>end of January, 2017
>HTTPS still isn't default on Sup Forums
End of January, 2017
Other urls found in this thread:
Use HTTPS everywhere extension.
it makes especially little sense not to when they're already using cloudflare
so stupid pedos gets arrested, and hopefully shot in the neck
what does https do? encrypt traffic?
when you type on your computer to Sup Forums the data is sent to Sup Forums in such a way that everyone between you and Sup Forums can look at the data with their eyeballs and clearly see what you are saying...
you might be like "so, nobody is watching me anyway" but they don't have to, they just record everything that you say and someday they can simply type in the word "nig" into their search and you will pop up having called someone a nig back in 2009 about a video card... if the gov. or anyone decides anyone saying nig on the internet needs to be burned alive you will be put on the list whereas people using https will not.
because https nig looks like "JHSAKdjadshahushdUHADHASD*)YUsdUIAS)D*ASDASD" or any other combination of nonsense.
Oh man, by days back in the early days of internet is going to ruin my chances for running for office.
There is no need for HTTPS on a shitposting website
or always having been a pc typing user and never having used nig et al will get you burned alive
>request port 80 connection
>get connection to port 80
>complains and cries for port 443
are you fucking retarded?
FBI/NSA gets Sup Forums logs daily so why the fuck do you worry about placebo?
>because https nig looks like "JHSAKdjadshahushdUHADHASD*)YUsdUIAS)D*ASDASD" or any other combination of nonsense.
Not to NSA, they can decrypt HTTPS traffic easily
>ask simple question
>go back to
>questions cannot be stupid
Remove your tinfoil hat
>Not to NSA, they can decrypt HTTPS traffic easily
[citation needed]
>still denies the botnet
nice try, CIA nigger
Close but not quite. Sup Forums uses Cloudflare as a CDN so your HTTPS connections only goes to the nearest Cloudflare server where they can also see everything you say and do.
I assume the traffic between Cloudflare and Sup Forums is encrypted as well but that depends on the configuration.
Guess what the "report illegal content" button does.
>you will be put on the list whereas people using https will not.
hahahaha being this fucking paranoid. back to you go
>what is HSTS
are you fucking retarded?
>le back to meme
What do you mean, "https still not default on Sup Forums"? I don't remember opting in.
The back to is only required in case of severe autism indeed.
1. The data being sent is not very sensitive.
2. Japanese businessmen are selling our data anyway.
kek. that was fixed 2 years ago.
Bullrun was in production back in 2010, you think that they have not advanced their efforts since then?
Second post, best post. HTTPS is only marginally more secure than HTTP.
LMAO... you don't know shit about encryption and hot it's defeated. Please stop. Just do some searching on the topic and you'll find your answer.
https does not cache well
hiro needs to save his sheckles
down syndrome
GameFAQs is going full HTTPS so it's now more technologically advanced than this shit hole..
Why should it? Are you scared to speak your mind?
>end of January 2017
Except it's not you dumb fuck
>HTTPS still isn't default on Sup Forums
No shit. It costs more money to serve https by default than http and you have to pay someone to make the changes. Why would a website that doesn't give any fucks about your privacy invest money into giving you more privacy when it does not benefit them.
Also this
>someday they can simply type in the word "nig" into their search and you will pop up having called someone a nig back in 2009 about a video card... if the gov. or anyone decides anyone saying nig on the internet needs to be burned alive you will be put on the list whereas people using https will not.
Sure, lets just pretend that the government doesn't have the full ability to correlate our ip addresses and messages via employees who are also janitors on these boards.
>but user, that could neve happen because janitor roles have such a high barrier of entry
It drops all the images in the thread into japmoot's fap folder
Except it is, shit for brains.
>exhentai still uses HTTP
Cloudflare is the biggest MITM that is willingly accepted due to indifference and deception. The funny thing is, years ago the idea was floated by some politician that such a "service" would be necessary to "combat crime"; there was some minor outrage but that was soon forgotten about like everything else by people with 5-minute attention spans.
It's safe, but everyone knows what anime you're into.
>that everyone between you and Sup Forums can look at the data with their eyeballs
What if they are blind? Can't they listen to it with their ears?
even then, the fact that your shit isn't traveling through multiple private networks in plaintext is a nice touch, don't you think?
Maybe he's not a pedo so he has nothing to hide?
its way worse than you think, jewggle just became a ca authority
this is gonna be a fun year for data mining if you "work" at jewggle