
What is Sup Forums's opinion on this software? Useful?



systemd is a virus.

Much more comfortable to work with desu

it's like windows inside gnu/linux

They should keep it simple, though.
And work on those error messages.
And it also might be botnet, we don't know.


it's wonderful. I replaced that bloaty NetworkManager as well, thanks to to systemd-networkd. systemd-nspawn is pure bliss.

Sadly, systemd-networkd isn't good for desktops yet. But I'd love to replace NetworkManager with it in the future.

And yes, systemd-nspawn (and rkt) are the best container technologies for Linux.

I agree with , it's literally SVCHOST.

Also, it doesn't do the ONE thing an init system is supposed to do, boot the system reliably. So not only is it a bloated piece of shit, it also doesn't do what it's putitively designed to do.


Literally the definition of cancer.


It failed bringing up some hardware, so I upgrade to sysv.


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as systemd, is in fact, NSA/systemd, or as I've recently taken to calling it, NSA plus systemd.

I hate it, it's effectively bricked my beaglebone black (until I re-flash it) because it shit the bed and hangs on boot, which isn't that surprising given how massively overcomplicated it is.

Just yesterday I booted an Ubuntu 16.10 live DVD and systemd crashed on boot. Turned it off and on again and it booted fine.

It's fucking garbage.

I saw O.o

Try connman for something close.

Much better fine-tooth control over system services and runlevels.

This is probably just a copypasta bait, but..

A service is either running or not running, there is nothing fine-tooth about it - it's literally a boolean value. Also, please tell me when anyone has used any "run-level" other than single-user mode or multi-user mode?