>Struggling to get profits
>Made shit like this
Struggling to get profits
at worst
18$ for the green screen
350$ for the dslr
fantastic pr that takes no effort...
at any other fucking time in history, not when you have intel and nvidia kicking your shit in and you are sitting on 1 like that could be industry changing given the right price, and a another one that is a solid competitor to a nut shot given the price.
amd can't into marketing to save their fucking lives.
>virtue signaling sjws
Who am I supposed to buy from now?
>hahaha those sjws are so annoying
you're just as easily triggered as the people you claim to hate, fag
>maybe $1000 at most for the equipment
>just ask LGBT employees to share their stories
>seem progressive compared to other companies like Intel who are already known for being gay-friendly
wow it's like you're fucking retarded and have no idea what good PR is
>hurr your just triggered when you call us out when we do stupid shit just so we can feel better about ourselves and try and earn brownie points from people that don't use our products!
>"earn brownie points from people that don't use our products!"
>gay people don't own computers
sure thing
also, you're*
also, they made a video about how life gets better the more you grow up. why are you throwing a fit and going "REEEEEE STUPID SHIT"
seriously just calm the fuck down fag
>Wow! I unironically hate fags AND amd. What an exciting video that I'll now share on Sup Forums with all my friends there.
>from people that don't use our products!
to be fair i have enough sense to not buy AMD CPUs but we both know that's not what you're talking about
its true tho they're all over smartphones, especially apple devices
I really hoop the LBGT ends in the Trump era...what a load of absolute crap.
>"gays only buy iphones" meme
most gay people i know own androids and my fiance's next phone is going to be the Ultra U
the majority of gay people aren't the affluent wiry hipsters you see in the media
You're supposed to buy from whoever makes the best product for you and ignore irrelevant factors like the religion of the people involved in the business or their poltiical views.
>Sup Forums is my SJW hugbox
fuck off back to leftypol
>Sup Forums is just Sup Forums for people who set up a home theatre once
it's not and you ought to go back yourself
>obscurantist memes
Common sense and respect are the norm and right thing. You fuck off.
Okay rabbi
my favourite part is these fags forget AMD also has r&d centres in Israel just like Intel does but desperately pretend they don't
those Russian Elbrus CPUs
That's not funny.
A lot of countries do bad shit and nobody ever mentions that. Nevermind those are American corporations and that America is an imperialist genocidal state.
>inb4 hibernian conspiracy
well obviously but my point is more than it's pathetic that their biggest defense is "W-WELL JEWS!!!" ignoring that AMD is quite literally also Jews
It's a meme, you (autistic) dip
It is indeed. It's called "jewspiracies". But it's old and stale and not funny anymore.
t. SJW
>it's a meme
gud goyim
Because they should be making a video about making ryzen better, or anything that you know, a business does. I hope the shareholders have their heads for this.
maybe you should come up with something new then/point out how stupid it is to use it nonjokingly
an old "joke" being repeated over and over is sure to get annoying at some point, sjw or not
>Common sense and respect are the norm and right thing
then why do you leftists hate white people?
Not even, I'm a conservative you fucktard. I'm just not an anti-semitic lunatic alt-"rightist".
jew detected
you have absolutely no idea how a company is run, do you? PR is crazy important
>why do you leftists hate white people
why are you attacking an argument no one here is making
that's a mirror you're looking at actually
Because white people hate people of color.
>native american genocide
>black slavery
>so much more
>"w-why do they hate me so?"
>an argument no one here is making
you were making that argument whn you thought you didn't need the white working class to win the election
i don't even live in the states you fucking fag
you realize this is the type of shit that makes you people seem just as insufferable?
the holohoax never happened senpai
... but you wish it had happened, right?
>hide alt-right threads
>ignore alt-right posts
>do not reply to alt-right posters
Not every gay owns an iphone, but every iphone owner its gay, makes more sense.
okay i'll give you that one
Should I just buy a Kaby Lake now instead of waiting for Zen?
wait until Zen is released so you can get definitive benchmarks. by then, Kaby Lakes might be a little cheaper too
Well... time to delete that 480 from my cart.
you're too poor to afford even that anyway
Fags are a small percentage of the population yet they get a giant amount of attention because lefties are immature. Fags are now corporate. LGBTQ, inc. Fags are literally being whored out by corporations to sell products. People with poop-covered dicks are how companies sell things now. Fuck this gay Earth. Soon we'll have a gay football team like the San Francisco Pillow Biters. Fags don't need to go back in the closet, but how about we start closing the blinds on the windows while you fags are fisting each other's assholes? I'm so sick of hearing about fags and trannies and dykes. Just shut the fuck up about it for once.
