>Windows on desktop
>Linux on laptop
>Android on phone
This is the best tech setup. Prove me wrong.
>Windows on desktop
>Linux on laptop
>Android on phone
This is the best tech setup. Prove me wrong.
>Windows on desktop
>Linux on laptop
It depends on what you need your laptop for.
>Android on phone
Good thread, sir!
Sure I'll prove you wrong in just a moment
but first, I need you to add more lens flare to that picture of stairs.
>Linux on desktop
>Linux on laptop
>no smartphones because those are for faggots
>t. I'm a Windows-cuck
Stopped reading there.
Go back to polishing your Daddy Microsoft's shoes you Microsoft cock gobbler.
>technology is for sodomites
>Windows in a VM
>GNU/Linux on laptop
>GNU/Linux on desktop
>GNU/Linux on server
>GNU/Linux on router
>Android Linux on mobile phone
>Android Linux on TV
>Embedded Linux on printer
Also no going outside of the house because there are cameras everywhere and the government will see you.
Also absolutely NO proprietary software.
Gotta have your freedom ;-)
Linux with stacking WM, Windows VM with GPU passthrough
Linux with tillimg WM
True enlightenment is realizing there isn't one "best," OP
>>Windows on desktop
>>Linux on laptop
Except you have this backwards.
Desktops for tinkering
Laptops for work
>Linux on laptop
>Android on phone
>No desktop
Desktops are for gaming, hence Windows.
Laptops are for work, hence Linux.
I do better
>Windows on desktop
>Windows on laptop
>Windows on phone
You forgot
>Shit in the streets
Rikkity rekt, son
>Le India meme
I'm German
Sup, Youropoor.
I actually need to be productive so I use Windows on my desktop and laptop. I don't have time to constantly fix a hobby OS that breaks every other day.
I've used windows in an Enterprise environment.
Switching to Oracle Linux was the best choice I made in my life
Just got up, so nothing yet
>desktop and laptop
Not talking about enterprise environments user.
Current state of windows
How does one get decent battery life on Linux? Wangblows seems to give me 1.5-2 hours more than opensuse
Stability is what you need in enterprises, my man.
I've never had that problem ;)
Are we just going to pretend that Linux doesn't have an entire world of problems of its own? I don't feel like spending two weeks getting my hardware half working under Linux anyway.
Disable bluetooth, CUPS, reduce brightness etc
>Windows on phone
Are we going to pretend windows does not have an entire world of problems of its own?
Far fewer problems than Linux for home desktops and laptops.
So there's no way to get comparable battery life with the same settings.
Probably works in a microsoft store. Or a hardcore microsoft defence warrior in Sup Forums
Now this is what I call being opionated
Hahaha. Oh my God. That's your answer/response? That the best you got? A shitty Sup Forums meme remark?
You're better off purchasing some rope and hanging yourself with it.
There is no option for "[x] use less battery and run on magic" in any system
I just ran Linux on my laptop for about 6 months before I couldn't be bothered anymore.
Linux has no place on desktops and laptops.
Case on point.
>Android on desktop
>Android on laptop
>Android on phone
I don't work at a store, I just feel comfy on windows mobile. In my opinion it's better than Android and iOS
> (You)
>>Windows on phone
Yes. So my point that Linux is shit on a laptop is correct
Are you pretending to be retarded or you genuinely do not understand what's been implied in Or are you underage?
I understand that there's no magic button to use less power, I'm saying that Linux provides shit battery life compared to Windows while doing the same tasks. Can't make it any simpler for you, my man.
>Windows on phone
>Linux on laptop
>Android on desktop
This is the best tech setup. Prove me wrong.
Stupid city dweller, people live outside your crappy britain!
Same shit.
But the whole reason you have a laptop is so you have a portable workstation, right?
What work can you do with Linux that you can't with Windows? Because, sadly, a lot more professional software is written without Linux support. As much as you may not like to admit it, most professional software is written for Windows.
underrated post
This desu so comfy
Agree, Win7 on desktop, Manjaro on laptop and Android phone
depends on your cpu scaling. you can set it to powersave or performance on when using intel.
Not him but all the software I need runs either naively in Linux or runs successfully under WINE.
I use
>Spotify (rarely)
What am I missing out? I used to do little bit of CAD with Ktechlab, and if I needed CAD I could have used Siemens NX.
If I ever needed 3D rendering I would get Blender or Autodesk Maya
If in some point Minitab is not enough for me I could get MATLAB.
ALL run in Linux. It's amazing.
Sadly the engineering world is full of proprietary shit that costs thousands of dollars and only works on Windows.
Also MATLAB runs like shit on Linux.
>Manjaro on laptop
Did this until an update broke my system. I went back to Windows.
>Same shit.
Definitely not
what is a VM
But I have seen Panasonic using ubuntu in real life during my internship, user.
