This man is a true genius and the most valuable Google engineer...

This man is a true genius and the most valuable Google engineer. He's like a God at Google and not even the CEO would go against him. He literally made Google what it is today and wrote/worked-on all of their most important software stacks. He's worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Now, notice something interesting:

He doesn't have two, three or four monitors and he doesn't have some gigantic TV screen that kills your focus and distracts him from everything important.
He doesn't have some bullshit meme mech keyboard with some special switches that were forged by elves in Japan from katana-grade steel and lights that emit perfect sRGB colors.
He doesn't have a mouse with refresh rate so high that it breaks spacetime continuum every time you slide it across your desk.
He doesn't have a $300 pair of audiophool grade headphones.
He doesn't have some super-expensive chair with all kinds of knobs and adjustments that can can even massage your prostate.
He doesn't have some tricked out text editor with million different features and colors.
He doesn't run some super-autistic Linux distro like Arch that demands you babysit it all the time.
He doesn't have some DE with customized CSS US that you usually see in tons of threads on here.
He didn't even change the default theme, colors or the default background.

He can afford all that shit, yet he doesn't waste his time on it. Instead, he writes 100x more lines of code than you and is 1,000,000x more accomplished than you'll ever be. And he's infinitely smarter than you'll ever be.

So quit falling for fucking memes and quit craving all the latest bullshit that gets posted on here in these cancerous consumerist "generals" threads that just make you feel inadequate. Just learn your craft and get better. What matters is what's in your head and how you express yourself and not what you have on your desk.

Now go do math!

im gonna be the first (You) on this reddit screenshot

yawn we did this already, next

>that monitor costs more than my whole setup

Maybe he has all of that on his ThinkPad.

that's no monitor, it's AIO

You made this thread yesterday fuck off cunt.

Also you don't know he didn't rice his shit back in the day as a youngin, or that he doesn't still at home.

Kindly kill yourself.

>Just learn your craft
what makes you think consumer electronic enthusiasts and programmers are the same people?
also having 2 or 3 monitors is great and if they're "distracting" you it's because you're a retard with no self-control

the rest of the stations in the reflection save the headphones are all similar. i bet he was just there that week on the standard shit mentoring/ overseeing shit

>One of my life goals is to play soccer and basketball on every continent. So far, I've done so in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. I'm worried that Antarctica might be tough, though.

This guy is based.

number of lines of code

>guy jumps on some random office pc

You cannot even begin to describe MapReduce after someone explains it to you, let alone invent, implement, then use it.

That's a remote workstation used by people visiting other offices, not a permanent seat.

meant for

then why is it his default picture

>(You) BTFO

Because he doesn't want to spend time taking another one.

Consumerism is the cancer that is killing Sup Forums.



I don't see how that refutes my point though, even assuming you're correct.

There's no indication that's even his pc.

>wedding ring

>genetic dead-end

>cash flow

he probably also doesn't post on Sup Forums too much, now does he?

Generally, I agree with the simple, no bullshit way of doing work. You don't need fancy anything. You just need to stop loafing and do it now.

You don't really want a wife you're just saying that

>try-hard keyboard and mouse
Disgusting. Should be the HP business standard kit for maximum basicness.

>everyone is a nihilist empty vessel for kike poz like me
nah m8

>me and him have the same mouse

Weird. Anyway, that mouse is a Logitech G400s, and it's worth $60. Those headphones look decent too. Also, I assume he types a lot, because he has an ergonomic keyboard.

Someone posted the same exact shit yesterday.

And people are still get asshurt. It's hilarious.

>that can can even massage your prostate

fix your copypasta please


Damn, even Apple threads don't trigger as many people.

>Also you don't know he didn't rice his shit back in the day as a youngin, or that he doesn't still at home.
the pasta doesn't necessarily shit on all people who rice for fun, it shits on the people infesting this board who say their custom userscripts and tiling window managers are a necessity to be "productive" when seemingly most of them spend their time consuming media and web surfing more than getting any actual work done

if you use your setup as a crutch and think it's your gear that keeps you from being useful, you're a piece of poser trash even more cancerous than a Sup Forumsirgin, at least their expensive shit can make a real difference

hey at least it's not some disgusting gaymingshit

>Out of production Microsoft ergonomic keyboard
>Logitech G400

These are memes though

> Hey guys, the AMD 6600 is faster than the i7!
> 200 replies of no it isn't you retard later
> Lol Sup Forums is asshurt!

I don't get it.

Lel, we must post this pasta every week, i have neven seen /g so triggered

>lso having 2 or 3 monitors is great
you only need one

reason being?

Thats crap, 2 monitors is great if you want to have a reference monitor and one as a workspace monitor, and much cheaper than the setup in the OP.

I also do a lot of IT support work and being able to see a bunch of computers at once at a glance is also nice because often I'm just waiting on progress bars and need to see when they finish.

Ye, but what editor is it?

You don't really want to be alone; you're just rationalising your unattractiveness, because doing something about it would be hard.

>Doesn't have three if four monitors
No he has one giant screen that has the real estate of 4 monitors.

Can't get that shit with my 23 inch 1k monitor.

Christ, is this thread still up?

>mapreduce's so so complicated
pajeet confirmed

It's not an aio, it's a HP ZR30w.

Someone copypasta'd it for (you)s

> in this one unsourced
> out of context picture
> this guy
> is doing some thing
> therefore
> he never does another thing

Go be retarded somewhere else, OP.

Get on my level Jeff.

>This setup works for this person and they're succesfull, so everyone must follow this exact way of doing things.

god fucking damnit Sup Forums, stop being so utterly pathetic.