/pcbg/ - PC Building General

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Always state the purpose of your PC, your budget, AND YOUR COUNTRY if outside the USA.
If you are asking for improvements, clarify whether you want to lower price or to improve specs or build quality.

Assemble your parts list; built-in price comparisons by vendor and a compatibility filter.

Gaming builds based monitor resolution and refresh rate
>To activate the Description, select build from sidebar then click on the title over the parts list
>Description contains notes, other options, and build skeleton for easy customization / cost savings
>Note: Win7 and 8.1 cannot be installed on a Kaby Lake system

Have a budget, but don't know where to start? This will recommend you a parts list based on price.
>Subsitute a G4560 with 2400MHz RAM for the i3-6100 in any build; same performance, half the price.
>Consider substituting an i5 7500 for the i3 in any RX470/480 or GTX 1060 tier build
>Consider stock fan+heatsink for any i3 or locked i5 build without a Z mobo
>Consider a B150/B250 or H110 mobo for any i3 build
>Add a 240GB SSD to the "Great" tier build

General build advice including chipset compatibility, power supply advice, Windows activation information.
>Outdated, does not including info about 200 series chipsets

Information about how to assemble a PC, how to select components, etc.

If you see any other build advice or part list threads, direct them here with Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Kaby Lake has been released! Skylake is depreciated if corresponding chips are similarly priced (e.g., i5 7600K vs i5 6600K)!
>Some motherboards will have a one-click, 5GHz on air OC button that works for 80% of i5 7600Ks
>100 series chipsets (Z170, B150, ect) don't work out of the box with Kaby Lake
>Z series chipsets have an "Enhanced Turbo", which allows all cores to run at the highest single core boost clockspeed (works for Skylake CPUs as well)
>Pentiums now have hyperthreading, and are thus the new default budget / entry level gaming CPUs
>Pentium G4560 is the best price / perf four thread CPU on a modern platform
>All Kaby Lake CPUs work natively with 2400MHz DDR4 memory
>Do not underestimate the impact of fast (>2400, e.g, 3000MHz) RAM in conjunction with a Z series chipset, which often provides as much of a performance boost as a CPU overclock


>Intel Core i5-7600K 3.8GHz Quad-Core Processor
>CRYORIG C7 40.5 CFM CPU Cooler
>MSI Z270I GAMING PRO CARBON AC Mini ITX LGA1151 Motherboard
>Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory
>Crucial MX300 525GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive
>Hitachi Deskstar NAS 4TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
>Asus GeForce GTX 1070 8GB Video Card
>Silverstone FTZ01B Mini ITX Desktop Case
>Silverstone 500W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular SFX Power Supply
>Noctua NF-F12 PWM 55.0 CFM 120mm Fan x 3

What did I fuck up? About to pull the trigger on this.

>Skylake deprecated
Give me one reason to buy an i3 7350K and a Z270 board instead of an i3 6100 and a Z170 board for $150 less.

None, but there's plenty of reason to buy a G4560. The i3 7100 is better too because it's clocked higher and it can be paired with 2400MHz RAM on a cheap board.

Looks fine for what it is

Hey, I was actually thinking of making a good build and I was wondering if you all would approve of these parts before ordering them.


>gaymur leds
Consider Kaby Lake
Get 3000MHz RAM
Drop to 1070 and get a 1440p monitor


How'd I do? This came together over the course of a couple months. Prices listed are what I payed at the time of purchase.
Upgraded from:
Fx8350 -> 6600k (sold the 8350 and ddr3 to a friend when the motherboard died on me)
Gtx 960 -> Rx 480 (sold the 960 on craigslist for a decent amount)
Corsair 500r -> Nzxt s340 for size, noise, and window reasons.

My PC has been instantly shutting off while playing graphically intensive games recently. The games that triggered the failure were Far Cry: Primal and For Honor, both Ubisoft games.

I've already run memtest and HWMonitor. RAM is fine, PSU seems to output 12V and 5V.

I'm about to stress test the system with 3DMark. If that triggers the failure I'm going to remove the wifi card and switch PCIe slots and 8-pin connectors.

Any suggestions for diagnostic testing?

Man, what is so special about Kaby Lake, it seems a bit just like skylake with a different name

Also there have been some graphical artifacts like pic related (some circular and expanding/contraction).

I was monitoring CPU temps with Afterburner/Riva Tuner Statistics, and I noticed that when the GPU hit about 78C at 100% usage, the usage went to 0% before shooting back up to 100% several times.

