Are you embracing the botnet, Sup Forums?
Are you embracing the botnet, Sup Forums?
I am. I gave up some time ago.
dat o face
I am currently trying to transition away.
Not much choice if you want to use some normie apps for chatting with people.
Nope, I gave up on googleâ„¢ about 6 months ago, using F-droid atm.
Best choice ever
I not only use F-Droid, I have no Google services on my phone whatsoever. Running AOSP based CyanogenMod. Phone is so much more snappy and battery lasts so much longer, too. Plus muh privacy/freedom.
But I had grown accustomed to the convenience of synchronized calendars, contacts, files, etc. and so I set up a NextCloud (fork of OwnCloud) server on a Cubietruck at home. Which also serves as a media server / NAS, as well as doing some other things. It works a treat.
>chatting with people
Talk your friends into using XMPP, it's a much better protocol, not tied to carrier / phone number (and therefore can even use it on an old phone with no service via WiFi), no central point of failure / control, end to end encryption, etc...
Waiting for the MicroG Phonesky replacement to finally drop it
This. It's impressive how much battery Google shit eats.
>thinking normie will understand a single word of this
Can I rent compute time to make my tripcodes get done faster?
True enough. I've even talked a couple normie friends into it, after a while they uninstalled.
But I don't think I framed my arguments properly. Nowadays I usually talk about free software in general. I don't sperg though. I listen to their gripes about M$ or Apple or whoever and I then explain to them how and why free software is an entirely different paradigm that serves the user.
Bringing this back to messaging, companies have been trying to corral users into their little silos forever. I used to use ICQ back in the day just to have interoperability between different protocols. I always thought that was stupid.
With messaging, I explain it to people this way: if Tim Berners-Lee had been as greedy and short sighted as these companies, we would have ended up with a bunch of disparate little networks, instead of the World Wide Web as we know it today.
all that philosophy will go out the window when a chick asks you to msg her on whatsapp
I try to stay without gapps as much as possible, but seeing as how I run an LG G4 with the constant threat of bootloop, I have to stay on stock Android so I can keep my warranty. I'm gonna get a reliable phone that can be rooted at the end of the year.
rather play old ds and gba fire emblems on my phone than that trash
Can you explain that pic? Is it a seedbox?
Close. But rather than retype everything:
thanks user
You're projecting.
Captcha: GAULT garfield :^)
Any time, user. In fact, these are me, too:
I forgot I posted earlier in this thread already.
I'm happy to help anyone who is interested in achieving this for themselves.
Free Software, free society.
Girlfriend likes me having an iPhone to iMessage
>posted from my iPhone
of course not why would someone ever do that ?
I am, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't.
Life is too short to care about some jews spying on my porn
All apps I use are FOSS.
All that's left is getting people to move away from WhatsApp.
What is the best app to use for torrenting on a non-rooted phone?
>the right to free speech isn't important because I have nothing to say
Do you close the door when you go to the bathroom? Are you doing anything "wrong" while you are in there?
Privacy should be the default condition, not something we have to go out of our way to achieve.
But most importantly, who determines what is "wrong"? Do you trust the psychopaths who are currently running the world to do the right thing? Make the right laws? Because I sure as hell don't.
Perhaps LibreTorrent
I have only come across like 1 or maybe 2 things that I couldn't either find on F-Droid, or figure out another way to do.
But then again I am making a move more generally toward free software / GNU/Linux, etc. so many of these things just operate much better together. They were designed with interoperability in mind in fact, and it shows (open standards, etc.).
Besides, it's nice not having to give every stupid little fucking random app access to the complete list of every fucking available permission on my phone. Holy Christ that was creepy! And Google popping up with all the creepy "helpful suggestions" and "are you at x place, can you answer some questions?" bullshit.
using this on a device with no phone service
>Privacy should be the default condition, not something we have to go out of our way to achieve.
>But most importantly, who determines what is "wrong"?
You can't discuss human rights with me, I'd nuke some shitholes all over the world, including the US and my own country and make a dictatorship with the few million of people remaining. People who don't contribute shouldn't be allowed to live.
What do you reccommend for a good browser?
nope. Aptoide works well enough for my needs
Well it depends what you consider "good." To me personally, "good" means control, functionality, and privacy. Which can sometimes be at cross purposes.
For example, on the desktop I keep coming back to Firefox. So many useful plugins. Including privacy related ones like HTTPS everywhere, self destructing cookies, no script, request policy, etc. But that's a lot of fine grained control. Which I prefer, but when setting up a friend or family I just install uBlock Origin. It doesn't give you quite the level of privacy and control as what I do, but it's pretty much automatic for computer illiterates.
Of course if you really want to be private/anonymous then you need to use TOR. And you need to take their advice about not resizing the window, and leaving the default plug in selection alone, because of browser fingerprinting.
At minimum though (even without TOR) I always browse through a VPN. I did research and chose PIA for various reasons, including privacy. You can buy a $50 Walmart gift card with cash and redeem that for a year worth of service and it's totally anonymous and untraceable. I even wear a funny hat and unusual clothes when I go to buy my gift card but that's probably not necessary. I leave my phone (tracking device) at home as well.
