ITT: post beautiful tech (any kind)
ITT: post beautiful tech (any kind)
Sup Forums doesn't care or should I keep going?
honestly just go to r/battlestation
>yes i am a rebbit fag
honestly just go to r/battlestation
>yes i am a rebbit fag
but that's not what I care about. do you not see how this is different than some faggot hipster desktop arrangement? this is about individual devices/tech
>>yes i am a rebbit fag
It was easy to tell due to your blatant misuse of the quote function.
Now get out and don't fucking come back. Your arrogance and refusal to lurk disgusts me.
I have one of those interfaces. I fucking hate it. The hardware is solid, but it has the worst drivers on the planet. Their forums are full of hundreds of threads of people calling them out on it, but they don't give a shit. It's amazing.
But yes, it looks nice.
someone fucking contribute as well PLEASE
wideband drivers are technology
I have one too. I primarily use it just as an easy way to switch between my speakers and headphones, but I did try to record with it once and boy did the wheels fall off.
muh dick.jpg
None of the stuff posted so far is "beautiful"
pic related, beautiful tech
honestly just go to r/battlestation
>yes i am a rebbit fag
beautiful bait.
though I'm typing using that keyboard because it's noice (spill something on it, wash it, let it dry and use again) have lost count on how many times I've washed it under running water.
the full-sized USB version though, no gay ass wireless keyboard.
Looks like something used in a lab
pic related M39 EMR
Best and most aesthetic weapon to blow someone's brain out.
OP said beautiful, not tacky
thats coz you got the wrong version, ur pictures is of the WRONG (but newer model) 2i2.
i have the 1st one and 0 problems
I have a solo used as an xlr to USB adapter basically. I didn't have any issues.
Isn't the second version supposed to be better? As far as I know, it doesn't need a DI box for a guitar, but the first version does.
the hell are you talking about? you don't need drivers for this... as long as you have usb audio compiled in the kernel the 2i2 works flawlessly without downloading anything
Looks like a motorcycle engine. What is it?
R/C car (me thinks) engine
That's not beautiful. That's a closet. Cause you're gay.
the big plastic horn makes the tiny single driver better how?
Anybody got any networking equipment?
t. Networking student
extended lf response, high efficiency
la beaute de chinque
and more power than you're Marantz
the interior is more impressive
No. Turns piss yellow in a couple of years.
check some these asthetics
absolutely disgusting
>iconic anesthetics
pretty much everything from Dieter Rams
oh god
>for ants.jpeg
It's a turntable for audiocucks
top kek didnt see that
CPU cooler
it feels like there's a lot of good-looking modern stuff but no decent marketing photography of them
>marketing photography
you mean CGI
>give CAD to studio
>they create photorealistic renders and animations from them
sure, that's probably part of it too
I always liked those "out in the wild" kind of shots better showing the stuff being used, even if it was just retarded demos
'80s Frog Design was fucking peerless
>that rotation on the CRT
Fuck man why you gotta ruin it like that
>computers with windows, illuminated fans, keyboards and mice
jesus fucking christ, you're one autistic faggot
a e s t h e t i c
Richard Sapper master race
>heatsinks inside the case
that's very common
the case is not airtight idiot. so the heatsink still does the job.
here's the attention you so desperately begged us for
jbl control one is one of the worst speakers you could buy
literally every single piece of shit is better than those
2 for 1
>Fury X
this is ugly, not beautiful. stop thinking simplistic shit design is beautiful just because it's minimalistic.
some minimalistic design can be great, but just because it's minimalistic doesn't mean it's great.
t. no taste
lol I bet you kiss girls
Sleeper builds are interesting.
>Sleeper builds
reddit-tier hipster shit.