I should also note that I've RAM'd two components, the SSD and the mobo, and received replacements. The mobo lost ethernet and a couple of SATA ports after a HDD died.

The SSD was RMA'd because it caused a power failure during boot if it was connected... if I remember correctly. That issue happened over a year ago.

I'm wondering if the PSU is the root of all this evil.

Higher clock speeds at the same or only marginally higher prices. I5 6500 and 7500 are the exact same price on newegg right now but it's 200mhz high base and turbo clock. Free performance, what's not to like? Sure it's a disappointing release, but it IS strictly superior unless the pricing in your region is fucky.

Better overclocking

And with the 1080, I just want to outdo my friend like the one-upsman I am.

Sounds like your graphics card might be fucked in some way. Is it overclocked? Sounds like an unstable OC.

The better way to do that is with a 1440p monitor.. 1080 at 1080p is silly. I'd just laugh at you

I used to have an OC, but Wattman is so unstable I decided not to bother for the time being. It/Radeon Settings crashes constantly even without any OC

there's no way this is right, its a fucking pentium

I'm building a two person fight stick
I want to throw a PC inside for mame
Am I better off going for a RPi3 or building something?
The biggest factors are size, weight and cost
Outside of mame I don't plan to have anything else running

>i5 6500 - $1,348

Update: Ran the DX11 and 12 3DMark Benches, no failure. I was monitoring the GPU temps with AB/Riva, and they never got over 71C. The previous failures were all around 78C-79C.

ignore that crap its cpuboss.com shit
can get the pentium for sub 100 and the i5 for about 295

Both options are stupidly overpriced, i3 has no place on the market. If your budget is that tight, you either go for AMD or a G4560 like mentioned.

If a case says it'll only fit my vid card without bracket and will block a drive slot if I stuff one in there, how concerned should I be if it has 4 drive slots and I'm only getting 2 hard drives?

>you either go for AMD or
Do not go AMD. Ever.

I own an 8350, but would not purchase it in the current year.

Your 8350 performs better than a 7350k.
Except, of course, for those increasingly rare cases that strictly need a single very fast core.

The 6670's the best GPU you can crossfire with an A8-6500B, right? I just bought a 2GB XFX model for $30

A lot of games are limited to four cores though. Quite curious to see if two very strong cores with hyper threading beat out 4 physical weak cores.


Need something cheap and quick to hold me off for another 2-3 years before I build a real beast with my new job. Just using it for 1080p gaming.

SSD is shit, rest is ok and good for 3 years.

ahh should I just nut up and get the samsung?

Either that or buy a PNY CS 1311, SanDisk Ultra II or ADATA SU800.

No budget limitations on my current PC

Gigabyte mx-gaming-5
EVGA DDR3-1866 16gb
Cryorig C1 CPU cooler
Supermicro s5 case (grey/black)
6 case fans (CM sickle)

Asus MG279Q
Mionix Castor
Ducky Zero
Corsair MM600
Sennheiser HD650
Micca Origen+ DAC

ok thank you my friend

Long story short, they generally don't. I saw the same back when I had to go from a Core 2 Quad to a higher clocked i3, which performed worse than the C2Q in multithreaded applications.
I'm not sure if there are any proper benchmarks of the 7350k vs 8320 comparing them both overclocked, but jayztwocents *was* making a video about this particular subject. Unfortunately he fried his 8320 like a retard, but in a video talking about why he didn't get to make the proper comparison video he briefly went over how the results of the benchmarks he did get to do came out in favor of the 8320. He also mentioned intending to redo it with a new 8320 sometime, hopefully he doesn't kill it this time.

That's not to say that an 8320 or 8350 is a particularly smart purchase in the current year, though. AM3+ is an aging platform and we have Ryzen coming up. I wouldn't consider buying one myself either, but I'd recommend going with AM3+ long before I'd recommend any i3. Intel isn't worthwhile unless you go for the really cheap G4560 or at the very least an i5.

t. 4690k owner

We have beeen verry happi to helping you, freend.
Plees reeat tech support 5 starts!

ITX build, already have an SSD/HDDs.
Unsure about:
1) Case, if I wanna go with the Nano or something else like Phantek EVOLV. Nano seems easier to build in and manage so I'm leaning more towards that.
2) Mobo, I was looking at the Gigabyte Z170N-WIFI but apparently it's shit for OCing, and the Z170N-Gaming which has a Killer adapter I've heard bad things about.
3) PSU, last Corsair I had was loud as fuck all the time and suffered from coil whine under load but I've read that's just luck of the draw.
4) ITX card, is there any real difference?

