He couldn't be more right

He couldn't be more right

Other urls found in this thread:


>reddit negro

There are 4 technological fallacies in that post.

Can you find them all?

stop wasting my 5TB thread space with shitty arguments

But the mpv config file alone takes up 20% of my disk space...

Science nigger can't into math if he seriously thinks .01% of the budget goes into PBS.


Yes, because PBS is the only garbage text file on our budgetary hard drive, and deleting all of them won't add up. Are people seriously trying to say we should keep garbage because it's so little garbage?

>not keeping all your verbose build logs
llvm's log is like 5GiB in size (about 10 million warnings)

>500 GB
>not 1 TB

>ad hominem arguments

You have to go back.

Americans deserve Trump.

I'm gonna enjoy every minute of your downward spiral.

To be frank, it's not like we had the best choices either way.

Sorry Pajeet, but you have to go back.

>b-but its only wasting a little bit of money!

FYI, if you think you won't feel the ramifications of our self-destruction, you're delusional. I hope we don't take down too many countries with us.

PBS isn't garbage, but then again, you're a faggot so what would you know?

>try to take my pbs docs and nature shows from me



>Shitty tech simile that is the same as more bang for your buck which is wrong in this case because no one ever reads the text files to begin with
Really makes you wonder if he is truly a black science man or just a nigger who says the word science

This has nothing to do with the budget and everything to do with keeping faggots away from our children.


I think we should only cut things that I don't like. Everything I like is important and not only shouldn't be cut, but should see a little extra.

Yes they are garbage. When they decided to start using government money and having opinions on politics they violated what they were supposed to be. If you like them so much go

You kidding me? I hope the United States shreks the world as hard as possible. The youngest fastest strongest empire ever destroys the planet before anyone can claim to be better. It's excellent

Completely agree here. Things that I don't use should be cut and things I do use should be subsidized.







Yeah because you have to be paid to dislike trump

kill yourself

just follow the rules and use the report button.

>tfw Canadian
>tfw America is going to be the Balrog that drags us into the abyss by our ankle

Fuck off Mohammed.

Thank you for (((correcting the record)))


Folks you all need to understand the real threat here.

This is the true reason why CTR is gearing up for a new round of attacks.

Hillary Clinton is a threat to our democracy. She has already attacked Donald Trump three times since losing the presidency.

Her first attack was through the fraudulent recount. Her second attack was aimed at the Electoral College voters. Her third and most recent attack came with her support of the women's marches around the globe.

She has unlimited free time and a massive war chest. She also has an insatiable appetite for revenge. She will stop at nothing to get revenge on those who cost her the presidency. That includes us.

We all know that Hiro is a data miner. He also openly expressed his support for Clinton. We also know that his mods are sold out to CTR, and that he may even have at least one CTR member on his moderation staff. That means that our personal information is in the hands of CTR.

Hillary Clinton is going to spend the next 4 to 8 years trying to do everything she can to fuck up the Trump presidency. She's also gunning for us. I'm sure she's figured out by now that we cost her the election.

She must be stopped at all costs.

my dream is to watercool my system using liberal tears

thanks to this election, my collection of tears is nearly large enough

It doesn't inherently do good or bad. It hasn't gone full retard like the history channel or tlc but when was the last time you heard of something amazing only showing on it? Even if it was a documentary.
Really it only shines as being another source of 'educational' cartoons for kids. Can't say that's a good reason to cut it though when it truly is a very small fraction of the us budget

Kids don't watch PBS.

They watch fucking youtube videos made by pedophiles pretending to be jedi's inside minecraft.

what can you cut then? you can use the "small fraction" argument for anything that isn't essential.

Every time I listen to it it's all about trannies, jews, gays, heroin addicts, gay heroin addicts, and Jewish trannies. Let it die, if it's so great, private funding will take care of it.

Its literally a bunch of shitty shows from the 70's that have been running forever that nobody watches.

Isn't that the parents job? If you need more help protecting your kids, you shouldn't have had kids in the first place. Too bad he's defunding abortion so retards need to crow and caw about how pathetic they are to get help with their protecting your own kids. I got my rifle and any faggotry will be dealt with promptly.

Honestly as much as the guy is a jackass he's right about overspending for a lot of things. The jets was a pretty good example. Maybe not build a wall for 9b would be a pretty good start.