I'm referring specifically to point-cloud and FEA stuff that only runs on Windows. A lot of stuff where the added cost of running it on a VM isn't worth it.
I'm not saying Windows isn't shit, but it's the de-facto OS for developers, and most proprietary software gets developed for it. Yeah it sucks, but it's fucking ridiculous to avoid the fact that that's how things work.
>Linux on desktop
>Linux or chromeOS on laptop
>Android or Linux (Ubuntu, Sailfish) on phone
>Windows in WINE or virtual machine
Objectively superior.
Or this
>Windows on desktop
>macOS on laptop
>iOS on phone
>PebbleOS on watch
Can't beat the hand-off features with macOS-iOS. Pebble watch only makes this better, with stuff like macID.
>WIN7 on desktop and laptop
>ios 6 on tablet
>android on phone
fite me
>Linux with stacking WM
Why would you ever use a stacking WM if you know better?
tilling WMs suck dick on desktop and for games desu
they are good if you want to use keyboard only, and especially if you mostly work in terminals (like writing in vim)
you can always create some keybinds for openbox to make it the best of both worlds
>I don't run games fullscreen
I don't know that feel.
That's my setup. Works pretty nicely.
That's my setup, works for me
>Windows on desktop
If games: Yes
If work: No way
>Linux on laptop
Only grab the system that gives you more battery life
>Android on phone
Like there's any other choice on cheap phones
>windows requires a manual pacebo switch in order to use less resources
>still runs spyware and other advertisement procedures, downloads windows updates over wifi, etc when disconnected from power
>doesnt switch graphics automatically
sure, we all need this "magic switch" and "power efficient" os.
> using amd
> ever
>Using windows
iOS on all three :)
Programming is a royal pain in the ass on Windows. No goddamn (useful) package manager. MSYS2 is fucked. Easiest to just cross compile from Linux with mingw-w64
Here, here, my child.
>linux on desktop
>linux on laptop
>windows in virtual machine (with GPU passthrough)
>linux on server
>linux (sailfish) on phone
>rockbox on ipod
>linux on mom's laptop (posting from this one rn)
NixOS and Windows dual-boot with each able to virtualize the other on Desktop.
MacOS on Laptop.
Android on phone.
> refusing the fact that you can make all these icons into small squares, that take way less space than even half of what you have
I feel bad for you
Troll or genuine Apple idiot
Windows on desktop
OSX on laptop
iOS on phone
Honestly not sure why you'd use any other combination. Linux holds no advantages over OSX, running anything but Windows is gimping a desktop and Android is still a steaming pile of shit with no good flagship. Not to mention Android lacks many things that iOS can do natively.
>on a laptop
Why don't you just hire someone to kick you in the balls every 30 seconds instead?
>not linux with windows VM on desktop
>windows on desktop
>windows on laptop
>windows on phone
fight me
Linux on fucking everything unless you want to play a videogame.
That might be the case, but the bottom line is that I can pull an extra hour and a half from win8.1
>macOS on laptop
>iOS on phone
master race reporting in
Let me correct you, OP.
>Windows on laptop
>Android on phone
>iOS on tablet
>FreeBSD on gaming console (PS4)
>>Windows on desktop
>>Linux on laptop
>>Android on phone
anything is fine
youre close but the best phone is an iphone
>windows on anything
>android on anything
windows on desktop
windows on laptop
windows on phone
>MacOS on laptop
>Windows in VM
>Linux on server
>iOS on phone
Yes right buddy but i will put linux too on the Desktop
And Android phone should be rooted and Custom ROM shit
>linux desktop
For what purpose exactly?
>Linux on desktop
>no laptop
>dumb flip phone
>rockbox on portable media player
This is the best setup. This is one that will actually give you a fulfilling life. Your computer will be mostly setup for productivity but can also be used for entertainment. Hell most of my friends who use Windows for "gamezzz" only play Binding of Isaac or Dungeon Defenders which are on GNU/Linux now anyway.
Getting rid of my laptop and smartphone helped me improve my life. It really curbed my internet addiction because I don't want to sit at my desktop all day like I do with my laptop. On my laptop or smartphone I can just lay in bed or in a comfy recliner and watch the hours fly by as I do nothing. On my desktop, I check the sites I visit, then I do one of three things: play games for a little, do work, or get off the computer. Since doing this, I read books a lot more. I go outside more. I fap WAY less. I'm genuinely happier.
You don't need to carry a computer with you everywhere and I wholeheartedly recommend that you refrain from doing so.
Uncanny valley
>Prove me wrong
Don't fit my needs
That sounds great, user. I understand that you're not a programmer.
It truly is the best setup.
the fact that an anime watching paedophile would have such shit opinion doesn't surprise me
>Linux on desktop
>macOS on a laptop
>android on phone
>console for gaymen