>wearing audio technica headphones in public
Wearing audio technica headphones in public
whats wrong with that exactly?
>wearing Koss portapros in public
I do this tbqh
>wearing headphones in public
You probably haven't thought about this at length, but guess what? Nobody on the streets actually cares what you're wearing unless it's obscene or you're going out of your way to get people's attention.
Passersby have places to be and things to do and even if they don't, they're not gonna pay attention to you. I know you're insecure about yourself because you've been rejected by your peers or by your parents back in your childhood, but guess what? The only people who are gonna judge you now, in your adulthood, are other socially awkward geeks who think the type of headphones you're wearing actually fucking matters.
Don't believe me? Go all out. Drag your thinkpad with you when you go out Grow out your neckbeard. Put on that fedora. Buy a Japanese replica sword. I guarantee, the only person who's gonna point and laugh at you is that guy who does the exact same thing. All the normal people you're trying so hard to imitate won't care.
in-ear master race
>being in public
>being this beta
>being this public transit
Why is this bad?
Headphones are cute!
is this pasta
besides the obvious danger in not hearing traffic!?!
>Wearing headphones in public
Get some decent earbuds you retards
Where does this happen? Why would anyone wear headphones in a grocery store or in their car?
ear wax is fucking disgusting.
Sounds like you're fucking disgusting
There are many more places to frequent alone, you suburban dullard
idk poor people think $400 headphones > $4000 upgrades to car audio cause they have to be delusional for survival reasons
In over ear headphones though?
Do you think you're in a Gorillaz music video?
Jesus christ
mad IEMbaby is mad
Why are you walking on the road??
Over ear headphones are better at isolating noise from subway, bus, etc.
It really grinds my gears when people wear headphones/earbuds while shopping and shit.
Mmmmmmmmm, yes. So sleek, so sutle.
Just wait, once earpods take off no one will ever talk to another stranger in public ever again
am i weird for weirding earbuds all the time when out in public like shopping/etc...
>not listening to informative podcasts like Exchanges at Goldman Sachs as you run your errands
lmao'ing at your life famlam
Its the same tier as buying a portable console cause you're so autistic you need games at all times
I own a pair of Philips 9500's though, OP.
>wearing headphones
>unironically living 10 years in the past
Beats sell like gangbusters because it's fashionable to wear them in public.
Beats did a good job bringing headphones to a fashionable level despite all the hate
>not wearing iems
this thread fucking sucks.
who fucking cares what you wear in public? Is this now?
>Sup Forums - Consumerism
>not wearing sony mdr-v150s
fuck off back to you socially oblivious nerdvirgin
>being a poorfag
I wear Bowers & Wilkins. Get on my fucking level.
nice projection, fag.
I see Beats and Bose every single day on the train. No one cares if you're wearing cans, because it's normal. The only time anyone's going to notice is if you're sperging out with open-back headphones in public.
But muh soundstage
>wearing an Audio-Technica instead of a based Sony in public
Best post I've read all day so far.
Honestly at this point the only over ear headphones you can get away with wearing in public without looking completely autistic are beats.
This desu. Tons of people wear full-sized cans on the train, no one gives a shit.
Lots of people also use laptops on the train and, similarly, no one gives a shit if you're using the latest shiniest Macbook or an IBM-era Thinkpad.
But Sup Forums care whether you use Macbook or Thinkpads.
Sup Forums is full of autists.
You have eyes. Use them