Hey Sup Forums,
Do you know how to save pics without the sender knowing ? I need to fill Sup Forums with some content
Hey Sup Forums
what is Google
go back to Sup Forums underageb&
Ah, so you're one of the cancerous faggots that destroyed Sup Forums.
>implying Sup Forums was ever good
Install / Flash Xposed and install Snapprefs
why so salty bruh ? tiny dick ?
You could intercept the network traffic with the included keys and get the image that way
Sup Forums was never good, but there used to be some lulz. Now it's nothing but porn. Like you can't get porn everywhere else and we don't have designated porn boards.
There has always been porn. Now the content of the board has just been limited so much that the only thing that survives is porn.
Casper if not rooted
snapprefs if rooted
if iPhone kys
> android emulator on pc
> printscreen from pc not from android
Put your shit in airplane mode, screenshot, log out, crash app, disable airplane, log back in
Don't be a fag and ruin someone else's privacy.
You wouldn't steal a car, would you?
You do have porn boards retard
It's also a bunch of attention whores and social media now.
Don't snap your snatch
That's the point, you autistic faggot, the people on Sup Forums act and post like there aren't porn boards.
Newfag. Sup Forums used to be a powerhouse of OC.
Now it's just shitty c grade normalfag porn.
Where'd all the sick fucks go? A porn thread used to leave me gagging by the end of it. Fuck even gore threads are just fight wembs, and people get prissy the moment a decapitation is posted. You're all soft cock cucks now.
I would download one though ....
What is the best android simulator for pc ?
if you have a tablet OP then open snapchat up on that and take a pic via your phone.
oh, nice
>record screen
>open snap