If AMD wanted to get a minority market at 1000% loyalty rate
They could just open up the firmware and drivers for their GPUs
Instead of releasing a fag support video
P.S. this dude needs a hug youtube.com
Maybe if these people were hugged rather than fugged as children they wouldn't be like this :(
…holy shit is that guy 21
I want to look that qt at 21
You people are completely retarded if you think intel is going to drop prices in the first year just cause zen gets released.
most people here who hate jews hate them for their ethnicity, not their religion
judaism is just christianity lite
I think that even just volume 34 of The Jew Regulations would not qualify as "lite" compared to the Two Rules of Jesus
true, it's more like christianity uncensored version
point stands though
What the fuck does this have to do with anything related to AMD?
So is AMD a SJW company now ?
What a big loss.
Since Intel = jews and AMD = cucks,
What processor can I buy now ?
ARM! ARM is a cute!!! And fast too!!!
It's time to ditch x86 and buy a Qualcomm tablet. They're too out of touch to even be aware of the homosexicles.
Well that peaked my interest.
AMD created it
>what the fuck does this have to do with anything related to AMD
is OP's actual point as well
>they removed the like/deslike counter
>gay people don't own computers
no, normalfags who care about gay rights don't buy amd products
Can you all not see that releasing this is a publicity stunt that will make SJWs and LGBTs talk about AMD and make them willing to support AMD? Now once SJWs are aware AMD exists and they hear that AMD released new products (Ryzen/Vega) they'll be keen and willing to spend their money to show their support for AMD. Also consider an SJW looking for a shitposting laptop, they will lean towards ones with AMD parts and stickers.
Its a good move from AMD from marketing point of view.
I've owned dozens of AMD cpus and gpus over the years, always supporting the little guy, I've owned an 8800gtx and never bought an Intel but I am actually considering not upgrading using SJW hardware this time. I don't know what to do. I just can't even.
Intel gives money to Feminist Frequency. They will always be the SJW company.
>not SJWs
Fuck. Will buying 2nd hand help hurt their profit?
Just buy AMD senpai. This is just a marketing thing to increase mind share. It'll be shared on gay pride sites and Facebook so that when a normie is buying a laptop or desktop they'll remember the name. They aren't giving money to scams like Feminist Frequency.
True. Maybe I should give them the benefit of doubt that it's just a way to increase some profits.
nvidia did this already
>Fags don't need to go back in the closet
>but i don't ever want to see or hear about it
where's your proof
Repeat it with me: Kaby Lake is for JEWS.
Skylake or fuck off.
good god you're a bigger fag than the actual fags
God dammit now youtube's gonna think I'm trying to transition.
get this faggot shit out of here.
looks like i'm buying nvidia from now on. nvidia cpu's when???
Tfw no Sup Forums bf to help install his all AMD build
It's piqued honey :)))
The It Gets Better project is fucking garbage though. Spending so much money on an "anti-bullying" initiative that doesn't do anything to stop bullying. All it does is reassure kids that they might not want to kill themselves if they wait it out a couple of decades.
Not to mention that the man behind it all, Dan Savage, is a raging asshole and kind of a massive homophobe himself.
>Dan Savage is married to a dude
>Dan Savage is a homophobe
really got my noggin joggin'
I guess biphobic would be a more accurate term. He's also a fucking psychopath, frequently calls for the death of people he's politically opposed to.
good goy, buy my Jewtel
POWER8 from Raptor Engineering
I don't like funding the people who hate me
Im sure all the poofters and faghags will be happy to support AMD next time they upgrade their macbook pros.
the fuck is wrong with AMD?
ratings are now disabled :^)
You don't understand the point. I was extremely liberal 5 years ago. I simply couldn't stand propaganda being showed down my throat. I don't have any issues with gays although faggots can be annoying sometimes. I have an issue with people who tell me what I should think about gays while airing it in every possible media outlet.
what the actual FUCK
This is what I like about amd,
that is what they put out during the gamergate shit show.
Intel pulled ads from a site and thought they had to dodge a major bullet so game 300 million from scholarships for people who had no means to advance but clearly had the skill, to fucking cry bullies.
Then you have amd doing this.
all op is is a badly timed video where they have no released anything on release or price even though its less than 1 month away now. at any other point in time "HEY LOOK, we are not cunts to our employees" is a winning move.
When you are a kid and shit on 24/7 with no clear means of escape besides isolation, hearing other people who went through the same shit telling you shit gets better helps.
Its an acknowledgment that besides killing people on site who are shitheads, you will get fucked with, but there is a light at the end of that tunnel weather you can see it or not.
I honestly see this as a more realistic approach to the situation than any other method used before because it's not discounting kids are monsters we civilize while also telling them it wont always be that way.
>R9 300
>during the gamergate shit show
check the dates of these things
even the "gamers are dead" stuff was late 2014 iirc
I'm sorry but this wasn't intentional user
you forget how long that crap went on for.