Are you sure you're not watching tlc? Add fat fucks and hoarders and you've got it pinned down

Figures that a scientist would want the propaganda arm of the government around.

It's more like deleting that picture you drew of Rainbow Dash wearing a diaper from your Brony phase because you fucking hate looking at it

You know what's really hilarious?
When Trump won the election, the rest of the world found it amusing and funny. Worthy of a giggle.

When the losers and Hillary supporters started shedding tears, seeking counseling, setting up safespaces with therapy dogs to hug and hot coco,
and finally had a bunch of Feminists shouting "Allahu Akbar" of all things (tantamount to a Jew shouting "Heil Hitler") just out of butthurt for Trump winning;
we the rest of the world stopped giggling and now look down upon you as a mass of lunatics.

A retard for a president can be tolerated if we view it as a middle class lashing out against your media and shit, but your Democrat "progressive" reactions? That's total and complete devolution on a mental level that we can't find an excuse to justify or explain.
All of a sudden, Ancient Aliens being broadcast on your History Channel seems less of a joke,
and more of a sign of how crazed your people have become in terms of neuroticism and mental fragility, and a need to find coping mechanism on the level of children.

>blue corresponds with the most populated areas

For instance, just a single major metropolitan city has a greater population than all of Nevada, even though it taes up a shitload of space. Your pic is about as relevant as alternate facts.

It's about the normalization of degeneracy and immorality into the public square.

Then why do they feel the need to constantly play
>pbs is possible because of viewers like you, thank you

Thank you for (((correcting the record)))

Rest of the world is full of people just as bad. There were protests all over the world against Trump on inauguration day. So you don't get to laugh when you live in a 3rd world shithole or have these loonies running around in your own country.

iirc that jill stein recount on your pic was initiated by security researchers who wanted to investigate whether someone changed the votes after they were cast.
I think they even asked clinton if she would ask for a recount, but went to jill stein after clinton didn't want to

Their funded by corporate interests and (((think tanks))). Literally corporate jewish cock shoved into your ear daily, partially funded by the US Govt.

Changed the votes in a state that does not even use electronic voting machines?

Of course she declined, Jill was the front girl with the money pouring in.

what does this have to do with /tech/?

>Rest of the world is full of people just as bad.
There is a sever lack of masses crying and having panic attacks because their favorite candidates lost, to the point of requiring counseling.
You Americans are the first at this. The very first.
Rivers of tears over a fucking symbolism game.
This shit is retardation highline.

I bet he deletes the .dll fies too

>Shit up the site for years
>Get pissy when people disagree with you and start telling you to fuck off

I used to listen to NPR on the way to school a few years back. It was fine for the most part from what I remember. Now when I tune in to NPR or PBS all I hear is liberal bullshit.


Sup Forums BTFO

I'm not an American. I know there were protest like this going on in UK, Germany and Australia. Maybe other first world places too. The source of the actual ideology that creates these people is Germany, in fact.

Only cunts still support this shit democracy system

Democracy is for wanks

It ain't none of my business what you do, nor of what any one else does in private or public as long as it doesn't affect me or others. Having hurt feelings or a sudden boner doesn't count. And I ain't going to be so weak as to all of a sudden grow a vagina and drop my balls just because some lesbian couple is holding hands in the park.

Really now, how fucking weak are people these days?
>Oh Big Brother-chan
>fuck me with your military police state
>take those rainbow color wearing hipsters away!
>Oh Lord Fill me with your grace!
>Take me thus and ravage me

Degeneracy... fucking everywhere...

40 million won't be enough.
400 million not enough...
4 trillion not enough...
You cannot outspend or (more importantly) out man autism, filth, and hate.
CTR will only lose harder.
Sup Forums is the unwritten rule
Sup Forums is the unspoken word.
Sup Forums is beyond definition.
Sup Forums can never be defeated.

Yeah, yeah, you sound like a retarded ebin anonymoose raider from 2006, fuck off.

Jokes on you I'm a cock sucking faggot

top cringe

You mean a march of American expats and vacationers who have too much free time.
Name a single Uni beyond USA where safespaces and crocodile tears counseling was enforced because a fucking election didn't go the way of the spoiled dumb children.
I'm waiting.

