It just doesn't werk

it just doesn't werk

Then you're too retarded to use it.
A rat can't make a computer werk, therefore, you are a rat.

I you don't like go back to your BOTNET and stop complaining. Its everyday with this shit.

It does.
>1. Install
>2. Use

It's that easy. If it isn't, it's your fault.

Nice damage control, linuxfags

>damage control
that's the best part. there is no damage in linux. it works out of the box and installs in 10 minutes. so while I'm already shitposting and watching anime, wincucks are still looking up which drivers they need or maybe even stuck at "Expanding Windows Files".

I am faggot !
Call support call support !
I cannot find solution my brain is too little but my ass is wide open

>so while I'm already shitposting and watching anime
Yep. Linux was made only to watch some shitty Chinese cartoons and shitposting, while Windows is used, other than that, for games, profession software like Autocad and 3dmax.

b-but linux is used in supercomputers and servers therefore i am superior to you for using it.

Gentoo just werks

linux is the de facto standard in science applications and for regular desktop use it's at least as capable as windows. it performs just as well if not better on every application windows is typically used for except for gayming.

you can't be serious

>It doesn't "just work"

but I am. I have installed Windows probably 100 times by now and I can remember maybe 10 occasions on which the installation didn't break at least once, not to mention driver problems after installation.
linux has always worked so far. installed it, worked, happy.


>too retarded for windows
>yet can use linux
I thought everyone here used Linux because they were too smart for windows...

if you have ever installed windows you know that you always, 100% of the time, will have to solve problems. I'm not saying it's hard, it's just annoying and the outcome is an unstable system that works for the enemy and is outdated by 10 years. not with linux.

I thinkk he's trolling. Because Mac OSX "just werks"

if you work with submitting calculations to supercomputers via sftp on your linux cluster, you might as well use a linux machine yourself. The majority of the researchers I know that do high performance computations (mostly for chemistry, enzymology, etc.) use linux because it's easier to communicate with the supercomputers and there's more science software that works on linux natively. The only thing you don't have is word (use LaTex) and excel (use some other shit).

thats the sound your vagina lips are going to make when i shove my geocock in it dry

No only that, that hobby OS also has telemetry, into the trash it goes.

If your wifi adapter is semi-old and it's never going to get a new driver, is there any benefit to adding a ppa for it, or just download the package straight up from the site?

this. Linux is for scientists & programmers.

Do you have a supercomputer or a server ? i dont think so.Stop being such a fag

The company I work for switched to Linux for all tasks 5 years ago and that made me switch too. Our IT department is now half the size (so you could criticize Linux for not breaking down often enough to provide jobs for IT people). Now, they're pretty much only responsible for maintaining our custom Debian based distribution. Before you ask, no, I'm not working in IT. I just like computers. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.

Linux is perfectly suited for Office Work. Libre Office and Open Office are pretty good office suites and from a company's point of view, being independent from Microsoft is a huge plus. Linux lacks in media creation (video editing, graphic design etc.) compared to Windows and MacOS though. In gaming it does become increasingly better with a hand full of AAA titles available but it has a long way to go, especially concerning graphics drivers.

y'know, I've spent years dicking about occasionally installing a distro here and there or dual-booting and it's never really stuck.

I've tried Ubuntu, Debian, Crunchbang to name a few. I've always wanted to use Linux full time but it's always been a ballache for some reason or another and they've always eventually been supplanted by 'doze.

Until very recently, when I tried Arch.
No word of a lie, after following the install guide, I have a working distro that isn't full of shit. Networking drivers just worked, video drivers just worked. Now been running it for three months, no issues.

Arch is fucking glorious.


Windows can't look like this.

And that's good.

I'm glad you're on the Arch train but if you every get tired of configuring everything on new installs, check out Antergos.

fedora works. all other distros do not(not on my computer anyway)

Why are winbabbies eternally butthurt about Linux? At least when Linux autists shitpost about Windows, they include pics showing how objectively shit Windows.

that was a clear b8 dude wtf

lol i hope my desktop never looks like that fucking cancer shit

kek, damage control

the poo in loos really are evolving

Like this one?


At least post a kernel panic or something. You can choose whatever DE/WM you want in Linux so if your DE looks shitty, that's because you decided to choose a shitty looking DE.

>He said show a pic
>I showed a pic
>He still complains
>damage control

Gentoo just werks better than even win7 (let alone future versions). Checkmate.

Whatever dude, have a cookie


>be me
>using windows
>download installer
>"are you SURE you want to download this file?"
>download completes, click run it
>"are you SURE you want to run this potentially harmful file?"
>installer begins, asks me a bunch of garbage
>"where do you want to install it?"
>"do you agree to these terms?"
>"does this look good?"
>yes, yes, yes
>windows dims the screen to ask with my full, undivided attention
>"this program wants to make changes to your computer, are you sure?"
>installer nearing the end, needs to make registry changes or something
>windows dims the screen to ask with my full, undivided attention
>"this program wants to make changes to your computer, are you sure?"

arch, or pretty much any linux distro:

>be me
>using linux
>sudo pacman -S package
>"whats your password"
>I enter my password
>"also need to install these dependencies, we cool?"
>we cool
>it installs

is it easy to remove partitions from linux? windows 10 went belly up somehow, so i installed ubuntu to recover my files, and now that i have everything off of this, i want to wipe the drive clean, but i have no idea how.

