>decide to install linux to avoid botnet, go with ubuntu because "user-friendly"
>get installed without too much trouble
>go to download nvidia's graphics driver
>it's a .run, wtf do i do with this
>find a tutorial, go into console mode only, kill gui, spend 1/2 hour dicking around making it work
>finally does, restarts
>try to login, just loops me back to the login screen, locked out
>mfw installing a graphics driver would have tooken 5 minutes on wangblows
Fuck you /g, for making me fall for this shitty meme.
Decide to install linux to avoid botnet, go with ubuntu because "user-friendly"
Other urls found in this thread:
sudo rm -rf /
it is for you own sake
linux is not retarded friendly
Pull the trigger. Do it...
Just dual boot. Use Ubuntu for 99% of things and Windows for gaming.
>Downloading your drivers
new lad
its n00buntu, not ubuntu, newfag
That's exactly what I'm doing, but now 1/2 of it is locked out.
>I am too retarded to use Ubuntu... and it is someone else's fault
It's because nvidia released bad drivers for linux to force you buy windows.
Nice observation.
On windows you only have to double click a file forr 99.99% of programs that you'll ever want to install. There aren't two ways to tell this story.
Although, I don't know why OP didn't use ubuntu's driver thing where you can just pick which driver you want without complications.
Ubuntu vanilla is still bloated with Spyware.. Everything in your search history gets forwarded to Amazon.
"Hey! Mutch interested in toaster porn?? We know you searched for it!!"
you can go to "control panel" and select your graphics driver from GUI
t. n00b
>install windows
>delete system32 to make it faster, just like on my linuxes where you delete unneeded colonel modules and useless daemons
>now it won't boot
Wtf Sup Forums you said windows just werked
That's what I meant when I said "ubuntu's driver thing"
>implying windows 10 allows you to delete files
> >go to download nvidia's graphics driver
DE is a meme. Either get good with a headless mode or don't run it at all.
You can do that on Linux too, idiot.
> Just dual boot. Use Ubuntu for 99% of things and Windows for gaming.
This is the way
apt-get install nvidia-367
>there are people in this world who still don't this
Aaaand this is why Linux will forever remain a niche platform
It literally takes 5 minutes to install nvidia drivers on gnu/linux.
If you are not capable of following simple steps it's your fault.
>using ubuntu
great shit choice faggot, literally one of the worst distros with ads on the search bar.
>expecting help after shitposting
OP could've simply asked for help and he would've been told to install the drivers from his distro's repository
>have gaming computer
>install Linux
>manually downloading drivers
That's funny because i installed ubuntu yesterday. You're supposed to go into settings, updates and tick the propertierary drivers box, ubuntu already comes with them
>hurr durr I how do I installed gentoo
>you made me fall for shitty mem guise!
Why do retards have root access?
>don't use ubuntu's additional drivers section
>try something on your own
>it doesn't work
>waah lunix doesn't werk 1!1!1!!1"
[citation needed]
This. You're doing things the Windows way, OP, better unlearn all of that.
Manjaro XFCE has a gui tab where you just click on a driver and it installs it for you.
Just werks system.
>tfw you failed to comprehend something as basic as installing the driver with the "install additional drivers" gui ""designated"" for this exact task, so you have to make a thread about it
sucks to be a faggot like you OP
How to get tech support from Sup Forums in just 3 SIMPLE steps:
>make a thread about failing at something
>blame the OS (especially if it's a popular Linux distro. this part is super important)
And you all fell for it.
>reboot to apply changes
>only on Windows™
you can do it without rebooting but it's a pain the ass
linux tards are the worst possible kind of human beings for most of the time
I'll bite
Only if you install a new kernel, change the running one, or install a new kernel module and are too lazy to run it manually do you need to reboot.
Dash searches used to be forwarded to Amazon also (to show results found on Amazon) unless you disabled it with a simple switch. It's not on by default anymore. Obviously only affects the Unity desktop environment. But even then it's easy to get rid of.
Terming it as
>bloated with Spyware
is plain old FUD.
ITT OP doesn't know that you can double click to run things
You're supposed to download them from the repos, not from Nvidias website like you do on Windows. Did you even read anything before doing this?
Actually the Linux kernel has native live patching for modules and kernel components now so you don't even need to reboot at all.
Where can I read about this?