliseconds faster.
Refusing to do a 64bit version for too long, until it was too late.
>normies do't care!
Yes, but they lost a lot of respect and interest in the community due to it.
>replaced all master/slave references with leader/follower
That alone is enough motivation to make mozilla, no,
Gee I wonder who could be behind these posts.
This guy gets it.
They're forcing pulseaudio dependencies starting with 52. When 45 support dies I'll never use Firefox again.
They tried to copy Chrome
So people just used Chrome
>furry moon
I will still use firefox haha
Sheep drink propaganda like water
The day pulseaudio will be an hard dependency it will be dead for me.
Fuck mozilla and fuck poettering and his malware.
> Brave
> It claims to block website trackers and remove intrusive internet advertisements, replacing them with ads sold by Eich's company.
That's not gonna fail at all
Firefox turned to shit within the first 4 years. It was supposed to be extremely lightweight and simplistic. Chrome has been better than it since its launch, the damage was already done.
Most people here are kids and they don't even know what Firefox meant. There was a huge Mozilla Suite of bloatware and Firefox's whole point of existence was to be not bloatware.
It turns out they completely abandon the point of its existence.
Didn't know more of 50% of all browsers are Chrome now. Their aggressive marketing took effect. And, desu, Chrome is not bad. That's why I'm using Chromium.
I'm trying it out now and I like the fact that it picked up all my Firefox addons and settings right away.
It is slightly more responsive than Firefox (still not as good as Chrome though). So I guess I'm staying. Fuck that SJW shit.
I don't get why spergs are scared of Chrome. Besides, Chromium has the feature to sync with Google for Bookmarks anyway. It's very useful because there's no need anymore to get crazy about bookmarks you have on one but not the other computer.
pretty sure that's only the US
With the latest version you can have it working by activating DRM and spoofing your user agent to Chrome using an addon.
It's just a bullshit meme anyway. The only "real botnet" one could claim Google has in it is that you can sync with them your saved Bookmarks.
Well, guess fucking what, Chromium has that feature anyway, and it's very useful anyway. I was getting crazy with unsynced bookmarks.
Besides, the real botnet of our days has nothing to do with the OS or even the software, it's the social networking accounts that do it.
It's not milliseconds. With 4chanX installed it takes literally 10+ seconds of freeze before the website is responsive on first launch.
Versus Chrome being instant.
Using Waterfox at least the program doesn't freeze, although it takes just as long to show all the elements. You can still read text right away though.
Chromium sends encrypted data to Google. We don't know what it is.
What browser should I use now?
Firefox is a shadow of its former self, and I'm not going back to Chrome.
And I'll shoot anyone that suggests Internet Explorer.
Just chrome. It's extremely fast compared to others on multiple tabs because each tab is a new instance. Everything is fast enough on a single tab so it doesn't matter there.
Regarding "botnet" it's the definition of a meme.
The "botnet" isn't in software noways, it's on social networking accounts.
Firefox Nightly
>shilling for google on Sup Forums
at least do it someplace else
It would be awesome if we could have websites made in Markdown or something instead of HTML/CSS/JS/etc.
>No HTML/CSS means we could decide ourselves what font size and colour we use without most websites breaking.
>No JS means more privacy and less bad practices. (E.g. text loading after 3+ seconds)
Use Firefox if you care about privacy.
Chromium if you don't.
Most other browsers are just forks of these two.
you are on the fucking internet you sperg. They don't need your browser to track you. They track you, period.
You act as if people, especially on Sup Forums, haven't taken methods to make tracking nearly impossible.
Unless you know, use their very own web browser. Then all the scripting and port blocking in the world won't matter.
>why have guns you'll never beat the US military :^)
>tried to carbon copy chrome
>64bit released too late
>removing the great customization it had
>leader/follower bullshit
>fired the co-founder, who invented JavaScript, because he donated to prevent gay marriage in California
They spent all their money on diversity (hiring brain-dead niggers), feminism (hiring brain dead women), "girls can code" camps and such.
They spent only a small portion of their yearly revenue on actual programmers who get shit done.
Oh, and they fired the only guy who could have saved them: Brendan Eich.
RIP SJWzilla. Fuck you.
Opera is Chrome now. What are you talking about? (webkit).
What the hell are you guys using now then?
Instead of fixing the shit that was broken and making it competitive versus Chrome, they decided to just copy Chrome entirely.
What Mozilla should have done years ago was focus all of their development on Servo with the exception of security patches for Firefox, dumping Firefox once Servo is finished.
Firefox is built on top of code from 20+ years ago, there's no way to make that shit wieldy or efficient without gutting it.
>Chrome is not bad. That's why I'm using Chromium.
Sure it isn't.
Meanwhile in Firefox.