Go to a best buy and try out a demo with the dedicated oculus salesman

>go to a best buy and try out a demo with the dedicated oculus salesman
>its beyond boring and dry
no wonder this shit isn't selling. The demo is so dull its unbelievable. How long until they fire Carmack?

Other urls found in this thread:


Which demo did you do? I did the T rex one and the rockclimbing one and they were scary as fuck.

the painting one. man was it bad.

But OP, most "VR games" are not games but "experiences". Of course it's going to be fucking boring after the first 5 minutes. Nothing exciting has happened in the world of VR yet, and the way I see it, nothing will happen in the next 10 years either except for a niche crowd owning it and pretending to be all high and mighty to us 2D monitor plebs.

Porn is slowly assisting in the spread of VR but it's not enough, especially when the technology for actual VR (above cardboard level) is ridiculously overpriced.

Currently there are only two real games that use VR effectively. Superhot and Elite: Dangerous. God i wish there were more.

I tried tethered phone VR with War Thunder, it was pretty good but the latency can make you dizzy as fuck.

Also, I reinstalled E:D two times, both of them I couldn't get it running, be it single monitor or VR mode (I could run E:D 2 months ago, since then I haven't tried until 2 days ago, which it didn't run).

Superhot, I have no idea how it works.

I saw some GTA V videos with VR, could be entertaining but haven't tried yet.

How many "I tried VR and its boring" threads have we had already?

If you think it's boring, don't fucking buy it then.

it lures you in because it "makes ya think" it could be fun. but it's not really. at least not in 90% of the cases. So stop being a little bitch because people don't like something and express it.

how is the pixel VR?

What i'm bitching about is people starting threads like this for attention. I enjoyed the VR stuff, you didn't - people are different, nobody cares. There's no discussion here, just people either attacking or defending the gadget in question. It's either gonna be this or another "Win vs. OSX vs. Linux" thread...

Well, we're supposed to discuss technology and disagree about it. What the fuck are you even doing here??

Oh, I see. So you actually fell for the meme and now it triggers you to even read about how much a waste of time and resources VR is? Oh, I'm sorry, user. Not.

What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be playing with your VR HMD? What's the matter manchild? Don't you enjoy it?

He's just butthurt because he wasted his money, let him be.

> oculus

There's your problem. Stop bothering with shit VR

How is that better you cocknugget? There's still no good enough application for it yet. Jesus christ.

I use it daily. Just because you're too stupid to find the good applications doesn't mean they don't exist.

Does anyone know how to do tethered phone VR?

>I use it daily.
to do what? Fap???

3d model, play games, build tools, and basically everything else I do in my normal day-to-day life except programming. I'll probably program in the HMD full time once I've got one that's higher res and more comfortable to wear.

>How long until they fire Carmack?

he does it for free

Install VRidge on android phone
Install Riftcat on pc
Et voila

What do you expect when all the software that's so far available for VR headsets is shovelware-tier garbage?


How can it be scary if you know it isn't real?

I'm waiting on a decent all-in-one unit for $250

Even if I have to wait 15 years for it. I just don't see any value in buying a $600 toy that's already outdated.

The only future VR has is in phones, specifically those with 4k and 8k screens. And affordable.

lolno. Industry has been using VR for a long time now. They are the only reason mobile VR has a future at all.

are you just pretending to be retarded? Nobody thats not autistic will spend thousands on a setup. Phones are endgame, everyone knows that

>Nobody thats not autistic will spend thousands on a setup

corporations will

the military already has tech thats far greater than what the public gets. That changes nothing.

Tilt brush or a different one? Pretty cool if you ask me. You have no creativity if you found it lame

Can't wait to try SuperHot VR

>t. Jaden

Better res + wireless for 300 please

>No one will ever spend thousands of dollars on those computer things. Caluclators are the end game.


Budget cuts demo had some pretty solid mechanics. Haven't tried superhot nor Elite dangerous and I have a hotas. Tempted but ED apparently gets boring and repetitive quick.

If space engineers with motion controller support were to be released or a mech warrior/steel batallion style game I would be all over it.

Not much going for at at the moment but for the time being my favorites out of the dozen or so applications I've got are
>The Lab
>Retro Arcade Neon
>Waltz of the Wizard
>Google earth VR

Was tempted to get anyland but it is currently too crude for my liking. Craving for a good metaverse type application with minigames and such, janusVR is the closest I could find but it is still fairly early days for it.

Arizona sunshine is another reasonably polished game that I have been considering but it doesn't seem worth the price tag it will just end up collecting dust after first impressions like most titles in my library.

Hopefully something good for it comes out this year, I don't see it gaining traction anytime soon until the technology is more accessible to the masses.

You're right, no one has purchased a Vive or Rift.

>Space Engineers with VR

Social lives are overrated. I need this.

True VR potential (and money) lies in the social network aspect of it. Imagine something like second life, but in VR. You can go into houses, rooms, bars, play games with people etc. There will be tens of thousands of people who will literally live in the virtual world.

I once went to second life to troll people. But the people there take it so seriously that it made me sad. I left them alone after 15 minutes. To a lot of people that's their only source of interaction and you can bet as soon as a virtual world gers developed people will jump on it.

