Why hasn't he purchased Galaxy S7 edge?
Why is he still using S3, which has stopped receiving security updates in 2015?
Why won't he just stick to the secure device the Secret Service has asked him to use exclusively?
Why hasn't he purchased Galaxy S7 edge?
Why is he still using S3, which has stopped receiving security updates in 2015?
Why won't he just stick to the secure device the Secret Service has asked him to use exclusively?
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Loving every laugh.
America deserves this piece of shit
go home CTR
KNOX equipped devices, with KNOX software enabled, are approved for use by intelligence operatives, and the president.
It'd be okay if he was using a recent Galaxy.
He's using Galaxy S3, which stopped getting patches a couple years ago.
>Why hasn't he purchased Galaxy S7 edge?
Because his S3 still works. He didn't get rich by upgrading every generation like a goy. He uses his shit til it dies like a smart person.
pick one
>trumps phone is old kick him out!!!
lefties are so fucking angry lmao
Obama used a hardened s3 (s4?) as well.
Govt relies on older devices that they know back and forth in order to keep it secure.
Newer tech means unknown vulnerabilities.
>Why won't he just stick to the secure device the Secret Service has asked him to use exclusively?
You'll probably be shocked to hear this, but the man doesn't give a shit about much else than himself and his trolling is public anyhow.
>having a clue
pick one
>the president using old device with known security holes, making his communications easily accessible by foreign state intelligence, is good because he's saving $500
I don't understand people like you.
Even when presented with a situation where Trump is obviously in the wrong, you twist the facts and deny until it's somehow someone else's fault.
It's more "Leave Britney alone"-type celebrity worship than political discourse.
Obama used a hardened Blackberry.
The "official" recommended phone by the SS is the Sectera Edge.
>here, you can see a Trumpkin making up a lie to defend his beloved "God Emperor" who he worships as his realized alpha male alter ego
>implying he doesnt use a government-made custom rom to patch shit
The media reports are saying he isn't using a government provided device and using his own S3 he purchased himself many years ago.
>The media reports
>everything Trump says is true while everything any news source that isn't Breitbart says is untrue
This is some Putin-tier shit.
>listening to memedia
Dude. Come on.
Humble Trump.
He doesn't like rotten apples!
hope hes running,
overclocked with F-droid ;D
literally impossible, since he's addicted to Twitter
obama ended up with an iphone in the end
they just restrict features
>what is the browser in fullscreen.
unusably sluggish on a Galaxy S3 :^)
Inherently way more secure too, I might add.
Way less permissions and what is does ask for can be spoofed.
I still use a Galaxy S2. It still works, so why waste money on a new phone?
>what is microg
Retard. Works fine and can use Blankstore or Fakestore to give GPS the boot
nigga is poor as fuck lmao
his net worth is several billion dollars and he couldn't at least afford a Note 4?
>stock browser detected
>stock launcher detected
>stock rom detected
>not debloated
>using touchwiz
Less processing power then what we used to reach the moon.
You can activate GPU accel and 3d game scrub.
lmao yea totally :^D
has nothing to do with the fact that he's 70 years old lmao
>implying he has a big guy call. Russia? Korea?
for what services?
I have FLOSS alternatives for everything I require.
Host your own offline git and fdroid
Supports a variety of backends (through UnifiedNLP) for location lookup (personally have a local one cached) and can support GCM with opinions to scrub identifying info from data sent. Spoofs Google play services signature so nothing is the wiser.
Blankstore is a open source Google Play Store and fakestore is a decoy so apps won't bitch about no GPS.
Extending on what I said:
I'm moving away what I can (got contacts and calendar finally exported). Play store is still needed for many purchases I have. In many cases there isn't a FLOSS alt that suits my needs. I'm not at a stage where I have the time to program my own either. I can deal with a neutered Google play store and GCM for basic apps like twitter that I'm not worried about sensitivity wise. Plus my device is too old to properly support the services required of a gcm-free environment. Unless there is a self-hosted gcm-like program that has matured recently. That would be a pleasant surprise for 2017
Is the MI software a botnet?
Anything to be worried about like keyloggers?
>being old is an excuse to be tech illiterated
duck his dick harder
I know exactly what they are.
I just use openstreetmaps and why go through all the hassle to spoof the store, services, and the gapps themselves?
Why use services that require a google account at all?
Google didnt invent android, and it's not required.
Literal botnet bro
>hackers break into his phone
>oh noes all his TSSCI tweets are stolen!
They said on the news that the Secret Service swapped his phone with a secure phone on the day of the inauguration.
for purchases I use amazon.
they are alot more freedom respecting and it helps to prevent a google monopoly.
If you really cant go without gapps id suggest you checkout "raccoon api" and just sideload.
way more secure man.
It's good to hear you're making a effort to get out of the walled garden though.
It's tough initially but I've been running gapps-less for 4 years now. (pretty easy since everything is webapps now)
Hassle? Easy as shit to install.
Because of the reliance on GCM due to the older nature of my phone. It's pretty handy to keep many apps dead but still get notifications. I can't afford extra stuff runningin the background. Plus more efficient data connection usage.
