Why dont you use windows 10 Sup Forums? You know its the closest thing we have to a functional and elegent cyberpunk aesthetic. There have been rumors in the past that microsoft had backdoors in the os but win 10 proudly embraces it. You dont want to join the wired?
Windows cyberpunk
Why, why even waste your time posting this?
Because I want to move this 90's looking website into the future.
I do not care for a cyberpunk aesthetic. I care about having a functioning machine for programming, and I hate Visual Studio with a burning passion.
>missing the entire point of cyberpunk characters trying to live outside the botnet
Which cartoon is that? For research purposes, of course.
and yes that's a boy
Re:Zero and that particular character is male, which i have absolutely no problem with
whats the point of boipussy when you run the risk of poopydick?
i refuse to accept that character is male, sounds like a female, looks like a female, dresses like a female if it sounds like a duck its a duck
>When OP posts an image that's more interesting than the post itself
This thread.
Rww is full of shit.
a duck with a penis
im not gay i promise
>if it sounds like a duck its a duck
But Pierce Brosnan is not REALLY James Bond. Also: James Bond does not exist. It is called acting, and some people are good at it.
i meant in the context of the show outside of reality
It's not elegant cyberpunk, it's literally blocks on paint. There's no aesthetics there. They could have spent more than 5 minutes on how it looks, but it looks horrible. The font rendering is even worse. Windows 10 is a complete eyesore. I guess gaymers need it and they don't work, but for people who need no distractions is best to have something that doesn't look like you'd rather be somewhere else.
funny, i don't remember any of Gibson's protagonists plugging their trodes into their Ono-Sendai "Cyberspace Seven" decks and getting an advertisement for Tessier-Ashpool brand toilet paper.
It's true though, Japan wants degeneracy. Stop watching chinese cartoons.
but degeneracy is hot. i don't even care about gay shit, i just enjoy reading stories about people getting broken and drowning in perversion, and it's way better if someone breaks so hard that he changes orientation
You enjoy reading, but do you enjoy the dick?
cause 7 is better, even XP is better (and has better A E S T H E T I C S) than 10
>2004's glass
yeah, if you're one of those guys who kept using winxp in 2010
>Why dont you use windows 10 Sup Forums?
I already do. It simply provides the best user experience overall.
im still using it now on this shitty laptop.
but i do