
I need help programing something and was told Sup Forums is smart. How many millions in a billion?

1000 millions

unless you're british, then it's different for some reason


a billion/a million millions

>unless you're british

It's the americans who are backwards (as with all measurements), in the rest of the world a billion is a million millions, not only in britain.

Wow, the rest of the world sounds fucking retarded

three fiddy

999,999,999 + 1 = 1,000,000,000

How many googles does it take to get to the center of a retarded bait question?

Your racist jokes don't fool anyone

Tell me of this British meme

That's bullshit, I'm Aussie & a billion is a thousand millions, a trillion is a thousand billions, etc.

He said "retarded"

He ableist you retarded, homosexual, nigger faggot.

I hope all you oppressive, fascist, Republican, shitlords are burned in a Communist death camp.


this is dumb, if you need a new name for a number is because you can't compose anymore, then it would be:
10^3 thousand
10^4 "ten" thousand
10^5 "hundred" thousand
10^6 not "thousand thousand" but million
then 10^9 would be "thousand million"
and 10^12 "billion"
then 10^15 "thousand billion"
10^18 "million billion"
10^24 "trillion"
and so on

10^3 Thousand
10^6 Million
10^9 Milliard
10^12 Billion

This is fact

You mean how many megs in a gig?

10^9 = billion

>not scientific notation

In english there is no such thing as milliard. It's billion.

in english do exists the word "milliard"
maybe in half assed english does not exists due to the mexican bias

what is this brain tumour meme

tell me more about how many inches is a yard
>imperial units
>2017 still kissing the ass to the queen

>le meme
>le welcome back from le reddit

did I write le

>le wild meme green arrow