This is your PC on windows 10

>this is your PC on windows 10

Other urls found in this thread:

Stay mad lincuck.

What are you using for that dark YouTube theme?

>having features is a bad thing

Not him, but there's a chrome extension for it

Do what now?

sadly that shit is uncalled for

i would prefer pajeets fixing bugs and making a cohesive windows 10 experience, than packing on half baked features

i am an avid digital pen user on my laptop, and the ink support is still pretty much shit

palm rejection is a mess

tldr: fix palm rejection, instead of wasting time on support VR holographic glasses nobody will have this Spring

>this is your pc con ganoo lunix

Wtf is this

Average day in the life of a lincuck

ok, you don't know how to use computers. what else would you like to share with Sup Forums

judging by the error, you run out of internets

>permissions issues
>blames linux

The Linux motto: BLAME THE USER!
Yes, because end users should really have to worry about that shit. Fuck, even Android is better in that regard. This is why desktop Linux is dead and will remain dead forever.

>tfw win 10 force restarts and i lose 12 hours of work
>tfw everytime i try to start firefox win 10 insists i use edge
>tfw mountain dew commercial plays on startup
>tfw microshills will try and claim these arent true

it is almost always the users fault. wah i deleted my important files and bweak sysem :(((((((( lincuks btfo

>end users shouldnt have to worry about that shit
>win10 comes preloaded with advertisements that have to manually be turned off by user

what jewtube style are you using

You're a funny guy, user.
Why don't you see this shit happening with Android? Oh, right, because it wasn't developed by autistic neckbeards that don't understand normal people don't have all day to fuck with their system and learn every nuance just to get some fucking work done.
Ads you can easily turn off is the same as obnoxious permission issues that shouldn't even be possible for the user to run into in a well designed system. Got it, retard.

So you're too dumb to change permissions? Yeah stay on windows

nah, the error comes from curl

it could not found the package

already posted here:

beacuse android is garbage? I use Plasma Mobile

link me that monitor thing in the bottom right

press windows + G and enjoy your unwanted overhead

In Linux it is only about giving you a challenge, using a computer should be a fun challenge, a maze

You're too retarded to understand that

>trips of truth

>18 months of bug fixing already
>game mode supposedly increases in game performance
>creators update includes ink overhaul, including new Paint and pen gestures everywhere
>most of this is already in slow ring or near release
>palm rejection is driver releated, and a problem with touchpad quality. Buy a laptop with the Precise Touchpad spec.
>MS and others will always target VR first because those users are richer than you.


>Don't spend a few hours configuring Linux to your taste
>Or don't just install Mint and be done with it
>Spend that time in Sisyphean manner unbloating Windows 10 only to have it steamrolled next update
>Don't mind double control panels, unauthorized network/ disk usage, inconsistent UI, and spying.

>chink support & flux
>more xbox push agenda: game mode
>more Edge push agenda: PDFs and ebook default app now
>more bing agenda: cortana only searches on bing
>more cortana agenda: rename 'search term' to 'ask cortana' everywhere
>more onenote push agenda: do you want to take notes? buy onenote, or register to use our online app and cloud!!
>we promise palm rejection works on surface hw
surface studio reviews show same issues as in my 10 point digitizer thinkpad
>MS again reacts to market, this time VR

i like novelty as any other, but microsoft is lacking in terms of finishing stuff, and having a cohesive vision. they are reacting to events like stupid fucks. the rolling release model doesn't help at all in that matter. they anounce a tool, and once it appears on the shill-sphere they forget about it, even if it is incomplete

>not using google docs and having your work constantly saved
>not using chrome
>you're a faggot

You linux elitists are hilarious. Enjoy your 1% marketshare, you sure earned it.

I agree entirely MS seems to listen to to Feedback App users, let them know.
>turn off cortana
>dont even install onenote
>chrome handles my pdfs
>sorry to hear that abut the digitizer. have you tried a new build?

hope it gets better, its free shit for everyone at least

>I agree entirely MS seems to listen to to Feedback App users, let them know.
Hi windows user, i am Pajeet Mahasilatinaveb. First of all thank you for using this forum. Here i show you how to fix your problem: How to Reset your windows to factory settings
>>turn off cortana
even turned off, the right button select ~> search is now cortana
>>dont even install onenote
it is the only way available to take notes on windows 10 out of the box
i bought a 10e app just to have the ability to annotate a PDF
>>chrome handles my pdfs
>>sorry to hear that abut the digitizer. have you tried a new build?
i will not fall again into entering anything other than the normie ring

hope it gets better, its free shit for everyone at least

i guess that is a feature, yeah

at least, i am enjoying Edge, 2bh

No, i use my computer as a tool to do the things i want.

Why should it be a fucking challenge or a maze to do the basic things i want to do.

This is why linux will never become mainstream

what are you retard doing on a tech board if you're non-elitist? go back to

Ms doesn't listen to feedback, i've been trying along with about 20,000 others (judging by the votes) to get an change reverted for nearly 2 years.

Looks like Rainmeter just google it

little diddy.... bout JACK N DIAAANNNNEEE

What's the best preactivated rethemed ISO for Windows 10?

But I must say that that theme looks really nice

I call it yung lean meme theme

fuck you its probably a specific one that would take forever to find so he could just tell me which one it is

Using your computer should not be simple/easy

that's like you're a fucking baby wanting to just use his computer and go STRAIGHT to the UI (don't do this) instead of typing in commands

I'm sorry Pedro I don't speak spanish

Also the grass near the rhododendrons is getting a little long

I don't fucking know you ungrateful cunt it's probably a homebrew one that he made himself it's not fucking hard.


I wasn't asking you buddy

Well anyway you were nice enough to say it was Rainmeter in case I didn't know that for some reason

>get windows 10 enterprise LTSB
>patch to remove all the bullshit
>dont download terabytes of CP or do any illegal shit
>get to have a working computer that does anything you want it to

wow so hard

wtf i hate spics now

I don't even mind that they're doing mixed reality but Windows Holographic itself is just total shit. It's the ultimate exercise in pointless skeuomorphism. Oh you made an interface for HMDs that give you full depth perception and 3d? Great! You... designed the entire thing with flat windows and exposed no hand tracking data in your API whatsoever other than 2 gestures? WTF?

Actual mixed reality operating systems will wipe the floor with it, but MicroShit is just worried about missing the next big thing like they missed mobile.

>All that
>Not just using the superior Windows 8.1

>Windows 7 but with a hideous redesign and none of Win10's exclusive bullshit

why not just use 7

This is your PC on CryptOS


why not just kill yourself

>i make things more difficult for myself to feel smarter than others on the internet
that's adorable

Just because your mother never loved you and your father lives in perpetual disappointment doesn't mean you should lash out like this.

You should seek help friendo.