How do I achieve maximum file compression, Sup Forums?
How do I achieve maximum file compression, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>I want you to quote this
Why's this so funny?
Define x =
Your file is now x.
install advancecomp
Thanks. I just defined x = so now I can store my SSD on a floppy instead
>Trump and co. repeatedly spitting in the lying media's face
>some people think this is somehow a bad thing
>How do I achieve maximum file compression, Sup Forums?
Compress a file few dozen times.
Because it shows he doesnt care about medias opinions. And Americans dont care about NYT opinion either
>Americans dont care about NYT opinion either
Wish you were right
Use Winrar5 big library size with best compression, break it up into FAT32 sizes files for easy transportation
Pictures and video is another story
What the fuck
ZFS, Gzip-9, 64k block size, dedup on, 32GB of RAM, VM images only, final destination
Alternatively, have your xeon workstation crank this for a few years.
a quasi dictator, his alt reich advisor and his minister of truth are trying to discredit the media and position themselves as the only providers of trustworthy information. He has silenced scientist from speaking to the press ffs. But you trumptards will still defend him.
I really, really wish I lived in the hallucination that shitlibs experience.
It must be nice, living in such a sheltered world.
I remember this meme, what happened to it? It could be viable these days
>silenced scientist from speaking to the press ffs
Hello r/eddit
To hear leftists describe it, Trump is a fascist dictator who's literally days away from throwing the poor, downtrodden journos into ovens, instead of a relatively weak civic nationalist who's shitting on a press that's not only grown far too self-important, but has also repeatedly shown itself to be incapable of doing its basic job (providing the public with information).
I would have literally no problem with either perception if they were true, but the former is far more entertaining.
>Trump lying to the media is good because I voted for him
The best compressions program by far is 'ln'.
$ du -h anime_porn.tar
18T anime_porn.tar
$ ln -s anime_porn.tar anime_porn.tar.ln
$ du -h anime_porn.tar.ln
4.0K anime_porn.tar.ln
I'm pretty sure rm has a much higher compression ratio.
That's easy, just go middle out
lz4 for speed, lzma2 for compression ratio.
OP here, sorry, I meant on Windows.
OneDrive :^)
This guy is a fucking Zionist and Sup Forums will defend him.
We're not on Sup Forums, fuck off.
All the realistic candidates were pro-merchants.
He's not perfect but was the best we could choose for Sup Forums values, and certainly far better than we could ever hope for.
like this
Fucking Sup Forums
I thought he was an anti-semite and the j00s feared him.
Get on my level.
Thank you for posting this.
B-but how?!?
Go read the history of Breitbart
i found out recently HFS+ can't into sparse files
"most advanced OS" my ass
By not creating the file
If I were to start right now, how long until it's done?
300 years?
Fucking rich, mate. You guys are basically cultists at this point.
>discredit the media
nah. you'll find the clinton news network and almost every single other that was not independent (or 'fake' news as the msm call them) discredited themselves. just the way you compare a president to some world war 2 era tyranny highlights your extreme bias and lack of critical thought. no wonder you're a shitlib
Wow you're literally in almost every Sup Forums thread huh?
I love it when a simple phrase or even a keyword triggers you like a robot.
>just the way you compare a president to some world war 2 era tyranny
The alt-right does not exactly need help with that.
I'll bet you didn't know even jews in the audience were giving the roman salute. It was an ironic gesture done after Spencer's speech (who never made the salute in the first place)
>It was an ironic gesture done after Spencer's speech
Yeah, sure.
>(who never made the salute in the first place)
I guess there's no resemblance to Nazi propaganda then!
>Y-Yeah, s-sure.
>I guess there's no resemblance to Nazi propaganda then!
>shitlib paints everything they hate as hitler
Ignorance summed up by way of disbelief, the post.
Hitler or Nazi is the new 'witch' of the modern era, dontchaknow?
