I am looking at Kindle Paperwhite but apparently they die after their warranty. A tablet would be good. But I mainly just want to read. Mostly pdfs I download from the web. How will does the PW handle them. Does g have any recommendations? I ll fork out the money for a ipad mini 2 but are there any good android tablets?
Best e-reader for around $300
.pdf will suck on kindle.
Either get the 13 inch Sony reader, or a real tablet.
Get a tablet for PDF because of the slow e-ink screen.
yeah thanks
Most if not all the books Ill read will be on pdf
What are some good features to look for in a tablet that i want to use a reader
I am looking at samsung galaxy tab a
Large, high resolution screen.
Small and low resolution.
Good for the price though.
M8, if it's for reading ebooks, get an e-reader. It's easier on the eyes.
If you can find a kobo glo hd, then go for that. 300dpi 6" backlit eink screen.
Then install kobo start menu and koreader on it. Way better than the default OS, way better than kindleOS
If not the Glo HD, then kobo aura one. 7.8" 300dpi backlit eink screen.
install same software on it.
Couldnt find a glo hd but I found an aura
It has similar specs to the samsung galaxy tab a i posted above
why would i get that over the samsung
Aura ONE. not the aura.
Well do yiu want to read books or browse porn.
reading on paper is more relaxing than reading from a 60Hz screen.
Don't get a tablet like these retards are suggesting, kindle and other e-readers are way easier on your eyes when it comes to long reading sessions.
He specifically said .pdfs, so it is assumed he isn't reading novels.
e-readers suck with .pdf
ill be reading old books no longer in print or in ebook but in pdf form
Most old books have been properly OCRed from .pdfs.
An OCRed .pdf is usable on an e-book, if it is nothing more than an image of a books pages in a .pdf file, it will look like shit and be a pain to read.
this is why i said to use koreader. github.com
the aura one looks nice
well it looks but i think ill settle for the ipad mini 2 for the specs it looks good and it works with pdfs
You should really look harder for proper .epub or even .lit files.
Very few actual books are only available on .pdf.
as you wish.
I got an Kobo Aura HD a few years ago. It works great in general, but as others have said: ereaders are not great for PDF.
You can get pretty much all books in epub.
Memopad 7. Nice screen, super cheap.
OP you are getting conflicting advice because you're providing a weird off-standard request.
It all boils down to battery life. e-readers usually use black-and-white screens that are much much better for battery life. The downside is that while they can display pdf's they don't look so good.
The pdf's that you are downloading, can you select text on them? aka have they been OCR'ed as user said?
If so, you can feed them to a converter and conver them to e.g. epub format.
Secondarily if they are old books that are also considered classics, most likely you can get them from another source as an epub/other format that isn't pdf. Look up project Gutenburg. IIRC it's a project where they take old classics and publish them for free as ereader files.There's other sources that do this too.
Now, if your source of books is entirely pdfs of science textbooks filled with images and graphs, then indeed a tablet will be much better.
So basically if your ereader is supposed to last for many hours before recharging consider converting or changing the source of your books and getting a proper ereader, if you do not give a shit about battery life, or are reading unconvertible files get a tablet.
Get an inkbook 8. It even has android.
Cybook makes DRM free devices that run on linux.
They are french and too expensive for this shit board.