>Sup Forums

>>Sup Forums
No really, this is politics and not technology. It belongs on a board discussing politics.


Encrypt everything if you must go to the US. Seriously fuck this guy. :(

Why do you care if fucking illegals don't get privacy?

Fine by me

Great decision.

>all non-citizens are illegal aliens
down syndrome

If you are an legal citizen then you have nothing to fear, but if you are an illegal parasite then start packing now before your trumped by the trumpster



What about people flying in for business or for vacation?

who cares

Don't bring your child porn


>actually read the articles
>Europeans are the ones that might get fucked
>they're protected
So nothing, really

they should use something like an electronic handcuff similar to those with house arrest for every person entering the country.

very easy to track, and all the respecting people that are tourist wouldn't have any issue regarding this.

how the fuck are eu citizens living in eu "illegals"?

I swear to me mum drumpfkins are hobo-tier retarded

>online privacy

Pick one

>>Europeans are the ones that might get fucked
>>they're protected
What did he mean by this?

>and all the respecting people that are tourist wouldn't have any issue regarding this.

I had a pleasant time in the US, but I certainly wouldn't spend hundreds of euros on a light just to have a pleasure of being treated like a nigger on parole.

Even fucking north korea doesn't put electronic tracking on you.

You americans do have a wierd concept of personal freedom.

This is what he meant by that, the Privacy Act never protected Europeans. That's covered under a separate act.

What part of AMERICA FIRST don't you eurocucks not understand?

>Voting for tramp
Is there anything more shameful than that?

Legal immigrants

good, op confirmed for fucking beaner
you have to go back

Voting for retards like Merkel, Hollande, and other shit EU PM's.

I agree with you, but Sup Forums is retarded. You can't get proper debate there.

Britain never asked me if I wanted to opt out of their surveillance last week when I was there

>all the respecting people that are tourist wouldn't have any issue regarding this

Will this include state visits by Trump's boss, Putin?

I'm very unsure how you wrote that and thought it was at all relevant to this subject or even made sense.

do you ever proof read or?

>Windows Phone

>>>> W I N D O W S P H O N E
what did he mean by this?

Don't care.

There is a third category here whom you seem to be forgetting: legal non citizens. People who are in the process of immigrating, or who are here on a temporary work or student visa do still deserve basic rights.

I didn't get chinese citizen "rights" during my Chinese work visa

Sounds like anther pointless anti-business move.

being a white guilt faggot

People like David Byrne from Talking Heads come to mind. He's lived here since he was 14 and still isn't a US citizen.


I couldn't give less of a fuck.

1. Backup all your files and software on a self-hosted Owncloud instance
2. Wipe your system with a fresh install before going through customs
3. Let them inspect it and find nothing
4. Wipe your system with another fresh install, and grab your files over a non-US VPN

Who fucking cares

We all care. And now this wonderful gentleman is going to make our lives even more tedious.

No we don't, retard.



>We all care
If you're not a citizen you have no rights

Rights are for citizens. If you want rights be a citizen somewhere.

I read that if you enter the USA with an iPod full of songs you're forced to prove you own every single song in it or pay a massive fee
Is that true?

No, if you DO like it then YOU leave, asshole!

That is 100% true. Someone has to pay for the wall.

"Land of the free?"

> Biggest home and possibly foreign surveillance network in the world
> Still get hit by sandniggers using pressure cookers as bombs
So is this massive network fucking useless or are (((they))) intentionally letting attacks slip by to double down on the draconian shit?

voting for bernie or hillary

From what I understand, this puts Europeans living in America at the same level as Americans when it comes to privacy. Am I wrong? I can't read legalese or past a fifth-grade reading level.

Debating is for faggots on the Internet. You're not a faggot on the Internet are you?



What's the EU going to choose? Losing American business or bending backward for America?

>Dumb fuck Americans see "non-citizen" and cheer the slow disolution of rights in their country

You people are a flock of sheep that confused your barn for a nation.

Oh so good old America is as good as China?

Good to know, China truly are the gold standard.

I voted for trump knowing his stance on privacy and internet shit. Obviously this is bad. What you people don't seem to understand is the alternative would be much worse. Maybe not for privacy rights but for just about everything else.


>that hairline


they let some attacks slip now and then so people think their surveillance is weak

while people think that it's meh quality, they probably can listen to 99% of all internet connected devices in the world

>non-citizens, who cares?

You should because it's one of the major loopholes they use. NSA can't spy on Americans? Well GCHQ sure can, and then can tell the NSA what they hear thanks to all the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing treaties. NSA listens in on Bongs and tells GCHQ.