What's astounding is that you think you can rationalise the Nazi salute as a Roman salute, when "HEIL" is being yelled. That's like saying a man is choking a peanut when you can see another man strangling him. You can't just ignore context.
>You can't just ignore context
You're taking it out of context. Listen to the whole speech. Even listen to the reaction of the people in the audience who were asked why they did the roman salute.
When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Dumbass he didn't call it roman salute to say it's not a nazi salute. He called it like that because it's its name. He clearly didn't mean it as "it has nothing to do with nazis, it's another thing".
Christ, I thought people like you were joking not that long ago.
> Pretend to be a retard on Sup Forums
> Suddenly discover how many retards there are in the world
> No-one here is pretending
> There's so many retards here
Those retards couldn't even differentiate between a while and awhile
Shit how did you know
>coming from the group that worships political correctness, sacrifices their neighbour for immigrants and rejects any truth in favor of sugar-coated lies
uh huh
Richard Spencer - White supremacist
> Lib's calling everyone a nazi
He advocates for a white homeland for a "dispossessed white race" and calls for "peaceful ethnic cleansing" to halt the "deconstruction" of European culture.
> Ethnic cleansing doesn't make you A NAZI FFS.
Spencer and others have said that he created the term "alt-right", a term he considers a movement about white identity.
Spencer openly supported Donald Trump in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and called Trump's victory "the victory of will", a phrase echoing the title of Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will, a Nazi-era propaganda film. Upon Trump's appointment of Steve Bannon as chief White House strategist and senior counselor, Spencer said Bannon would be in "the best possible position" to influence policy.
> Acts like a Nazi, believes in nazism.
>Implying getting rid of all kikes and niggers is bad
>He advocates for a white homeland for a "dispossessed white race" and calls for "peaceful ethnic cleansing" to halt the "deconstruction" of European culture
What's wrong with that? China for chinese, India for Indians, Africa for Africans. Why not our homelands?
>Ethnic cleansing doesn't make you A NAZI FFS.
You missed out "peaceful" making the difference to that quote.
>Spencer openly supported Donald Trump in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and called Trump's victory "the victory of will", a phrase echoing ...
Wow, he supported Trump. Who the media claims is Hitler. In his speech, he mocks this, giving rise to the ironic saluting at the end. Yes, echoing. Perhaps done for effect, or maybe nothing. A coincidence picked up on by those looking to paint everything as a Nazi. I suppose Hillary is a Nazi also because she wore clothes and was a politician, just like Hitler. Or maybe because they both consumed water, or tea. That makes you a Nazi. You Nazi.
See? I used to think you were trying to be edgy.
Now I think you're a cunt.
Can't we go back to the gold ol' days where everyone was just pretending to be that fucking racist.
>"peaceful ethnic cleansing"
The one thing I've never understood is how this would work. Give everyone not white 50,000 dollars if they apply for a Canadian green card?
Blame Obama. Race relations went through the floor under his presidency. Good riddance.
>I suppose Hillary is a Nazi also because she wore clothes and was a politician, just like Hitler.
Yes, that sounds like a very reasonable argument. Unlike saying that yelling "Heil Führer" and giving the Nazi salute somehow makes you a Nazi. I mean, how is that exclusive to Nazis?
> What's wrong with that? China for chinese, India for Indians, Africa for Africans. Why not our homelands?
>You missed out "peaceful" making the difference to that quote.
People move.
> Wow, he supported Trump. Who the media claims is Hitler.
He's not Hitler, but he is behaving in a manner not unlike him. That is quite important, nationalism and scapegoating are very much the beginning.
That's the thing, you're making it white only.
I mean, I doubt they're suggesting that everyone not native american leaves america and heads to europe.
If you genuinely think that I am sorry.
I think it's become more noticeable, but I also think it's getting better.
Being aware of a problem doesn't mean it's getting worse, you're just more aware of it than you were.
Now, you can work harder on fixing it.
Pro-tip; Supporting White supremacists is unlikely to win you many friends of a different race.