>But laptop
>Windows comes installed

Check mate.

>Linux has telemetry
I seriously hope you guys aren't getting paid for this.

welp guess i never installed windows then

What's so bad about it? It's got a usable UI, unlike anything Micro$oft released after 2005.

>all pics are equal

It doesn't come with much usable software. Even the version of Office that comes with it is crippleware that doesn't even let you use more than 2/3 of the screen.


>It doesn't come with much usable software
Is you are poor then yes, but a Dell laptop comes with the fine office installed.

surely a multibillion company like valve produces a campaign to support a non-working OS
3/10 made me reply

>doesn't know what windows server or unraid is

>But laptop
>Windows comes installed
>need to install dev environment
>8GB visual studio install to write 'helo world'
>"please log in"
>"o-okay then"
>download installer for git
>"are you SURE you want to download this file?"
>download completes, click run it
>"are you SURE you want to run this potentially harmful file?"
>installer begins, asks me a bunch of garbage
>"where do you want to install it?"
>"do you agree to these terms?"
>"does this look good?"
>yes, yes, yes
>windows dims the screen to ask with my full, undivided attention
>"this program wants to make changes to your computer, are you sure?"
>installer nearing the end, needs to make registry changes or something
>windows dims the screen to ask with my full, undivided attention
>"this program wants to make changes to your computer, are you sure?"
>add git to %PATH%
>download installer for python
>"are you SURE you want to download this file?"
>download completes, click run it
>"are you SURE you want to run this potentially harmful file?"
>installer begins, asks me a bunch of garbage
>"where do you want to install it?"
>"do you agree to these terms?"
>"does this look good?"
>yes, yes, yes
>windows dims the screen to ask with my full, undivided attention
>"this program wants to make changes to your computer, are you sure?"
>installer nearing the end, needs to make registry changes or something
>windows dims the screen to ask with my full, undivided attention
>"this program wants to make changes to your computer, are you sure?"
>add python to %PATH%
>download installer for qt
>"are you SURE you want to download this file?"
>download completes, click run it
>"are you SURE you want to run this potentially harmful file?"


FUCK YOU just reading that gave me cancer, thank god for unix based OS's

Hurr durr 1337 h4xor

Blame those shitty installer user, not Windows fault.

>Be me
>Installe memebuntu
>sudo apt-get install Photoshop
>not found
>Into the trash it goes
>Install Windows
>doublé click Photoshop installer
>next, next

Maybe if you're retarded.

I did consider it - I might go that way in the future if I need to reinstall.

im on linux now

try and stop me

This was my path experience Linux. I simply installed it, explored the desktop environment and used it.

I just installed linux and ticked the box that said Nvidia proprietary drivers and everything just worked. Didn't even have to manually download any drivers

shill posts are very blunt
think of the worst thing you can say about someone
say it
run away

most important thing is to get the negativity out there - thread header ...
there is a quota of meaningless threads every day that must be filled

ok ... another thread with no effort. the followup from their meaningless single line "damage" thread header ... "nice damage control" .. more negativity. as if they have hordes of people agreeing with them

keep saying it ..

"linux doesn't work"
"linux is slow"
"linux isn't ready for the desktop"


install it and two weeks later it will blow away all your drivers; your ongoing work with a forced "update" ... windows is the lowest quality platform on the market .. why they are shilling here ... keep they myth going - keep throwing money at it.

Every system doesn't just werk.

Windows: Have to find proper drivers, in my case default WHQL ones aren't exactly that good, have to find good programs (good luck with that), have to install software that takes a fucking year to install even on SSD because it's "professional"

Linux: Have to find alternative for this, alternative for that, alternative for the other thing, by the way you gotta do manually what you used to do automatically here and there, by the way remember that feature from your piece of hardware? Yeah, not supported entirely

Hackintosh: Hey it's cool, your everything -almost- works, but oh shit your line in jack doesn't work

>62 posts and 6 image replies omitted


yeah Sup Forums

ignore these threads .. they're given attention they perpetuate


Worst part...
You have to update.
Now you could rely on every tool you own to have an automatic update feature or you have to manually update every part individually.

if you are too retarded to disable uac, then please use an other OS which is not windows.

also vs 10-15gb and you get c++, c#, js, python etc.

also git installer for windows asks if you want to add it to your path, but you are too idiot to read and tick a checkbox.

so im just laughing at your miserable misadventures with windows

I would use it if it weren't for the fact that it consumes more power from my laptop than Windows.

another myth

Werks 4 me.

>run Windows update
>X updates found
>"Update now"
>Downloading updates...
>25% complete
>50% complete
>99% complete
>No updates found
>"Check updates"
>X updates found
>Downloading updates...
>25% complete
>50% complete
>100% complete
>Restart now to install updates
>Windows is getting ready...
l m a o