This and this
Fuck it all. Will be worth it to see kikes, retardicans, Anglos, brits, Russians, chinks, pajeets and arabs all burn. The trash of the world getting taken out in one go. Fucking glorious.

Nigger got a PHD in astronomy. Those people collect SHITLOAD of text data from sensors and stuff. He doesn't have a clue about it, because he is a reddit intellectual, not actual scientist

Do you even know what I'm arguing about?

this is some next level shit

It's gonna suck for Canada. It's like being in bed with an elephant, when it twitches, you're likely to get crushed. And now the elephant is spazzing out.

btw, what the fuck was the deal with the women's march?
Did Trump promise to take away their abortions or what?
Explain it to me without memes and as lower lvl or partisanism as you can.

Fuck Anglos and chinks

Yeah but a large movie file has like one or two words (the filename) whereas a text file can have thousands of words in it. The size doesn't matter here.

>Shit up the site for years
>Get pissy when people disagree with you and start telling you to fuck off
Seriously though. Get the fuck out trapfaggots.
It was funny at first but now you are the cancer that even most of the gays want evicted from the movement.

>meme deGrasse tyson

Cutting P*S support(0.012% of budget) is like deleting
this annoying ad-infested "freemium" game launcher that was installed automatically

paper ballots are counted by machines too

He has promised to nominate an anti-abortion judge for the vacant Supreme Court seat. The endgame is to overturn Roe v. Wade, a decision that prevents states from banning abortion.

Here we can see a CTR spambot fuck up

Trump promised to make being women illegal

plebbit as fuck... ahahhahahahha

ps: see the pic.

ah, that thing.
Which reminds me
How did republicans manage to stall Obama long enough to prevent him choosing a judge?

That's black science man not reddit negro go home mom you're drunk

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

It's a game that they didn't want to play. They quit counting when Trump kept getting votes.

Now he has baited them into investigating the whole election with his "illegals voting" comments. Shits about to hit the fan, because who really believes there are literally no cases of election fraud?

Trump plans to open internment camps for women, he'll send them all to the oven.

>what the fuck was the deal with the women's march?
You know how there is a privileged class in this world that never died in wars yet always got most of the benefits from colonization and imperialism - white women?
They are so well off and privileged that, not only are they exempt from paying any reparation or giving back all their inherited wealth,
they also have the free time to waste on stupid marches while producing tons of garbage and pollution in the process,
because they think most people have nothing better to do than to listen to their worthless opinions and religion instead of working and studying to pay bills and provide food on the home table to the very few women who actually do matter in life contrary to all these marching whores.


By outright refusing to consider any nominee, as was their Constitutional prerogative. The Democrats were too incompetent to turn this blatant obstructionism into a political advantage.

pot, meet kettle

science nigger

Honestly, you people are insane.
Not to be outdone, though.
We just got the left-wing version of the republicans in powers, and besides haing stupid ideas, they tried to make a law to pardon some people.
Which would have gotten their party president out of jail(accused of fraud), so the president joined the people protesting this thing(which is illegal), and then went "ok, im gonna call a referendum", which will stall the law long enough to get that guy in prison, and retired from politics.
Because fuck having a gov that actually was low-key and got shit done.

the COUNTRY'S president joined a protest, just to be clear.

not an argument


nigger, what are you even babbling about? Your irrelevant country's politics has no bearing on what I was discussing with the other user.

Here is the hierarchy of females in any one's life by importance, from most to least important:

1. Mother/Sisters/Family - Important
2. GF/Wife - Important
3. Closest female friends - Important on a limited scale
4. Female colleagues - Irrelevant and even potential competition to your other 3 groups. Rare exceptions.
5. All other whores on this planet - Irrelevant

The women's march is basically the 5th and 4th group of irrelevant whores pushing the idea that you should expend your limited life energy and limited life span on treating them equally and respecting them equally as you do the first 3 groups in your life. Unwarranted self-importance at its highest level.
That's what feminism is about.
Subverting social prioritization because they want you to treat them as you would your mother and closest kin, even though they might be competition to your closest of kin and it is not in your interest to do so.

We didn't cut PBS to balance the budget we cut it because the government shouldn't own/fund a media network. Fuck PBS, if netflix can convince 50mil people to give them $120/year then pbs should be able to instead of begging the government for money.