>a pajeet was responsible for inventing e-mail
How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?
>a pajeet was responsible for inventing e-mail
How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?
I don't feel anything. I dislike pajeets because they are incompetent shitters who ruin codebases. Shiva isn't a pajeet because he actually did setting useful.
Accounting to 1/5 of the total world's population, I would surprise me if they were not responsible for inventing (((something))).
We already had this thread.
We've discussed this. He didn't invent email
Why is /pol everywhere?
lol who does the Sup Forumslution hate more? someone non-white or gawker media?
This is Sup Forums related. Dipshit.
They shill the board with consumer threads and graphic cards.
Remember when they pushed shart in mart because of their asshurt.
He didn't invent email. It was just another bit of bullshit that was propped up by Peter Thiel to bankrupt Gawker.
>a pajeet is responsible for inventing you're numbers
>a pajeet is responsible for inventing you're binary number system
Yeah, but like the topic isn't going to be about technology, just shitting on Pajeets. Like I've made several threads on /pol about Pajeet's destroying the industry but it is so draining seeing /pol stuff everywhere. Like almost every goddamn thread here has it. I don't come to /g often at all, but I just wanted to see new technology and stuff being talked about. At least HN is good about that. They have their liberal bullshit, but most of the time it is interesting stuff.
Email still is bit shitty.
The very foundation of our maths today were invented by terrorists and pajeets
The reason why we got to the moon was because of the chinks
Why is this surprising?
There's two forward slashes in board names you freak.
No, Germans.
Not chinks dumbass
that was german scientists, british engineers
and american $$$
>gunpowder was discovered by germans
The only thing germans are good at is destroying europe
I honestly can't remember a thread of this nature ever not going into Sup Forumsatairy. I've been around from 07. I think you're suffering from the OP meme's. "Red pill me on X" ect.
As for this one, he's looking for confirmation that pajeets are of almost no value. Something we already know to be true, from working in one of their common "higher education" fields of work.
We can never truly separate race from anything that has a face connected to it. Hence why we're anonymous.
It's unfortunate that attributes can be given easily to those of color. But they're not making it easier for them selves.
And that's the answer that's to be given here. Solemn acknowledgement that there's problems with certain races in certain fields. And disapproving of the OP's suggestion that a pajeet made email. But that's almost digression.
This is the world that we live in, always have and always will.
you're shitty faget
email/irc will always be the shit
I thought that was the Chinese
>They shill the board
>Let's respond by supporting garbage, Sup Forums tier, two sentence threads which don't even address the shilling
Well for the most part. gunpowder is European.
Yuros discovered the importance of oxidation:fuel ratios and made gunpowder actually useful.
> basing his technological decisions on his ad hominem racism
you have to go back
space rockets arent fueled by gun powder you fucking retarded cia nigger
>he doesn't know how to interpret maymay arrows
>Well for the most part. gunpowder is European.
>the concept of moving a projectile through ignition of a fuel source isn't the basis of space flight
End yourself
>niggers in africa with round plates in their lips first thought of the concept of tyres
Technically not.. Heritage aside.
Just look at your directory's..
that's stretching it. The chinese were literally the first group to have been known to use propulsion through combustion to hurl shit at other people
Sup Forums is an alt right website, fuck off before kek destroys lincucks.
>it's a 2016 /rthedonald speaks for everyone episode
No, whites inverted everything. Chinese stole white inventions and passed it off as their own like other non whites.
yellow was the original white
Kek has killed and ruined those who attacked trump, linux will not be spared if you continue.
>thinking he can control kek to smite people he doesn't like
The last person who thought he could control kek was CWC. He is now a she.
Kek has supported Sup Forums and trump was elected through kek and meme magic. We are powerful and can topple nations if we wished to.
Exceptions that proves the rule. 99.99% of Pajeets are lazy lying retarded asshole. Including you, OP. Like you invented anything. That's the thing with Pajeets, always need to borrow someone else's accomplishments. Pajeets, you're not Ramanujan, not Shiva. Learn your craft, don't keep bullshiting your coworkers.
Reading that post felt punk as fuck
Frankly, whenever I hear a programmer complaining about pajeets, I automatically assume he must be a shitty programmer who has good reason to fear being replaced. It's turned out be an amazingly accurate predictor so far.
You never hear Linus or Stallman or Carmack or Abrash or Dean or Thompson or Gosling or any of the actually great programmers complaining about pajeets. They want to work with the best, and the second you limit your pool of coworkers arbitrarily, you're going to cut yourself off from some of the best.
>kek is something you can control
Keep doing that if you want to be a trap
>That's the thing with Pajeets, always need to borrow someone else's accomplishments.
It exists in all kinds of groups
and predictably those who like to keep doing this are those who have little to no accomplishment of their own
Geez man, back to r/the_donald or or whatever containment board you belong.
We already had a lot of threads, user.
A broken clock is right twice a day
A pajeet will never shit in a toiled
I dislike the pajeet more.
A pajeet was responsible for inventing the fucking number system you use every day.
>inb4 I just turned OP into an anti-science/anti-math mongoloid
lol, sorry. Try not to kill yourself
>using shitty arab positional system instead of glorious roman additive system
kill urself mVIII
If they were forced to work with pajeets you will hear them rant, but they do not because they would fire pajeet in an insstant or pajeets are too dumb to keep up since most of them do monkey coding anyways
So we get to blame Indians for the never-ending flood of bullshit spam that makes up an overwhelming majority of all email on the Internet?
he wrote a program called "EMAIL", he didn't invent electronic mail
What did he mean by this?
>pajeet responsible for inventing a bloated, poorly-specified, vulnerable, altogether completely shit standard
Unsurprised, I guess?
Funny how the ONLY people trying to shit on pirates ITT are losers who have post purchase rationalization and hate pirates for not sucking dick like they did
underrated post
Mate, I think you tied your Pepe bandana too tight.
Jesus mate. Tone it down with the autism.
Wrong thread?