On mobile (at home, I mean when I'm laying around reading or whatever) I almost always use Orbot + Orfox as my daily driver on AOSP. I'm not sure why.
I suppose subconsciously I've choosen to give up a little privacy when at my battle station in trade for more functionality and being able to utilize the full screen real estate (I have a 20 30 20 PLP set up, see pic related).
Oh yeah and one final point. I also have fine tuned my DNS, for both privacy and performance reasons. Having a list of what sites you go to via URL is potentially valuable information to some people. To say nothing of the fact that you want to be sure when you type in a URL that you are actually going where you think you are. (cont'd)
This but I never tried in this first place desu. Privacyfags need to cool their jets
(cont'd) ISPs are some of the worst offenders when it comes to man in the middle DNS spoofing attacks. If you have ever mistyped something and landed on one of those bullshit ISP fake search results pages, full of ads and other crap, then you have experienced this.
Anyway there is a neat little tool on GRC website that will do speed testing to numerous DNS servers, and then display them back to you, ranked by fastest. It will also accept ones you provide. I think it's a Windows tool (I was still on Win at the time), I'm sure there is something similar on GNU/Linux. I found a list (forget where now) of independent DNS servers and I plugged a bunch of them in and kept the fastest 3 that were independent (even though my ISP was faster, because, well, fuck them). Plugged the results into DNS server in my DD-WRT gateway (and enabled DNS caching there as well) and it's been working tits ever since. Besides privacy, it also pulls common web pages up really fast because their DNS lookup is only 1 hop.
While we are on DNS, I just wanted to point out something I've always thought. I don't think most people think very much about DNS. So therefore, if alternative DNS servers are recommended, it is usually Google's at, or the ones at 4.4.4.* or the ones at so called "Open DNS" and it's probably these last ones I take the most exception to. Because their service is not "Open" in any way, shape, or form, their marketing notwithstanding. And so I always like to point that out to people.
I realize you had asked what browser I use, but in a privacy context that's sort of asking the wrong question, and so I thought I'd take a moment and elaborate a little.
>being a bitch to your girlfriend
Enjoy being cucked
>comes into a privacy (botnet) thread
>Privacyfags need to cool their jets
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.jpg
Nah friendo. It's CSIS up here :^)
Thanks for the answer, man
I'm still a newbie in all this but I'm starting to find my way
No if you are not a massive faggot.
The first couple of weeks just send SMS, then make her install some app to talk with you.
That's what I did with my current gf.
Keep at it, you will figure it all out eventually. Take down notes of things I said for later reading if you don't know what they are yet. TiddlyWiki is great for keeping notes and references like that, as well as random thoughts and ideas. Even I have to keep reading as things change over time.
But you are already a step ahead of most because you have decided it's important to take your privacy back and you no longer want to be corralled as someone else's livestock. And that's the first and most important step. Freeing your mind.
I really think one of the important themes of the coming decades is going to be individualism vs collectivism. For decades we have been steadily marching toward the latter for various reasons. But I really think more and more people are starting to wake up and question things. I'm glad to see it, and happy to help it along. And I ask everyone reading this to consider helping others to do the same once you have learned. At some point a critical mass is achieved...
>don't trust google
>but instead trusts some random fuck uploading apks that may or may not have been modified
kek enjoy your botnet
If you have android you have almost no choice.
Funny how al the shit Microsoft went to for making explorer the default browser.
But nobody cares about the monopoly google has over personal data (big in countries where iphone is not common)
Actually there is plenty of choice, just not for the average joe who is buying samsung because it is cool to do so.
Running android without google botnet is possible and not that _hard_ to do.
wanna know how I know you're fat?
try running it on amazon cloud services
yeah I don't know what was talking about, he's fucking retarded. A lot of phones come with another app that acts as an app store preinstalled as well, like the LG smartworld or Amazon app.
It's cool I found some
Kill yourself jordan, you useless piece of shit.
Just have to get rid of gmail (procrastinating) and I'll be completely off their services.
other mails available
>google plus
give me a break
>google search
SEO'd to shit, useless for anything any more
>google groups
no point to this either
>google now
creepier than fuck
Apple is not nearly so bad as Google. You can turn almost all the botnet features off.
What's with this retarded meme that youtube-dl disconnects you from the botnet anymore than a browser would?
What is with people even caring about the incredibly low tier content that's on Youtube in the first place?
>What is with people even caring about the incredibly low tier content
yet here you are
>GUI says they're off so they must be off
Like they'd actually let you actually opt out of their data mining racket.
Seems they do, also seems they actually will protect your data in court unlike Google or MS.
>fetching video right from page using command line tool
>same as going to web site and looking at ads, collecting cookies, etc
are you retarded?
You know that youtube-dl still has to parse the webpage in order to retrieve the video, right? You know that youtube-dl still has to send and receive data directly from google's servers, right? You know what adblock is, right?
