>most powerful man in the world
>uses a Mac
so what's your excuse?
Most powerful man in the world
Is he really "using" the Mac though, or is the Mac using him?
I'm comfortable on my thinkpad, sue me
He looks confused as fuck.
>have no idea what a computer is but need one
>be rich so money is no object
>what are all these options
only for twitter and facebook, like 95% of mac users
why does her right hand look so fat
>what's your excuse?
I don't need one
literally what else can you even do on a laptop
Spider bite?
If he weren't unhappy he'd just ask for another one. Also you don't seriously think that he actually picks his shit himself? Rich people ask their assistant to get them something and the assistant tends to be somewhat educated about the matters.
rice your gentoo with dank iconpacks
Looks normal to me, real girls don't have exactly the same arms as anime girls.
>Need to buy Trump a computer
>Hey Apple how much you want to pay me to give him one of your shits
Stop your butchering of the English language. You are """literally""" posting on a website and asking what you could do with a laptop.
literally no one gives a sh*t
literally kys
He's definitely rocking the grandpa finger computing method: "The check my twitter button must be somewhere on this keyboard."
I'm not the most powerful man in the world
I can't stand computers that don't have clitmice and non-reflective screens
Retards use Macs.
And you voted for that retard?
>real girls don't have exactly the same arms as anime girls.
that's a boy
Macs are literally the best consumer laptop on the market.
If you disagree, you're a fucking faggot teenager.
Is Sup Forums actually a leftist board? What's with all the trump hate on here?
looks like a bad angle
literally fuck off
It's full of merchants and consumerists, so yeah. I expect most of them are empty-headed signaling liberals.
A dead boy.
>retards use unix-like OS's
I agree
I'm not a retarded good goy Amerifat
>politics on Sup Forums
I hate you op
This is a political board. Otherwise you wouldn't have a political activist on your sticky.
this is just for a photo shoot while campaigning. We all know trump is an old businessman. he writes cobol on windows.
>most powerful man in the world
>literally a puppet
ok m8
There is objectively nothing wrong with using mac hardware
>YFW when finally see his screen and Trumps running Slackware.
>most powerful man
>looks at spreadsheets, emails and reads the news
Any laptop would work. So why not spend the money on a status symbol?
Sup Forums used to be a leftist website, no surprise some users are
This is true. Now it's the home of the alt-right.
>has gone on record stating he doesn't even have a computer in his office because he's tech illiterate
>uses a mac
Sounds about right
stop trying to rewrite history you double nigger
>senile old cuck
I'd argue that his politics have nothing to do with technology if it weren't for the fact that politics are the driving force behind his entire foundation
thats not vladimir putin
Proof Macs are for retards...
t. insecure loser
No it was racist Libertarians, now it's authoritarian Nazis
underrated post
Sup Forums has always been an anonymous mix of whatever losers hang out here. Moralfags were a thing, edgy btards were a thing. They basically all still are a thing.
>most technologically illiterate man in the world
>uses a Mac
>tfw too shy to say hi to pretty girls
no puppet. you're the puppet
>mfw grabbing myself by the pussy with my left hand before finger fucking my Mac with the right
your dumb
How a grown ass man can tweet this shit baffles me.
It's like his kid borrowed his account or something.
Isn't it macos too hard for him to use? A toy computer would suffice his needs perfectly.
But user, I am using a Mac
Is he using the Mac? It seems more like he is just looking at it in a confused manner.
That's not Pewdiepie
>most powerful man in the world
> Pic of Trump and not Putin
So, what do you mean by this?
For the price of a mac, you can have a laptop that will play games, run some CAD software well and be able to edit some 4K videos.
Macs have become nothing but $300-400 facebook machines.
Google "literally" and look at the informal definition