Sup Forums, I have been ignorant towards knowledge on gaming rigs and how to build them properly so now, I have to build a gaming rig for myself and I'm lost.
I have a vague idea of the GPU that I wish to use but so far it's only based on information I've gathered on different sites, youtube builds and pcpartpicker shit.

So my current budget lies at around 700yuropoors(740bucks) and the only part that I'm 70% sure I want is the nvidia 1060 (the other 30% lies with the amd rx460, heard something about an 8gb version that's currently better priced than the 1060)
As for the processor, most people seem to recommend i5's but I don't know which, haswell, skylake, the new kaby lake? which one. I never OC'd so I see no reason to spend more money for the k version.

I'm autistic when it comes to mobo's so I don't really know which one.

I know that I have to add the power consumption total from all pieces in the rig and get a PSU that can take all of that.

I see that most people go with the 1TB Seagate Barracuda for the hdd.

And I gotta have an ssd of at least 128 gigs.

I can handle the ram.

Any ideas of a decent build around 700 yuropoors? (740bucks)

Should I go for AMD or stay Intel? Why?

Thanks and go fuck yourselves.

What exactly are you amazed at?

hey I need something like this too

how well would a system like this run GTA V at 1920x1080?

Forgot to mention that I'm looking for an 1080p build, don't need anything higher and most probably couldn't afford that either.
As long as it can play most games and is vr compatible which should be with the 1060 gpu.


pretty well - but remember that GTA V is now 3-4 years old

pentiums have always been the little kid after the P4 died

what country r ya from exactly


Romania actually.


Thanks dude. I'll look into it and inform myself on these parts.

np - that's just a rough idea but you'll be able to run modern games on ultra at 60fps with that

I'll have to change some things because the price is way too high, it's 300 euros over my budget. I gotta lose some shit and take the power down while maintaining the performance at 1080 60fps.

at 1080p

i'd get a cheaper ssd and hdd maybe an even cheaper case

yeah that's what he said originally

By power I mean the graphical power in-game, don't need ultra settings since it's a budget build, mid-to-high settings will do for me.

top kek, changed the location from UK to US and the price changed since apparently the site can't into market values of the pound / dollar.

yeah I'd go with an AMD card to save some $$$

i'd consider getting a DDR3 system with Haswell Refresh which would bring the price of the mobo, CPU and RAM down significantly while maintaining your performance goals. anons might argue it's not "future proof" but i would argue you're looking to get the best out of your money right now, not upgradeability.

You would be correct on that matter but wouldn't it bottleneck the 1060?

speaking of which is this bottlenecking?

not at all

don't think you'll need the second stick of ram though - but having the second won't do any harm if you already have it

no. 1060 is hardly the most powerful card out there and the performance difference between Haswell refresh and Skylake or even Babby Lake is negligible.


i've come up with this as a good starting point for anyone looking to 1080p@60 on a budget.

>change to Australian site
>only the GPU exists

yeah you're gonna have to search for the same or similar products manually, ausbro. the non-K CPU is cheaper but might be harder to find. godspeed.

you need to look up dual channel memory.

so you're saying the second stick will do some harm?

>Size: 'micro' > 'mini'

I don't get it.

Does the CM Seidon 240V have any problems? Is it a good idea to use it with an i7 6700k?

Any specific reason to pick the rx480 over the 1060gtx? Just because it's a 40-50 bucks difference or is there any other reason?

I actually had that ram given as bonus. They're two separate sticks of 8gb, so I hope it's okay to use them both together. Or should I just use the one?

32 GB or 16 GB? I photoshop a lot.

no. i'm saying you can only utilise dual channel memory with a second stick of RAM. which is why having 2 sticks is almost always better than just one.

see pic. also, Nvidia seems to enjoy putting out proprietary technologies (GameWorks, CUDA, GSync etc etc) in contrast to AMD mostly supporting open standards. it's pretty much a question of social responsibility but I simply wouldn't give Nvidia any more money after all the shit they've pulled in the past. i might be biased but the choice is still yours.

Hey guys, I have a problem with my (first) build.
Parts arrived a couple weeks ago, I assembled it, turned it on and it ran for about 10 seconds before entering a boot loop. I disassembled the whole thing, and even with just the motherboard and the psu, the system bootlooped every time. Now here's the real kicker: i sent the parts back to get tested, and all the parts worked normally, the system booted and posted like normal and benchmarks wdre accurate. What did I do wrong? pls help



I'm not that guy but the 480 started notably behind the 1060 and in the short time since release has closed the gap completely with driver updates, while the 1060 has barely improved.

