what drugs does gee use
what drugs does gee use for programming
what drugs does gee use for maintaining the will to live
/drg/ - drug general
only programmable drugs here.
Not even prodrugs counts, they're just drugs that are themselves on drugs
i smoke weed every day
for programming i usually just drink coffee, but i'll occasionally take a prescription stimulant for a really productive day when i'm behind on work
i snort coke occasionally for a fun night of drinking and fucking, and i take benzos occasionally to help me sleep or to ease a stressful situation (such as a job interview).
>taking benzos for job interviews
just a tiny dose to take away some anxiety
some people drink a beer before an interview for the same purpose. i think a benzo is a better solution.
This. Adderall and Ativan in the mornings was my cocktail for a while and I felt like god, talked to everyone with ease and got so much shit done.
>black out at interview
>wake up to 4 company laptops, a dozen company pens and angry voicemails
Every time
>black out at interview
>wake up to 4 company laptops, a dozen company pens and angry voicemails
>and an executive position making six figures
Every time
Fingerless gloves became a "hacker stereotype" from the meth-fueled hackers of olden days, keeping their finger warm during long typing sessions with gloves, and eventually customizing them to increase fingertip accuracy while retaining hand warmth
>consuming it
>not selling it
Drugs are for absolute degenerates.
>Not synthesizing it
This is Sup Forums you need to get /out/
Hey, at the very least he cleared the EXIF data. That's pretty cyb.
Sup Forums strips the exif data for a while now
Green tea is awesome for coding. With coffee I get tired and sleepy eventually, with green tea I can go on for 2-3 days without any sleep without problems. Better than amphetamines, actually, because there's no real crash.
weed + booze
weed + booze
used to run the gamut but now I'm basically a soberfag
Oh shit I didn't know that.
>better than amphetamines
yeah same thats why i drink 3 pots of coffee a day
Speed is fun, but tea helps me focus.
It's not better than amphetamines because the dopaminergic affinity of caffeine is fucking pathetic compared to amphetamines, it's almost entirely an adrenic release of norepinephrine, it's not a dopamine boost its an adrenaline boost.
And adrenaline is biologically way more dangerous than dopamine
Tea. Occasionally caffeine in an energy drink.
While stronger stimulants such as the amphetamine group tend to massively increase productivity and attention towards single focused tasks, they also tend to have adverse effects on the kind of wide, deep cognition that you need for careful project design.
Long-term stimulant use can easily be very destructive and I would advise you to be cautious and safe.
Anecdotally, I have observed that stimulant users write a lot more code, but worse code per quantity. That may be a trade-off worth it for some people and projects.
The use of other nootropics does not seem to be widespread enough for there to be good data. There are a few who use psychedelics: again, it is rare, so not enough data, but I was surprised at the good quality of the code some of them do - that could just as well be a reflection of their own talent rather than of what they happened to be on at the time.
Stay the fuck off cocaine, it tends to turn people into egotistical cunts (if they weren't already). That may be a thing for salespeople and bankers, but the last thing the tech world needs is more assholes and more hubris.
Somebody believes stereotypes more than drug technology
Hint: It doesn't magically teach them libraries
>There are a few who use psychedelics: again, it is rare
I once took too much LSD at the office,
was puzzled about why I'm sitting in front of a glowing rectangle,
when I really should be out in the woods, hunting and gathering food.
It crushed any appreciation for technology
as if Ted Kaczynski's ghost had come by.
Well, it works fine for me. Coffee and ephedrine pills give me headaches when I overdo them, amphetamines don't really help me with focus, except for boring repeptitive tasks. For whatever reason, tea is the perfect drug when I have to stay focussed AND creative. Weed too, but I don't smoke during work.
I don't know man, I don't think coke makes you any more egotistical than amphetamines, I think they're both drugs that make it hard for you to shut the fuck up but aren't gonna turn you into something you're not
unless you need to like, start stealing to feed your addiction
Ephedrine is even more adrenic you jackwagon
Just oxidize that ephedrine and you'll have some dopamine-only, real brain-boosting drugs
This, amphetamines make your brain release dopamine, coke makes your brain stop putting dopamine back
Either way you're still getting *essentially* the same dopaminergic effect
I mean they are different and do work in different ways but a slightly different ratio of dopamine and norepinephrine won't make the difference between being Limitless guy or Wolf of Wall street guy
You're a fucking lair and you've never taken LSD I can tell by your fucking response.
>I can tell by the pixels
As I said, I'm completely content with tea to help me through arbitrarily long work days. And I've tried pretty much all of the "usual" drugs, legal and illegal.
To be fair when I was on LSD I much preferred watching the bark on a tree over watching the unbelievably shitty fucking racing movie my friend picked out
Inside is boring
>that wasn't my exact experience with LSD so you're a liar
confirmed for having done LSD exactly once
anyone here have any experience with ephedra? viridis of course not sinica.
gentoo and hurrrrd
make u realy thunk
ミズ ウォッド
Cigarettes while I'm working so I can take brief pauses to step away from a problem and clear my head
Coffee to wake me up
Adderall for ultra focus
Alcohol to socialize
Marijuana to relax
Depakote because I'm mentally ill
>Not manufacturing concentrates
I've used ephedra plants but only for the drugs in them so I don't know what species it was
Yes, it does contain ephedrine like the kind you can buy at walmart
Lexapro and Adderal.