Try supporting people that don't think that ethnic cleansing is the answer to your problems and you might be able to find some common ground.
>That's the thing, you're making it white only.
>“America was until this past generation a white country designed for ourselves and our posterity,” Spencer said. “It is our creation, it is our inheritance, and it belongs to us.”
It sure fucking sounds like he wants everyone not white out. So that's around 22% of the country.
It's all starting to fall apart for NYT and all those other outlets that thought they had a stranglehold on public opinion
Shit is fucking hilarious
They fucking deserve it
Shut up you Nazi.
What happened?
We used to make shit like that to take the piss out of people that believed it.
Did I not notice you guys arrive?
Did you guys never catch the joke?
Was this place a shit hole all along?
>People move.
Immigrants are welcome in limited numbers. Not mass immigration. Whether you like it or not humans are still tribal animals and compete with one another which is exacerbated when different out-groups are mixed into an area.
Usually the ones pushing for more immigration are the biggest hypocrites. They are either quite wealthy (celebrities or politicians with a vote to win) and live in gated communities with enough money for paid security or enough money to move easily if shit happens. Or, they're completely ignorant of what mass immigration does to a town/city and its resources/infrastructure. Just ask those living in the village near the jungle in Calais how much they love immigration. Or those in Germany with their cities being turned into rubbish dumps and women raped, or Sweden with the police unable to do anything about immigrant assholes torching cars or whatever else just for something to do.
>but he is behaving in a manner not unlike him
Explain. All I see are deluded snowflakes who appeal to emotion using this reasoning.
>If you genuinely think that I am sorry
Oh but it's true. Just because you're ignorant or deluded by your brainwashing doesn't make it not true.
Watch this and refute one fact.
>Pro-tip; Supporting White supremacists is unlikely to win you many friends of a different race
There is no white supremacy. It's a long dead horse that has been beaten ad-infinitum by liberal media and those on the left as a means to divide the stupid from the rest creating easy votes at the ballot box. Thankfully, after the democrats hedging all their bets on the racial division they caused while in office, their golden goose was slaughtered. No more.
The problem is that so many people would say that unironically, that we have no idea if it's just ironic or actually serious.
Real life has truly surpassed parody.
we told people to go back to Sup Forums for so long that it there's no more room in hell, now they walk the earth again..
on what ?
>but a key piece of the technology, a compiler stored on a floppy disk, had disappeared and despite months of searching was never recovered
I think I have an ebay idea coming on. I just need to find an old floppy...
That's the real issue isn't it, I've met so many people that match that image perfectly that it doesn't seem like a joke any more
>...Whether you like it or not humans are still tribal animals...
I agree, but I think the answer is more tolerance, not fewer immigrants.
No-one would say it's easy, but immigration is going to increasingly become a issue we need to deal with, global warming and other unstable states are only going to make it more of an issue. Get gud now, or it'll be even more of a shock later.
>...Calais how much they love immigration. Or those in Germany ...
Many of these are refugees, and in a very real sense just the beginning, climate change is going to make even more refugees from Africa & the Middle East as increasingly the land is unfarmable and as such more people will need to move.
As for crime rates; immigrants usually result in lower crime rates.
I know people are more aware of the crimes, and feel betrayed (?) by immigrants committing crimes as if somehow they haven't earned the right to break the law and should be deported. I think you should treat them exactly the same as a "native" criminal. Regardless of the country of origin.
After all your justice system should be about rehabilitation and reintegration into society, turning as many criminals into functioning members of society as possible. (obv. not always gunna work, but you should try)
> Watch this and refute one fact.
Er, first 5 mins
Terror deaths have fallen since 2001. Watching the rest now.
> National Debt higher than all previous presidents before
Also no true.
Unemployment as a % is going down.
> There is no white supremacy.
There is, even if you don't identify with it.
Richard Spencer is a white supremacist.
Neo-Nazism is a political movement.
