Is he selling our information ?
Is he selling our information ?
I believe so
You can trust him, he isn' t pajeet.
Why wouldn't he?
>no usernames
Less than likely unless you're a tripfag or a passnigger. Unless shiki and leaki were his thing, but I don't really consider those to be "selling user data", more like profiting off of retarded ad companies.
What's up Sheeky Forums
What is there to sell?
Wait, so we get Linux to avoid telemetry, then get spied on by coming here? Isn't that a bit contrarian?
Sup Forums is closed source quality.
Go back to Plebbit.
Well, you can trust Linux, to iroshima nagazaki I don't think so...
I am just saying, Sup Forums is a place where many use Linux and where I see daily posts about how to best protect your privacy. It just seems odd that we do all this, then lurk on a site that sells our info.
Selling what?
I think you vastly overestimate the market for dank memes and sexism?
>use captcha for each post
>google knows what you post
>implying my post itself is my means of communication
>implying it's not the picture
>implying it's not ascii hidden at the bottom of the jpg file format
>implying I'm actually making an effort to talk to you right now
Probably not
a dataminer and data analysist asian kike would have no interest in such things
linux users on suicide watch DELETE THIS
Hot boi faps to my posts.
Found the b8 m8
Uh... you are aware that, since 2010, Sup Forums's servers effectively reside in a federal law enforcement run facility, right? There's no private hosting provider. What does that tell you about the state of our information?
sauce not tinfoil
what information?
the only reason people come to Sup Forums is because the other image boards are to slow/dead. its why a lot of people stick to bad websites long after they went to shit.
He let companies and the liberals shill on Sup Forums for a fee.
Why else would he buy this shithole website?
Why would FilthyFrank want to sell our information?
Of course
The real question is do you have something to hide
The real question is, what the hell has he done to the servers? Everything takes so long to load now, there's an ostensible delay from thumbnail to image.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this ..
get out NSA
Obviously, why else would he have bought the site?
Probably throttling them back so he can point to the slow servers as evidence next time he wants to cry about how he's "running out of money"
Just waiting for the slant cunt to impose subscription charges.
Then you autist twats will really be up in arms.
Now fuck off.
Obviously ignorant of the prices of black market Pepes.
A man has to make money somehow
> Anyone would buy this information
He really does look like filthy frank.
My guess is images are 'constantly' available and become available only upon 'request'.
Xiaomi Mi router 3 still hasn't gotten OpenWRT support yet. Which chink wifi router with openwrt should I buy?
Fuck, wrong thread.
That's like half a dozen sixes right they're.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Presenting the world's lamest getwaste.
Great. Now we have to wait 1000000 more posts to get a get with 666666.
posting in epic thread
the GET police have been dispatched
>home ip rangebanned (on Verizon) again
>gook tells me to just buy a pass, good goy
I hate mook so fucking much right now
After 12 years on Sup Forums, FIRST FUCKING GET. Oh well I don't feel any different now.
What info? An IP that isn't linked to me anyways?
His track record seems to indicate a complete willingness to do so if the opportunity is there. He's not some principle bound autist.