Computers were a mistake.

why does Sup Forums hate vr
i have my biggest cumms in vr
adf DOT ly/1ipQIk

>There will be tens of thousands of people who will literally live in the virtual world.
No there wont. Its only for geeks, to the 10th degree.

>lies in the social network aspect
Fuck off with your social bullshit. Not everything needs you and your 20,000 shitty annoying friends

You're telling me that there aren't tens of thousands of geeks on Earth? Fuck more than that show up to Anime Boston over a couple years

there are far far less geeks out there than you think.

the real question is why isn't this shit on

Not all VR is vidya gaymes, duh.

You can use it for arch vis, communication, data vis, medical imaging, physics sim, or whatever else can be designed around first person+hands.

Gaming will probably be one of the smaller uses.

I bought VR and its boring

VR is godly for simulator games, like Assetto Corsa, DCS that kind of shit

The "matrix more real than real virtual reality" dream is just a stupid meme and you have to be 12yo to believe and want that

VR is nothing more than just a way to immerse yourself more in the game, it will never be like in the movies and it shouldn't be

Can you use vr headsets just as a screen for first person shooters? If i had the money I'd just use it for that and be satisfied

Keep your barf bag ready


What's so bad about it that it'd mess with me? Is the refresh rate shit?

fov is shit, screen too close to your face, the acne it causes despite all washing. ITs infinitely horrible and i have both a vive and a rift

Most first person shooter games move the camera around in ways that are really fucking uncomfortable in VR. It's great if the game is designed for VR. But if isn't, hoo boy are you in for a bad time.

I played QuakeVR for about an hour once and spent the rest of the day in bed with a splitting headache.

Yes, you can do that. You can play games on a huge virtual cinema screen.

It's not barf-inducing because the simulation has you sitting still while looking at a moving screen, just like a regular monitor.

sour grapes

holy shit that must be painful

how do you airstrafe in vr?


Did they not have the demo where you're a Marine on Mars shooting demon aliens?

Have you tried VRchat? It's pretty great, although there aren't as many good worlds as there are worlds

its gimmicky

Keep in mind, the best ready to go experience is with GearVR, which is selling wonders.

Also, vive owner here. It's still just glorified dev hardware. Killer app soon, VR Kanojo release is really when I'd say it's even worth a consumer considering VR.

Plus, there's the normie effect.
If you know what to look for, like screen door, blur, chromatic aberration, and latency, you'll probably find VR unimmersive. But give it to a normie who doesn't know shit about VR and they'll swear it's as real as anything. Those vids on youtube aren't paid shills, that's just what VR's like if you don't know what to look for.
It's a pain in the fucking ass, silly normies who don't care get the full experience, but people who've been dying for VR for years basically still feel like they're in a DK1.
That's why I bought a vive. Because it's not getting any better for at least the next three years, so saying "I'll start developing when it gets good" is pointless.

The only times I've ever felt immersed in a Vive was the first time I tried it, when I got distracted by the controller tracking, and after owning one for months, being beyond bored it buy now, and firing up VR kanojo.
Maybe if I stay in it for a few hours it gets fine, but the moment you think "Wow, it actually feels like I was there" you snap back in a second. Even then, you never really feel truly normie-mode immersed.
Daydream is GearVR++

>Even then, you never really feel truly normie-mode immersed.

Have your tried CM3D2 and HS? Not great but they should tide you over until VR Kanojo releases.

Rift owner here. Lucky's Tale, Eve: Valkyrie, Dead and Buried, The Unspoken, Damaged Core, Superhot, Elite: Dangerous, Space Pirate Trainer. All fantastic. The next wave of games will be even better now that consumer grade hardware exists. VR is going to be a thing as soon as someone builds a full featured MMO.

Well if they can make the combat and level design and interactivity with the environment enticing.

Locomotion is a bitch, teleporting is immersion breaking but could be excused for certain classes like mages granted it is balanced.

Being able to gesture to players physically would be a nice touch. Fooling around with all sorts of interesting minigames with others would be cool as well.

If bandwidth is a limiting factor hindering gameplay then I would rather have instanced style play with 4 or so players with towns acting as social hubs. Similar to how guild wars 1 did it.

Wait for ace combat 7

is it AR time yet

>i use it daily

Hahahaha. No you don't.

>tips hmd

Why would they fire Carmack over other companies not making good software to show what the Oculus can do?

I'm waiting for OpenMW to pick up VR support, which may be never.

By then I hope all of the Skywind assets can be backported to OpenMW and I can just get completely lost in Morrowind.

I feel like the controllers are a huge disappointment. Wouldn't it be a lot better if instead of controllers you had "gloves" that could translate your hand movements accurately in the game?

>Lucky's Tale
this would be better on a flat screen

>what is leap motion

War thunder is pretty fucking awesome in VR to be honest.
The scale of the tanks is insane.

That is pretty cool user, I did not know about leap motion. But I feel like hand recognition through cameras might be buggy at times. That's why I mentioned gloves.

Yeah, you can't track hands unless they're in your direct field of vision. You couuld place multiple ones around the player but that's not practical. Ideally you'd be using a finger-tracking glove with one steamcontroller-type tracker for the base bone of the hand.