Never said it did. I decoupled location which was the most privacy sensitive area of Gapps imo.
Interesting. That's for the tip, I will certainly find raccoon of use.
APKs are not the issue, purchase validation is, primarily Amplify off the top of my head. If you got a worthy alternative for it, I'm all ears.
I nevered used really any of the gapps, it's only the essential backbone services that are keeping me going totally free. Mostly GCM due to again resource constraints on my device. I need to get notifications from a lot of apps without them running services in the background all the time.
The S3 is great for watching videos
kill yourself
>d-don't say anything about muh God Emperor waaaaaaahhh muh feelings
I laughed at these posts
You do understand that you're using the tweet of someone who is a known liar to argue this, right?
Don't say anything about blacked you degenerate.
> He has a dedicated twitter phone
Meh, I don't see the issue.
Just be because he's a hypocrite doesn't mean he's wrong
>my phone is 10 years old
what does this say about me?
That you dont cuck yourself with the latest technology.
Quite a respectable state to be in.
Twidere and the website can work without gapps
Same reason why Bill Gates was driving a 1995 Ford truck until like 2010.
Looks like a galaxy express 2bh
Dedicated tweetstorming phone.
>Why is he still using S3, which has stopped receiving security updates in 2015?
It's the best phone supported by Replicant.
Eat shit drumpflette
>macFAGS this BTFO
lmao enjoy your dongle and lack of headphone jack you faggot
You're using the same argument as to why people aren't installing Windows 10, rajeesh.
Dumb goy, I bet you think the minuteman missiles being programed in ancient basic is a "security threat" as well too? Pro tip: Rich people don't fall for blind consumerism because they are the ones who profit from it so they know better.
>n-no I'm not eating sour grapes b-because I don't want to, not that I'm poor or too dumb to learn how to use new tech or anything
>It's the best phone supported by Replicant.
My man. This guy right here said it. /thread
How to know it's a braindead conservatard who is voting against his own interests: he doesn't let go of rich people dicks even for a minute despite being poor.
>Why hasn't he purchased Galaxy S7 edge?
He is scared of it exploding in his tiny hands, rendering him unable to use Twitter without help. Just like he is scared of anybody, who isn't a straight white male.
OP's image isn't the oval office, the secret service would have transferred his data to a custom OS phone and then either wiped or destroyed it - Bush told us this years ago.
C'mon guys I'm 7,000 miles away and I know this
>what is an old photo
I liked my s3 too and the security issue is irrelevant if he isn't storing or transmitting any sensitive information with it, but that model was notorious for shit battery life.
>hardcore nationalist using a Korean phone
What else is he going to use? He already told people to boycott Apple since Apple is known to love terrorists.
That pic was takein in 2015 you idiot.
Do you think his carrier spies on him?
Or Google spies on him for that matter?
>hardcore nationalist
lmao even alt-cucks are now disappointed in him
>Twidere and the website can work without gapps
Twidere is love
the new phones are too big for his miniature hands
The only thing that chock me except all security stuff. It's that there isn't a more Korean phone's than Samsung.
Why don't he go for an apple or a pixel?
Is Trump a poorfag?
All his buildings aren't owned by him.
You've been memed. Big league.
No, his bf Putin doesn't won't to buy him a new Yotaphone, because he stopped tweeting him.
He's not a billionaire.
More like master.
Because he solely uses it for shitposting.
>this is the generation that calls everything an app and thinks that a website wrapped in an "app" is the second coming of jesus
This is really sad.
I think that Trump is not as tech illiterate as you dumb cunts think he is. The S3 is one of the newest phones supported by Replicant because it is not know to have bad cellular modem hardware isolation. He can't afford to be using a device with a low level chink backdoor that can circumvent the SoC to access stuff like the mic, camera, and even system memory and storage. The phone also has a removable battery as a last line of defense.
KNOX is malicious. I'm an XDA Pajeet and I was working on root for the US AT&T Note 5. KNOX has access to everything on the device and will phone home to Sammy whenever it wants to. KNOX is actually a part of the bootloader and communicates directly with the baseband software. It's a backdoor used to spy on you, not a safety net to protect you. You're simply retarded. It's so much more than an anti-root technology. The control over the device as a whole that KNOX has freaked me out so much that I disconnected the phone from the internet, wiped it, shut it off, and sold it as soon as I could. I will repeat once more, KNOX IS MALICIOUS!
It's refreshing to see another Sup Forumsentleman who has an IQ higher than 50.
I don't think you understand why CTR cucks keep posting shit like those.
You won't get rich if you buy every memephone with every generation
Yeah, you get rich by inheriting papa's fortune.
If it works fine and serves it's purpose then what's the reason of upgrade?
You don't need the latest smartphone to shitpost.
Niggers as always,
obama had an iphone by the end of his term
just gets locked down
why does anyone care what phone they use
That's some A+ doublethink.
Go home JIDF
if only could convince him to use an iphone publically
watch all those hippies cry about him using their idol