Sup Forums! I want to learn to code, where do I start?
Sup Forums! I want to learn to code, where do I start?
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Install GHC
Whatever you say
I heard code academy is pretty good!
install gentoo.
don't listen to this faggot
I've heard really good stuff about it too, will have a look
Sure, user, sure
you will have no future.
I'm willing to take that chance.
Automate_The_Boring_Stuff With Memesnake.pdf
It won't spoonfeed you and only learn you syntax, it has some challenges in there that can be educational. After it just build some scripts/bots and move on to a big boy language after picking up some math.
with karly
Python dummy
Thanks dude, I will look into it, i'm excited
>unironically starting with Python
lmao @ your life tbqh famalam
Well what do you suggest?
Lisp. It gets things done. It just makes zero sense.
c or c++. preferably c tho.
Don't bother, people hate on python, but it's just an easy stepping stone to get into programming. Just pick a language and whatever you do don't stop and switch because other languages are more shiny or get shilled on Sup Forums.
So basically stick to one till i feel as if i'm finished with it?
>you'll have a better understanding of programming if you start in high level languages
Ignore him. Python is good.
I can vouch for the book the other guy recommended. If you find yourself getting bored of the book or can't really relate to the way the info is being presented— I can also recommend Chuck Severance's python series "Python for Informatics". It's on coursera, but you can find a few of its videos on his youtube:
Once you go through those, try a few challenges. Then, once you're ready to actually build some fun stuff, go on youtube and check out "beautifulsoup". It's a screen scraping library (lets you pull data from websites). I couldn't put down python once I learned it.
Try making a Sup Forums archiver or something with it.
Start with C or javascript.
Thank you so much, user. I appreciate your help!
If you didn't learn x86 assembly as your first programming language to make an IRC bot you should kill yourself lmao. i'm a girl btw
java :^)
Read the dragon book.
depends on what type of code you want to write.
Are you interested in embedded systems, hardware programming, graphics / gaming, web, windows? If you just want to write code and do examples etc... i'd suggest java since its platform dependent and pretty easy and the syntax is quite like C#. If you want a challenge and learn everything from the ground up i'd suggest C.
*platform independent
doesnt really matter what language you start with, just build something you're passionate about, when you're finished with your shitty codebase, rewrite it a couple of times until you're pleased with your design pattern.
>where do I start?
not in here, this board can only "program" by inserting dragon dildos up their asses
>tfw actually learned that years ago but unable to print hello world without system calls
>tfw already forgot most of it anyway so why bother
i mean, what is the point of assembly if you don't tinker with the registers directly? might as well go deep in java.
>So basically stick to one till i feel as if i'm finished with it?
lol at this
why are you even learning if you dont plan to spend 10,000 hours in the language honing your craft building applications people can actually appreciate and even pay money for.
look if you're serious about coding first think about what kind of projects you'd like to work on and then do your own research to the pros and cons of the most popular languages available. I say most popular languages because those are the ones companies will pay big bucks for, assuming you're also interesant in making money from this pioneer.
that's all, peace out.
>he didn't make his own processor
>using a picture of the smiley with a carat nose
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Problem? :^)
>using the smiley with a carat nose