Tell me, who's the retard here?
Are you implying that spoofing google with a command line tool is the same as browsing there, giving all your cookies to google, running the google api, etc?
Seriously user, that shit might work on reddit, but don't play your shill game here.
Guess again faggot.
You want to know how I know you are easily swayed by propaganda/marketing? You're a follower. A fucking sheep.
>Just have to get rid of gmail (procrastinating) and I'll be completely off their services.
Well done, user. Check out, completely web based, which makes it just as easy to use as gmail IMO, except it's encrypted.
I'll share some other things I have found and personally like:
There are a number of choices on F-Droid, but NewPipe and WebTube are becoming my favorites. Especially the latter.
>other mails available
Using Yahoo or M$ is basically just as bad as gmail. Search PRISM and other surveillance programs for more info. Basically if any American company has your data, so does the American government. Even if you are a citizen. They simply don't give a fuck any more.
>>google plus
>give me a break
Yeah I never got on any stupid "social networks" either. Complete Orwellian bullshit, bunch of stupid fuckers giving up all your personal info.
>>google search
>SEO'd to shit, useless for anything any more
I use DuckDuckGo, but I do try others occasionally. Distributed search is interesting to keep an eye on for the future, but it's not all the way there yet right now I don't think.
>>google groups
>no point to this either
Agreed. Although if I need to read something on there I just do it in normal browser, with normal precautions (no script, self destructing cookies, request policy, etc.) I almost never need to log in for anything.
>>google now
>creepier than fuck
There's some good stuff on there. You have to look for it though.
In any case, it's still way better than old fashioned appointment television. With the added bonus of not being controlled/produced by the (((Hollyweird))) propagandists.
What would you say Apple is best at, as a company, user?
Marketing. I would say they were best at marketing. Not making the best hardware, innovation, or anything else, but marketing.
Now think about that for a moment.
>giving all your cookies to google
>don't know how to block cookies on a fucking browser
>thinks blocking cookies alone prevents ANYTHING
>running the google api
HAHAHAHAHA You have NO FUCKING IDEA what an API is, do you? You're seriously bad at pretending to be tech literate. Fuck off back to Sup Forums or whichever board you came from.
I'm not playing any shill game. I'm just laughing a delusional morons like you who think by using youtube-dl you've somehow escaped the botnet.
no bcoz i use yalp
Lmao spoiled fagg detected
> indb4 I was poor blabla
Lmao lucky faggot detected who wasn't even that poor
DrTorrent. Disable its ads via le Lucky Patcher.
Battery life doubled when I didn't flash gapps. I just download the APKs of apps I want and don't update them.
Same, very seldomly I need a new app and when that happens I use Raccoon. I got a new phone some days ago, stock with all the google bloated shit using battery for no reason without even setting my account. Rooted and got rid of it, feels good.
I wish more developers implemented another way to check licenses that don't involve botnet services.
>Lucky Patcher
FUD, try a real argument next time shill.
>the botnet
You're still somehow implying that using a command line tools which spoofs the user agent is just like browsing to the site, running the Google APIs, running their JS, collecting their cookies, it's almost as if you don't have a real argument.
You are playing the shill game or you'd have a real argument. It's awfully easy to spot you idiots, your didactic gives you away.
Thanks for the tips user, I will run my own email from my home. I can probably do better than Google, they have fucking outages all the time.
Did you get rid of the baseband spyware in your Android phone too?
>running the Google APIs, running their JS, collecting their cookies
>ignoring the fact that 't literally JUST SAID browsers are capable of blocking cookies
>thinks visiting a fucking webpage has ANYTHING to do with using google's API
>visit Youtube with browser
>not getting BTFO by their botnet
Lol OK pajeet. Your fud is pretty weak.
>can't argue with anything in my post
>change the client used to watch youtube
>think that exempts him from the botnet
So this is what it's like to have an IQ lower than the number of chromosomes one has.
You never made a coherent point, why bother arguing? I'd rather just see you continue to display your mentally retarded pajeetisms.
>You never made a coherent point
Um, I'm not the one who said retarded shit like using le google API by visiting youtube.
Where else can I get games?
>inb4 manchild
No way of really doing this without installing something like Replicant, which is only available for a handful of quite older phones unfortunately. Even then, I think it only puts wrappers around the actual proprietary radios and baseband processor, although I'm not positive on that.
That's a nice strawman you have constructed there.
Of course a self hosted solution is not likely to be as reliable as gmail, but that's not the reason you are doing it. You're doing it for privacy.
I've read a lot of people saying "don't setup your own email server, it's a hassle!" I'm wondering how much truth there is to that. Yes it's another thing to maintain, but I don't think it's such a hassle nor as insecure as some would make it seem. Sooner or later I suppose I'm going to try it and find out.
Email was originally designed to be decentralized you know, with everyone running their own server. XMPP same thing.
But you go ahead on and keep spreading FUD in order to keep all the slaves on the plantation.