Founding Websites

What language should I do to make/found a big website like Facebook,Twitter,Reddit,Sup Forums,etc.)

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Watch this video if you think Jews are bad.


The most common one is PHP, but if you have any concern about speed at all or any concern about how shitty the language you're using is, don't use PHP.
Node.js with JavaScript allows you to only know one language while still being a full stack developer, and v8 is one of the fastest runtimes for webbackend that exists.

You don't learn a language to make big websites though; the only language that'll make you better at shilling is hebrew.


Oh hotwheels, if only you knew what Jimmy boy would do to your website, not even including josh, or the stormfags.

To OP:
Learn PHP / Node / HTML+CSS / Mongo / MySQL.
Good luck.

And make an imageboard software. One that fucking scales.

>i don't know what I'm talking about
- The post

Alot of the trendy kids are still jerking off to ruby and ROR.

C# and the ASP. NET MVC framework is pretty nice too and free from php.

Regardless of your back end choices, you're always going to need Javascript, Html and css. And for the love of christ, make sure to use a JS framework, like react, and a css framework like bootstraps.
It means you have a fuck ton less of spaghetti to deal with down the line.

>Grammar cucks

No one has jerked off to ruby or ror in years

Most people I know who use bootstrap don't understand css very well.

>big website
Well depends. If you wanted to create a brand and build a popular website whatever helps you express your idea as quickly as possible is the best. As long as it doesn't constrain you too bad.

BIG websites have abandoned PHP because its slow. They favor C++ atm.

But there's no reason for you to go there right now.

Wow...very funny...wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

Check out Reddit's source code and you will see whats needed for a high trafic webpage.

Also its more about the tools than the language.
If you ask me aiming for high end wepage alone its a suicide, css, multiple devices, html, linux, cache servers, reverse proxy, trafic filters, databse, sql, json...
If you have the balls to learn the mentioned list above then go for it but at the first peak of trafic your webpage will colapse and it will be down for days.

>If you have the balls to learn the mentioned list above then go for it but at the first peak of trafic your webpage will colapse and it will be down for days.

Use Golang ;)

bumping a dead thread.

Is hotwheels still alive? I remember reading that his condition fucks his health up.


Everything else is bloat.

Considering he just tweeted yesterday, yea

Javascript frontend
Python and C++ backend
MariaDB database

JEW: the fact that he is disabled makes it even a better worker you know because he is not running away....

:( Hotwheels you are trapped aren't you?!