> he unironically encrypts entire drives and not just the file he wants encrypted
you done fooled senpai, you only need to use 7zip and encrypt 1 file to 256bit
that way you have super efficiency without having to encrypt system files
> he unironically encrypts entire drives and not just the file he wants encrypted
you done fooled senpai, you only need to use 7zip and encrypt 1 file to 256bit
that way you have super efficiency without having to encrypt system files
the only reason your average Sup Forumsentleman would need file encryption is illegal porn
>wants to hide bank/daily habits/private details
good luck doing that safely without encryption ...
was talking about file encryption, not https
>daily habits
>private details
keep them in a physical form, ie. paper
ITT: pedos
Just because that's what it says on my rap sheet doesn't make it so. It's just easier to explain in court for why I'm there than my actual work.
When you decrypt a zip file, an unencrypted copy is made(and left) in your temp folder.
Forever ?
File system forensic analysis could potentially recover the file even if it was deleted. I guess you should have used full disk encryption in the first place, eh?
Encrypt temporary files
You ain't getting this are you?
Go look up file system forensic analysis.
> not decrypting to RAM drive
Except bank/daily habits/private details are all captured online when you visit and post stuff and not extracted from files that reside inside your computer.
It's for bank account details you fucking creeps. Delete yourself if it's for something else. Regarding temp files in a completely obscure part and hidden part of a drive who gives a shit, a robber will not have more than 3 minutes, let alone do a full analysis of your drive, sperg.
If you only delete the file in the registry, yes. If you actually replace the bits with random shit, no.
only because everyone here is a poor NEET with no personal assets and no work computer
>subtle anti-encryption shilling
>saving those information anywhere in the digital world
Another retardation regarding the thread is that who the fuck told you that 7zip or at least another similar program keeps a temp file? It's extremely easy to not keep a temp file. At the very least they could have them opened in RAM only.
I want private stuff encrypted and i want executeables and config files encrypted.
I would be fucked when the NSA sneaks into my house and puts a meterpreter in one of my executeables.
Only my media partition is not encrpyted, and its mounted with the option noexec.
my /tmp is a ramdrive
stfu you sperg, if your computer is on the internet, the NSA doesn't need to sneak into your house, they've got dozens of zero days for your exact configuration alone and they can get in remotely
FDE is common-sense protection for the aftermath of petty theft, it means you can tell your customers that their data is protected by strong encryption and not be lying (even if you used 12345 as the password, they don't need to know that)
why do NEETs, pedos, and soccer moms always misunderstand the purpose of encryption?
>delete the file in the registry
7zip encryption has been proven crackable.
[citation needed]
Unless you mean bruteforcing the password (which is only a problem if you use short passwords).
>He doesn't encrypt his files in a container stored on an encrypted VM stored on an encrypted drive.
How new can you be?
>NSA doesn't need to sneak into your house, they've got dozens of zero days for your exact configuration alone and they can get in remotely
kek, this is what americucks actually believe
>muh omnipotent gubbermint
I'm a pedo and dont encrypt shit
do you live in a 3rd world shit hole?
>implying they can't
if they've got time on their side, all they have to do is go to your ISP, MITM you, figure out what you like to do on the internet, and then exploit whatever your favorite browser plugins are, of which there are undoubtedly several
failing that they can feed you a false "this plugin must be updated" notification, which you'll dutifully install being the paranoid pedo that you are
>not using your package manager
>my package manager can't be exploited even if the internet connection is completely owned by a hostile party
this is what loonix retards actually believe
Packages are GPG signed you idiot.
and when notepad.exe, vlc.exe, or the kernel writes part of the file out to disk because shit programmers/pagefile/whatever scenario you want, how's that encryption going?
oh, well that just fixes everything doesn't it. a GPG signature exists somewhere out there, that maybe could be checked in some trustworthy fashion, if you were to actually bother with this.
NSA #btfo
not sure if sarcasm.
why not just hidden container inside bogus container?