Y u do dis?

Y u do dis?


Other urls found in this thread:


i bet there are millions and millions of computers on x86 still, yet they are killing it

Install POSReady

I would guess the number of people using it is tiny. 32bit x86 has no place anymore. Low power is ARM, cheap is ARM, legacy OS are run in virtual machines.

Just upgrade sempai

Use a distro that gives a fuck about you. Arch is made to be easy for Arch developers to maintain, not to serve the user in any way.

A raspberry pi would be more powerful than the machine you are using in this fucking image.

Don't worry they are fine running Windows XP

Not really

Enjoy no games or quality software lincuck lmao!

muh freedoms

it has work well the past 10 years

How did you make this Arc theme looking so good? Installed it on my XFCE distro and it looks bad. Want the same window borders as you.

t. noob


ahmed, pls

you set the window theme in "Window Manager" under "Settings"

If they seriously removed 32bit support a LOT of steam games would stop working.

le haxor man

kek. thanks

Less maintenance effort spent on 10+ year old shit. Take over maintenance yourself, install Gentoo, or do whatever else.

you need to set window borders and gtk theme separately user. search the menu.

I hope you're serious because this dosen't effect multilib, aka the "lib32-*" packages



REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE they also fuckind up xfce4-volumed and now the volume icon doesn't show


If you're still on x86 you're a fuckin retard

my pentium 4 is 32 bits only

you probably mean xfce4-mixer, which is discontinued as gstreamer dropped the APIs it depended on. Use xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin and put it on the taskbar.

Already we can see 2 problems in this image.

We'll always have puppy.

Welcome to Debian (sid).

Eh, if you have at Pentium 4 then shouldn't you be able to use x86_64?

About time you upgraded your shitbox then. It's literally like 12-15 years old at this point. Basic Core 2 Duo platform is dirt cheap these days, and you'd probably save on electric bills as well. Not to mention you'd have a much faster PC for ultimate shitposting experience.


Already we see 1 problem in this comment.
>Disowning Arch Linux


just realized, it also includes my netbook that uses a 32 bit atom


are you retarded?

It's time to upgrade.

Debian doesn't have this problem

sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root


>Deprecating obsolete hardware is somehow a bad thing
Fuck off and stop using old hardware you retard.

Thats the most arch thing Ive seen all year.

or he could install Windows XP and move along.


Fucking hell, I still use a Pentium III laptop regularly for light web browsing, and my other laptop is a Core Duo. 32 bit computers are still useful.

This is even more retarded than using i686

not really. arch abandoned these ancient relics, xp saved them.



Even today they still sell multi-core Intel Atoms laptop/tablet hybrids that are x86 only.

Install Gentoo

could you give an example of one? out of curiosity


ok thanks, but I really meant to ask for an example of a tablet or something that included the chip, rather than the chip itself

Correction: the CPUs (Z3740 and Z3775) support 64-bit instructions but the manufacturer Asus only writes 32-bit UEFI BIOS


But, in all honesty, the Atoms & Quarks are primarily used in SoC designs. You can also find some weird x86 phones like the Zenfone 2.

I spent like 30 seconds staring at the Pinta window border because I thought the arrows were pointing out something was wrong with it.

Why didn't you just take a screenshot and edit that image, OP?

>You need 64bit UEFI to run 64bit OS.
UEFI was a fucking mistake. What happened to traditionally changing the processor mode yourself?
The MBR is fucking 16bit but that doesn't stop us from switching the processor to 64bit afterwards.

>He's still using Arch
It's time to jump ship and participate in building the best GNU/Linux distribution of all time.

This was bound to happen sooner than later. Arch is meant to be bleeding edge, and 32 bit x86 is basically legacy bullshit.

If you're running arch on an architecture this old, you're doing it completely wrong.

This, just switch to Debian if you're stuck with legacy hardware.

OP here. this is my netbook that i mentioned here FUCKING REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

was looking at solus and they only support 64 bits.

void linux seems nice so far. not sure if i should go full gentoo.

sure but they probably do not run arch linux by a big gap

> be me
> be too noob to install DE so i have an unused arch server
> still cry cuz arch is so kewl

wallpaper pls

even my government issued 3rd world netbook is 64bits
get rkt fgt


i believe in the arch mailing list they claimed ~7% of the install base was running i686 with an estimated ~3 - 4% of that 7% being 64 bit capable. so really 3 - 4% are strictly 32 bit.

i can understand their reasoning. really no reason to be stuck on a 32 bit only cpu.

use gentoo
>wait, you probably can't since it would take like a day or two to compile just xorg on that p4.

.... then dont use arch.

kinda makes sense that a distro that aims to be cutting edge is dropping support an archetecture that has been legacy for well over a decade now.

Wasn't that an April fools joke a couple of years ago? Guess it's real this time

well i guess the decision to switch to gentoo on my i686 has been made a little easier

Windows 10 doesn't have this problem.


what the fuck this pisses me off, arch is one of my favorite distros to use on ancient x86 pc

This is what I was worried about when I heard the news. Mostly because Wine. Good to hear though.

get rid of your pentium 4 for christ sake do you live wasting power? do you love the high amount of heat that thing produces? get a regular 2017 pentium for 64 dollars and some cheap compatible board

Just use gentoo, they'll never phase i686 cpus out.

>still on i686, are u serious?

x86_64 master race

hey mohammed, try not to rape any women today. kthxbai

Install Slackware it's perfect for x86.

the joke is that P4s support x86-64

Windows Vista lacks this problem.


>tfw just installed windows embedded
no regrets

Time to upgrade.

Arch is a distro for desktop users.
Most people treat their computers like shit, so they get a new one every 5 years.
So the amount of people who have a 10 year old computer is decreasing.
If you want to, you can maintain it yourself, there is good guides out there on how to set it up.

proof that arch developers are incompetent idiots

What does it do that windows 7 cant do? Is it lighter or something?

>no surface level botnet
>customized install
>cleaner out of the box.

>embedded OS
>for desktop and gaymen usage
Literally autism.

I can sympathize with your plight, stranger. The world marches ever forward to the cliffs edge.

Have a cat...

It just settled on me how fucking poor Sup Forums users are if this is an issue.

Stop your memes. Get a fucking job. Oh my god I wish I was shit posting but this is an honest feeling of dread I'm having.

It isn't about money, it is about being able to use your devices that are still able to function. That is the issue.

I have a laptop from 1998 that still functions perfectly. It has just been left behind even though it is a great piece of technology.

Your calm, sensible reply has cowed me, user.

If it works, let it keep working. I'm just a consumerist.

>Rooo muh 15 year old cpu isnt supported anymore.

just build packages with yaourt or makepkg

not everyone. certainly not mine.