Celeron N3060

>Celeron N3060
>4GB ram
>32GB storage

What do you guys think of this? Looking for a cheap windows 10 laptop mainly gonna be used for web browsing and anime.

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Its gonna run 10 like shit. I would install Chrome OS on it.

Or buy a used laptop on eBay/Craiglist for like $150 and install whatever you want.

>web browsing and animu
Buy a 2009 c2d laptop for 60 bucks and give the battery new cells

>>Celeron N
go for a Celeron U, thank me later

I owned one for about a year. It has a few strong upsides. The fact that it's fanless, incredibly light, and has a good battery life means that it is incredibly comfortable to use. I ended up throwing a linux distro on it. It's main purpose for me was web browsing but I have watched a movie or two on it. In my opinion it is superior to a tablet just because I end up typing a lot on any device I use. It's not a bad buy if you legitimately need a portable device.

That is the most "I'm buying a cheap laptop for my son at Walmart" laptop ever. Every time I have seen that it has belonged to kids. For $230 you can get a way better 2011-2013 laptop used, just check ebay for a Latitude, Elitebook or memepad in your price range.

Are chromebooks actually worth it ?

I saw some benchmark tests on the N series and on the U series, the U is really better, but I wasn't able to find any chromebook with 4GB RAM and a celeron U

i had the displeasure of installing printer drivers on that piece of shit for one of my retarded employees a while back.

i wouldn't give you 20 bucks for it. it's fucking worthless. what good is being thin if you're slow as fuck?

Literally slower than a core2duo. Gross.

If you use Lunix its great, instant boot and very fast, if you use pajeetOS 10 then it'll be horrible

It does fine inside of chrome once it's open. I used it strictly as a portable web browser and it served it's purpose fine. It was pretty bad under Win 8 which is what it shipped with though.

32gb storage
Doubt it would be able to even contain w10's base package including swaps and tempdata

Just get a chrome book faggot

I've made Win10 images at work for our PCs, and I got them down to 14GB including a 4GB page file. It will be fine.


>got them down to 14gb
Jesus how

>on an anime image board

just get a chromebook. it's gonna be cheaper, sleeker, and probably more efficient. if you're a linux fan, they make it super easy to dual boot using "advanced dev options" or w/e.

Back to your containment board, m8. Sup Forums is now a nazi image board.

>Windows 10 is over 10 GB
No excuse, most linux distros are under 2GB


Gotta be 18+ to post here kid

Never ever buy a Celeron.


Buy one of these, 1080p and a not shit processor.


They're just really bad and struggle to do even the most basic shit. You're much better of spending the extra $80 to move into the i3 tier.

so basically

Besides windows 10, seems nice. Wonder how easy it would be to put a linux distro on there.

What if I want something small and portable like 13-14", thin, and lightweight?

No it doenst have a touchscreen its not gonna have android apps

Is this a new meme?

This thread is the most I've ever seen people recommending ChromeOS or Chromebooks. I'm impressed. What happened to Sup Forums?

This crap won't even play 10bit high-res animu properly, and for that money you can get a used thinkpad or an elitebook with core i5, and it will be not only more powerful, but also more reliable.

I would try to find one with a better processor.

Besides that, don't listen to Sup Forums, Windows 10 works great even on that kind of devices. Only install Linux if you like inferior battery life, waiting several seconds after a boot for chrome or Firefox to open because no Superfetch, inferior graphics drivers and window systems and lag when scrolling on web pages.

You're going to stream anime and not download on it so you don't deserve to be answered


It's fucking light blue.
And the black version costs twice as much.

I just got the ideapad 100s just yesterday with worse specs than this and 32gb storage and it runs just fine.

windows 10 takes up 20gb though so unless you plan on storing all your anime on it it should give you enough space for any minimal applications unless you have an external hard drive you don't mind using.

I'm writing this from a Stream 13 right now.

Windows 8.1 was manageable. Windows 10 was just abysmal, both because of how it is and how much of this poor thing's resources get hogged simply idling.

I use Xubuntu on mine instead and it's an absolute dream. Nothing against other distros, it's just that *buntu was the simplest to get WiFi support. Fucking Broadcom.

OP get pic related, best laptop of all time

works pretty fine on my machine albeit I have it set up to not have performance hogging shit.

only thing I'm not very happy about is how big Windows 10 is... it's using two thirds of the entire drive.

but I'm only going to be using it while traveling to browse anyway.

Is the CPU good enough to handle 720p anime?

Sure. Screen isn't though, at least on my 13. Awful panel. But I expected as much for the price. Plus I already had a 9" 1920x1280 tablet for watching stuff.

I don't have any anime or 720 mkv files to test but I've streamed 720p video just fine.

likewise the screen isn't the best and it's a pretty low resolution.

but if you're on a budget and don't care about not having high PPI then it doesn't matter really.

personally I don't care much about the screen, I just needed something light and transportable to keep me entertained and to backup photos (outside of online cloud storage) while I'm traveling.

don't care about having*
dumb double negative.

