old tech general
Old tech general
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Its that your photo?
>tfw my dad recently threw away a C64 instead of giving it to somebody who would use it (namely me, but really anyone would work)
clearly its not
nope, its a random google image
I have one of these sitting in storage. What should/could I do with it?
>pic not mine
What are good places to get old tech for cheap or free? I want to start a collection but it's not easy to find anything.
oh shit this is sexy. thinkpads are my fetish
It's even got a Pentium. This is high performace! I bet it can even do E-Mail!
Is it VR ready?
Notice how the ancient egyptians always wore whiter than white sheets, I wonder what their laundry detergent secret was.
Everything looks crispy white on shit-skins
-Thrift stores along with all the other mexicans and white hipsters who think they're better than everyone else and wish the thrift store was a thrift club
-Ebay is finished because hipsters started a business to sell to these threads
-Boomers look it up online just like cars and know what it's worth and wouldn't sell it to you anyway because you're not old enough
Only choice is dumpster diving which is the cool hip way to meet other losers. But it's worth it, to fit in on the internet
No more XT clone.
/retro/, who wins?
know man, thinkpads are so fking sexy, i bought a Thinkpad 600, sadenly i can make it work, now i buy a Thinkpad R51
First Thinkpad who works haha
In a future im go to buy a new one, but now i happy with this.
Amiga, in every way, specially sound, graphics and OS.
The only thing the ST had for itself out of the box was high res monochrome graphics and MIDI.
>not buying a lisp machine
What the hell is this.
I want it.
can we please have that wallpaper senpai?
kek he looks like Hiroyuki
What happens when you make a mistake?
I just came
What is this, and where can I get sound?
That's a nice one.
like my cum on your mommy lmao
I have my mom's old inspiron 7500, no pic but it's a piece of shit
What model?
fucking every thread.
shove 32MB of RAM in it and dualboot 95 and NT 3.51, personally I've always wanted a nice little digital PC to use for emulating other digital iron
you can also try something new and different like SCO OpenServer
>300 series
not even a half chub
what's with the pink light?
It's blue actually, but turning on soft and cold white lights too gives everything a purple hue.
I wish I had a proper KS 3.1, accelerated, AGA, memory expanded, scan doubled, flash drive enabled PAL Amiga, but damn it'd be an expensive and time consuming project. And typically the caps/battery need replacement, the PSU should be replaced, and getting monitor output is not always obvious.
oh. sorry, i'm colourblind.
A 600 with Vampire would be a better idea.
>posts pics of OCS
What name of this keyboard?
Yes, that is a superb option as well, but depends on what machine I happen to find here
They are working on Vampire for the 500 and 1200 too.
>do not touch
senpai pls
>he thinks millennials** haven't seen Mission Impossible
ugh, millennials
you should upgrade that with two of these.
How will a overhyped stellar calculator help me with my fields?
let me provide a photo from my collection
a e s t h e t i c
And being much cheaper of course.
Price wise there wasn't really a difference.
A ST with a monitor and A500 with a monitor came out pretty much the same.
Does 1999 count?
I made this yesterday.
anyone here watch viva amiga yet?
Awesome user
No, is it out already?
Watched From Bedrooms to Billions The Amiga Story though.
>triple monitor windows 98 machine
It came out last week IIRC
Had the spare parts and monitors, getting 90s ati drivers working under linux would probably be a pain.
Thanks, will watch it soon.
Someone already started a /tpg/ thread
>I'm so funny
ChinkPad a shit
My nigga.
>fap fap fap
you have to type the card again.
Wasn't the pc98 supposed to be a cheap home computer? Cause that fucker has two floppy slots AND cdrom
not like either were really that expensive
>$(date +"%Y")
>not playing pretend mainframe with SPF/PC on your DOS boxes
(it actually seems like a decent menuing system and editor for IBMfags who want that "big iron" experience)
whats e-mail
domou arigatou
I didn't even know multiple display hardware that old even existed. Color me impressed.
PCs were pretty late to the party on native support for it too.
I think it's an oscilloscope. I'm not sure though.
It was actually possible to have multiple monitors with PCs when you had a EGA and MDA card, programs that where designed to could write to MDA memory directly without disturbing the EGA output and so show to separate screens on both monitors. Obviously not as powerful as dual monitors on Mac or Amiga, but around the same time, they got dual monitor support in the late 80's when they first to the opportunity to run several graphics cards.
Comfy af desu senpai
ty fampai, those are some nice legs desu
I'd let her operate my _mainframe_
Yeah, I've only heard of a few CAD programs that ever supported it.
it's a tektronics 4012 graphical terminal
there's a storage tube terminal kicking around in some television repair shop about an hour away from me
I'd like to harass them for it but I don't know if I'd be able to make it worth their while
you patch the hole up and make a new one.
>storage tube
You mean vector display
they're both, storage tubes are a sub-class of vector displays that use longer-lasting phosphors to get out of having to use expensive memory
it draws vectors, but it's not a regular CRT, it's a storage tube
the difference is the extreme persistence
with a regular raster or vector display, you need a computer that constantly redraws everything 50-60 times a second, it wasn't feasable back then to do that with complex images, as the cpu was either too slow to generate the picture, or there wasn't enough memory to store the picture in a framebuffer (like we use nowadays)
with a storage tube, the computer can draw the picture a line or dot at a time, pretty much as slow as it needs to, as already-drawn elements persist on the tube permanently (practically about an hour, else you risk burn-in)