>the answer is more tolerance
No, the answer is to finally accept the fact that humans are tribalistic in nature, and to work with that fact instead.
>Neo Nazis
Jesus christ. You could probably fit all of the actual neo Nazis in the world in a large building. They aren't even relevant any more, and they haven't been for decades.
Stop reading articles from buzzfeed.
Sup Forums - Sup Forums discussions and consumerism
FrozenVoid's infinite compression algorithm.
I don't read buzzfeed.
>No, the answer is to finally accept the fact that humans are tribalistic in nature, and to work with that fact instead.
...but what does that mean?
Fight other tribes?
Close the doors?
Batten down the hatches?
Or work to expand your tribe, to make it larger and more powerful?
You can accept immigrants without granting them special privileges, treat them like any other member of the tribe, they break the law, they go to jail. As soon as you start treating them differently, like outsiders, they become outsiders.
>> Aren’t these liberals, those reprobate defenders of individualism, ashamed to see the tears of the mothers and wives, or don’t these cold-blooded accountants even notice?
> You could probably fit all of the actual neo Nazis in the world in a large building.
Doubt it. I'll give you that strictly speaking they're not "Nazi's", but they use Nazi symbols, they're racist, fascistic and nationalistic. If they're not literal Nazi's the distinction is almost too close to matter.
The same is true for Richard Spencer and others like him.
Spreading distrust of the media, scapegoating foreigners/immigrants or the children of immigrants without proof. Gagging academics from speaking out are fascistic in their nature and methods of consolidating power.
.... calling for a database of Muslims.
> "They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists."
These are reminiscent of the scapegoating that the Nazi's did, which is why people are worried.
Sup Forumsoats
Have you actually seen the crime statistics for sexual assaults and rapes from Muslim migrants in Europe?
Have you seen the ridiculous number of cases where they have gotten off because it's 'racist' to criticise them?
Something to start you off on:
>they're rapists
He didn't actually say that though, look at the original video yourself, and not just how the media reported it.
He says 'they aren't bringing their best, they're bringing their crime, the drugs, their rapists'.
Yeah, it's honestly not much higher (if at all) than native population.
I've seen a few cases.
You can't dismiss buzzfeed but cite youtube bud.
Although for the speech,
"They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists..."
OK nevermind, I thought I was talking to someone with a brain.
Buzzfeed is notorious for extremely left biased content aimed at dumb millennials. You can't write off all the content on youtube by comparing it to buzzfeed.
>they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, their rapists
He is literally listing things they're 'bringing' to the country.
>Have you seen the ridiculous number of cases where they have gotten off because it's 'racist' to criticise them?
Do you have any sort of statistics for this? Because it sounds like hearsay BS.
Sloot Digital Coding System
That's pretty smart
> Buzzfeed is notorious for extremely left biased content aimed at dumb millennials
Sure, I mean, I'd argue it's more objective than that youtube link.
I mean, he opens with a flasehood.
German immigration is higher than swedish, by at least an order of magnitude.
If you can write off all of BuzzFeed, I can write off a random youtuber.
>He is literally listing things they're 'bringing' to the country.
But he's not. He's saying things that sound terrible with no justification.
It's not an accurate depiction of immigrants. It would be more (statistically) accurate to say they're joining people that have drugs, do crime and rape.
Due to the fact that as a percentage, nationals do the above more than immigrants as previously cited.
I don't want to sugar coat immigration as amazing, it has it's issues, for sure.
.... but it's not nearly as terrible as you're describing and neither is it responsible for most of the issues it's linked to.
join alt right and they will empty your head. bingo bongo youre gay and no more files.
That guy may be wrong about the huge numbers, but there have been high-profile cases where this happens:
Also, the point of the video he linked wasn't the numbers, it's about how it's "racist" to ask the obvious question of whether immigrants from cultures with no human rights and rampant xenophobia will bring their culture's problems with them.
You'd never get a genuine dissenting opinion in Sup Forums, though.