Well I have no "brand loyalty" of any kind, my dad seems to be pretty biased only going for nvidia stuff and most of my friends seem to prefer nvidia as well. So I only care about performance.

I've read that many times in comparison reviews between the 1060gtx and the rx480, so the rx sounds pretty good to me but I'm afraid of the heating problems everyone keeps talking about with the amd cpu and gpu's. Is that a thing? Should I take that into consideration?

the RX series (Polaris) is a completely new architecture which has solved the heating issues attributed to previous generation cards so you'll be fine. and don't forget that it actually has more horsepower than 1060 as shown in the pic () as well as drivers which improve performance of the card over time ()... unlike Nvidia who like to gimp older cards with their drivers to make their new cards appear better.

Are you overclocking, or building in a very small form factor case? If not, it doesn't really matter. And the RX series has fine cooling anyway.

Fair enough.

Thank you! You have helped me a bunch.

First guess is you connected something the wrong way or your PSU is shit, did you test it, too?


r8 h8 rema8ke?

why a mid tower for a mATX board?

why not?

why not a mATX mid case?


I posted this the other day and decided I am just going to buy additional parts instead of getting rid of it. What would Sup Forums replace to get the biggest bang for the $500 (or so) bucks I want to sink in additional parts?

Additionally, this is a mid-size tower and I want to get some better fans (CPU or otherwise) because the fans get loud as fuck.

>shitpost - the build
Checks out.

are there any good and cheap haswell thinkpads?

because they're rare and overpriced compared to mid ATX towers in Aus

not a fan of hitachi drives and i would just use a cheapo green drive if you just need a place to stash your porn.

also whats up with all the case fans? im sure a silverstone case is equiped adequately already.

cool build otherwise.

i would pay the extra 10$ and get a USB optical drive so in the future when you build another computer you dont need to yank it out from the existing computer just to install the OS.

corsair cases are great. easy to work on and its all the small touches that i like (stand offs are pre installed, they have that one standoff that is a peg to hold the board in place).

power supply seems a bit on the underpowered side.

ssd could be bigger but i guess you could just install games you dont really like or play too often on the HDD.

the only thing that's wrong with this build is it's running single channel memory. other than that, i don't see how you could improve it. the CPU is the limiting factor, and replacing the CPU means replacing pretty much everything else. either sell it or let it die - don't put any more money into it. then start fresh.

>shitpost - the build


why are you being retarded

he's referring to a meme where moot says 90% of shitposters are Australian. just ignore him.

what other tower would you suggest for an mATX?


mini towers are a thing

I made the switch from an AMD Phenom II x4, the predecessor of the AMD FX line to an i3-6100. I get up to 57% less frames per second on the same clock (3.7 vs. 3.7 GHz), due to the lack of 4 physical cores in the i3.

So any fucking performance bonus no matter how small can only be to your advantage versus the i3-6100, it's a piece of shit.

What do you guys think, I've left the case and ssd away because I already have those.

Okay, I explained that poorly. What I meant was: I get only 57% of the FPS of the Phenom with the i3 at the same speeds in some games that are bad at utilizing hyperthreading.

i'm assuming you can't get a mATX version of that motherboard in oz otherwise you would. i'd think about getting 2x4GB or 2x8GB sticks so you get the benefit of running dual channel. also, better to go with lower latency 1600MHz sticks than higher frequency.

oh and you can still change that 1060 to a 480 :^)

is it worth putting 2 fans on my hyper T4?
how would i drive 2 cpu fans when every mb i've seen only has one cpu_fan connector?

I was thinking about a single 8gb ram stick because I will upgrade it by buying another stick later (like a month after I build the rig).

I'll change the sticks to 1600MHz ones as you recommended.

I'm still thinking about the 1060gtx and rx480 battle. Although the 1060gtx seemed to be better than the rx480 by 15-20%, I still don't think that the rx480 will be able to equal the 1060 gtx by updating the drivers anymore.
I mean, I could get into an argument discussion with you but I'm not as informed and there seem to be many videos and benchmarks on youtube that are so different from eachother that I don't know which source to believe.

I gotta think about it long and hard, in the end, they're kind of the same give or take so my own sanity is at stake.

I'm in love with these cases, but they just aren't big enough for my needs.


