
edc thread

ur only allowed to post here if ur cool

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Are you the samefagg who does this thread at Sup Forums?

honestly never been to Sup Forums

Caring about what other faggots carry around in their pockets.

>degenerate smoker
>implying he's cool

Superior taste in pens

More like terrible, razor point master race ftw

Although, as a g19/gen3 owner I'll let it slide

Nice Glock.




Is that a Gen 4? Was thinking about getting a G23 with my tax return

gunfags are cancer

>pleb watch
>pleb phone
>pleb pen



Oh. Wow.


Americans don't go to Sup Forums. Sup Forums's for inferior countries.

nice meme
o wow
nice watch

Can you also post your bags, or at least recommend some?


Why would you need to carry a gun every day? Is america really that unsafe?

>Kamel reds
>Not a slide box

Yea, that kinda sets the tone, here.

rate me


nah senpai, gen3. probably should've gone for the gen4 looking back, esp since it was only like $30 more, but i read some shit about the gen4 grip being thinner and easily flexing if you squeeze on it. If i'm carrying a plastic gun, it better at least feel solid.

>pleb phone
the phone handles text messages, phone calls, email, and calendars just fine. What else does it need to do?

i'll rate ya for a bite of that french fry and a sip of whatever's in that tube


Nice Sup Forumsun.
What do you do with it? :^)

What OS is on the transformer?

Windows 10 Home x64
Soon I'm gonna upgrade it to Pro


>carries that shit every day
oh boy you must look autistic as fuck

Do you know how I know you suck dick?

Well desu, the only "unusual" things here are the flashlight and pouch with power bank. But when you carry a backpack everyday it's not a problem.
I don't see any signs of autism here :^)

Because he suck red kamel?

what does the panic button do?

It deploys nerve gas in the entire car

Shoot black people

>glock (assault weapon commonly used in school shootings)
>knife that would have been illegal in europe
>sunglasses so ugly only a guy who have given up making friends would use
>autistic watch

i hope they find you before you shoot up a school

>college humour

last bump

How are those sunglasses called?

Smoking... You should just pick the gun and shoot yourself, it's better than keep investing in Cancer.

wew lad, you sure told him
Also the propability of getting a cancer from smoking is smaller than dying in car accident.



so i guess i will have to wait for the next edc thread.

best digital camera ever made
best laptop
comfiest phone
comfiest headphones

how can anyone else compete?

Pilot G2 is the fucking masterrace of pens but the ink dries too slow

>not only posting in an EDC thread but labeling everything as well
full autism

>perfect camera for documenting muslims overtakeing your once proud country

how hard was it to switch out the keyboard?

>those sunglasses

If you honestly wear those every day you must be extremely autistic.

If the UK keyboard didn't give it away, I'll be back in the land of the uncucked in a few years.

Remember that one time when they asked Adam Savage of Mythbuster's fame to do this, and everyone in the comment section sperged out saying he wasn't a man because he carried no firearm? Also, everyone was under the impression that EDC means you always should have a firearm?

buncha stupid morons.

Really really easy, just make sure you pick up an x220 palm-rest when you get the keyboard. The fingerprint reader from the x230 will not fit on the x220 bezel though, so I had to take it out by the flex cable and cover up the free slot with some electrical tape. The fingerprint reader from the x220 will plug in fine and function, but I've not gotten around to it.

Not the dude you're talking about, I recently swapped it and made a vid on it for an user. It's not that hard, the trick is that you have to create a modified boost get most of the keys to work.

If you're interested: youtu.be/sncnKB54c4g

Cigarettes as part of your everyday carry? Unless you're fighting day to day in a warzone, then smoking is disgusting and a waste of health.

"Genuine taste." Emmmm. This shit-taste sure is authentic!
I read that as 'travel lube' at first.

Old pic is old. Upgraded phone to a Pixel

>answering in edc thread
>not autism
full metal autism

Good. But where's your chapstick? You don't want those lips getting cracked.

Those glasses are fucking rad

Nice meme pic. top kek

Why do you blur your keys? Admit it faggot nothing would make your limp lil cock harder than someone replicating your keys, tracking you down, and giving you the first justification in your life to own a gun.

...yeah, which is why I blurred them? Because I want people to replicate them and shoot them for breaking in? Are you retarded?

>being this assmad over blurred keys

>reading comprehension
this is clearly a high stress situation for you quick pull your gun out

Ok, genuine question americans, do you actually NEED to carry your guns every day with you? Do you actually have to fight people daily once you exit your home?

I've never used mine, and hope I never have to. But it's there in case I NEED it.

No, they're just insecure faggots who are EXERCISING THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to increase the possibility of death in some ill-guided hero's quest to give their life meaning, so they fantasize about one day being in a situation where they need to draw their firearm and gun down some criminal and be the town hero.

in all likelihood they'll sperg out in a high stress situation, drop their gun, and escalate a robbery into a murder

I'm sorry what did I miss?

Project harder you triggered faggot

>n-no I carry it for self defense
Real question: are you in good physical shape? Do you smoke? Do you have high cholesterol? Those things have a much higher probability of killing you than a robber, but I guarantee you don't give a fuck about that shit. You just wanna feel cool and wave a gun around you insecure lil faggot.

what lock screen is that?

Lol i'm 160lbs. No I don't smoke and am healthy. No one knows I'm armed except myself.

Anything else you'd like to imply? You're hitting all the typical libtard talking points about being fat and insecure.

that's the always on display on samsung phones. not him, but have the same one on my S7

Not pictured: Nexus 5x

can confirm, comfiest headphone

No holster = not EDC.

i still cannot believe there are faggots out there carrying firearms every. single. fucking. day.

do you live in somalia or what?

>carrying a piece of wood everyday

it's like Somalia but with Latin gangs added

Wallet + phone

Not pictured : anything because im taking a shit

I'm sorry but what you are refering as an "insecure faggots" is actually an agent and a settler, a free man of the land. And you can't take away my right, given to me when i was born in these lands, to carry a gun and protect my family if a day come when i have to.

>trying to reason with libtard left-wing retarded ape
just don't.

i don't get why your gun is on a plate

wanna know how i know you're fat ?

great moves, keep it up

wanna know how I know you're fat?

wanna know how i know you're fat ?

All you really need, I'm assuming Tokyo fag

You forget to take your Fedora off for the picture?

Its been a while since I've posted here... but.. here is most recent one.

yes at first the themes were very limited, but they added some customization to it.

what parts of it

>2 battery packs

>he doesn't use fountain pens
get this plebshit off my board

Why the fuck does your money say gentoo

Pilot G2 Masterrace.

No pics, but I carry my phone (Huawei Hono 5x), my wallet (some leather thing I found) and my keys (Hello Kitty Lanyard my gf gave me)

Also I roller blade everywhere, so maybe that counts as an edc
