Scientists say appocalypse is now early thaks to Trump

Are you happy now Trump's cuck-minions?
Your voting has just brought the world closer
to the apocalypse.
Thanks a lot you homophobic, misogynist, sexist pigs who only know how to destroy everything.

Trump says a lot of retarded things, but he's not retarded enough to play with nukes like they're toys. Also, who takes the doomsday clock seriously.


Good, this planet sucks anyways.


>lol, everyone who disagrees with me are joos xD

Sure is technology in here

It was going to fall either way, your point? The alternative would have been -2 or more because of a complete collapse of US-Russia relations.

>closer than during the Cuban Missle Crisis

I'm not a Trump fan, but this is asinine and belongs on

Why are you on /g you, fucking ctr faggot?

how can trumplets even recover?

KYS, please. Do the world a favor and just fucking kill yourself. Preferably in a way that makes you suffer.

Mods are paid off CTR shills if they let this thread live

>Thanks a lot you homophobic, misogynist, sexist pigs who only know how to destroy everything.


You'd have to be a fucking moron to think that we're closer to nuclear apocalypse with Trump in charge. I'm more safer than ever knowing that Russians are not gonna do shit now and will be our friends.

Stay mad, dirty libtard shit.

Epic, if hitler was alive he would dedicate a toast to that roast :^)


sure thing bro

Fuck off to

Good. Love Hitler! 14/88


>dooomsday clock scientists

The absolute state of the BBC.

Hitler appreciated only the dankest of memes, he would give you sir the tip of his hat :D

Hmmm I wonder who's behind this.