My Chromebook is a

>Celeron N2840
>16 GB storage

This is my bedside laptop for two years. It runs Chrome Os & Lubuntu 14.04 well. But probably it would be a disaster with Windows.

it's the cutest low end laptop around

what about the screen though? is it a 1366*768 tn led lit abomination?

N3160 is the lowest that's worth while.

remove the goy hp brand and suddenly you can find the same machine for 179,00

>color is for kids

An Apple Thinkpad?

I wouldn't really recommend a chromebook unless literally all you do is web browse. Not having access to common programs is too much of a limitation and equivalent android apps either don't exist or is a downgrade.

Owned a very similar laptop before, it's alright for shitposting.

230$ huh?

Its worth the mention that its no more worth than 120-130$ CHINA

I want to see people Rocking this Chinese knockoff =)

Its built like the Chinese housing market -) haha!!!

Celeron processers are OK for web browsing for about two years tops. After that they're too slow for that as well.

An Intel Core i3 would be a much better choice.

Laptops and flatscreens are nice.

Windows 10 can serve a purpose.

But for example. I Purchased a refurbished laptop for my mother about half a year ago, 260$ 12 gigs of ram, R5 graphics a phisical CD drive 1 TB touchscreen backlit keyboard etc for 270$ shipping included.

She says its to fast... Yep.

The moral of the story, Always be hesistent and wait for the right sale, also be the first in line.

As for Celaron and the poster above.

Do not go for the lowest end Chips if You planned on using the computer more than an ATM machine or the like.

Do not buy AMD E grade! or i3's as of right now for the matter at hand.


3205U or N3160 ?
I'm just looking for a $300 chromebook with 1080p display. Any recommendations ?

>More expensive than thinkpad
>Half the power
>t. highschool grill laptop

Are HP laptops still shit or have the improved? My pavilion dv6 from 2011 finally died after 5.5 years of hard usage (mobo fried). Most of the issues stemmed from overheating/god awful ventilation. Otherwise the thing was a tank.

I'm on the market for a new shitposting machine. Not looking for something as basic as OP, but something similar to what I had. Budget isn't much of an issue

you wouldn't even fit Windows on it.

I have the HP Stream 11 but it's about 2 years old.

>Celeron N2840
>2GB ram
>32GB storage

In other words, significantly worse than yours. I use it for web browsing and writing (which is how I make money) and I'd say it works just fine 95% of the time. The other 5% it gets just a little frustrating but the one you're looking at is significantly better so I'd say go for it OP. It's also very cute-looking and all the ladies love it (I'm not kidding)

thinkpads aren't always cheaper. here a w510 costs 500 euros. x200+ from 300.

>he fell for the thinkbrick meme

For example something like this would be pretty spot on for what I'm looking for


Just want to know if they are built like shit and will have awful ventilation/overheating issues like the ones from 5-6 years ago

completely useless. don't bother buying it. it would run Windows 10 horribly too.

just go on craigslist and get a Thinkpad or an Acer. anything is better than that trash


They work pretty fine for regular web browsing
Autism Evans has a review: youtube.com/watch?v=-fFB-cFLhhs
Also friend has one, they work fine for basic shit but expect slow performance with 4+ tabs and something like spotify open

>web browsing and writing (which is how I make money)
how that? what do you write?

>4+ tabs
If you use adblock or any extensions, reduce that number

a number of things, currently mostly about psychology, a gig I found at Upwork

Ah, sounds interesting. I didnt't know that they have other jobs aside from developers

Yeah from the looks of the job postings I'd say it's mostly for developers, graphic designers and writers

Fuck celeron

Fuck you
most normal people don't need anything better than celeron

Minimal difference. You'll have it in a bag to transport it anyway.


Why would he need a w510? A t420 would probably be more than enough.

It's a shit deal. I mean properly shit. The reason is the processor, it's just that bad. It's so lame it doesn't even come with active cooling.

I had a laptop like that, it was a lenovo something with a N2840 and it was hopeless, it couldn't even function without an SSD. After upgrading it to 8GB RAM and SSD it would be fine but anything heavy and it would give up.

Now at the moment I'm using my T420S I got for $200. Comes with a higher resolution screen (900p as opposed to 720p), onboard HSDPA and whatever I might want. I can replace the optical drive with an ultrabay battery to get me more portability.

The computer cost way less than a new cheap piece of shit but it's so much better in every aspect. The keyboard is the best I've ever used on a laptop. The nipple is fantastic when you learn to use it, but it comes with a touchpad that's better and the buttons are much more tactile. Using the touchpad buttons on those cheap as shit computers feels like they are going through the frame.

So in short just save yourself money and get a used T420, S if you want it to be small. You will thank me later. If you want similar performance to that HP you can even buy a T400 for, what, $60 and equip it with an SSD (which is MUCH faster than those horrible eMMC memories those shit computers use). You will get a much nicer computer for at least 50 % less.

didn't say he needed it, it was an example which is why I followed it with something else. I was saying that thinkpads that can be in that price range in USD aren't necessarily that available or cheap outside of the states.