/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man
$ info
$ help

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Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

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/fglt/'s website:

/fglt/'s copypasta collection:

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:
Part II: Part I: archive.loveisover.me/t/post/707928/

/t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos:
/wg/'s GNU/Linux Wallpapers:
Part IV: Part III: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6785580/
Part II: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/
Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

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What VNC server do people use? Tightvncserver has a retarded and awkward configuration
All I want to do is to remote control my machine with my Android using bvnc (over ssh)
Couple of people in the last thread recommended x2go (NX-based) and TigerVNC but I was wondering if there was something better.

>having problems with samba not working
>get frustrated to the point I have to fap to calm down
>return and samba is working out fo nowhere

I just know it's going to break again and I have no idea what fixed it. I don't think I can fap my way out every time either.

>I don't think I can fap my way out every time either.
can't hurt to try

smb was always bonkers on linux.

I realise it's a windows system but still. One win10 I could navigate directly to a folder, on the share and play a movie or whatever no problems. No login either.

On linux I needed to login "it was user user for the username adn password but windows never needed it) and it would always crash if I tried to stream, I had ot copy files onto my computer and then play them. idk. I have it all working now so I can stream at least.

>Windows 10.
>Use USB tethering with 8mb/s connection.
>Works perfectly fine even when 90% of the bw. is in use.

>Use USB tethering for Internet
>Use more than 700kb/s and everything connected to Internet shuts down


>I had ot copy files onto my computer and then play them
you were probably missing some packages.
applications like media players, editors etc are not network aware.
you need some vfs plugins

s/ftp you faggot, and next time someone deletes their answer while I'm answering it, they can go fuck themselves

use a hotspot

calm down, you're T R I G G E R E D

Thanks user. Not gonna bother answering any more questions on /fglt/ again. You reminded me never to help cunts on the internet as not only is there nothing in it, you get insulted for trying to help. So in future, go fuck yourself and cry when you run out of pajeets who don't know the answer to your simple retarded questions about Linux.
I'm so done with this place.

are there any shells superior to zsh and fish in terms of features and functionality

leave already, you were worthless to begin with.

Same issue with Hotspot function.

Pretty soon /fglt/ will be full of
>why isn't anyone answering
>fuck this place
>where is the nearest street i can shit on

O I will laff when that happens

unlikely. since you have answered anything worthwhile .

are you sure you're comparing 8mB/s to 700kB/s and not 8mb/s to 700KB/s?

cause 8mB/s is roughly 1000kB/s

I haven't used the word butthurt in a long time but you are seriously butthurt my friend. No one even tried to purposely hurt your butt either which is fantastic.

I actually noticed that yesterday. Sup Forums seems to be empty.

I bet the kids are all on school at this time of the year.

I actually did, I pointed this faggot/you to sftp, which is more than trash like you deserve. But next time I will simply be chuckling to myself and not bother to share the answer with worthless niggers.


is it possible to have man completion in bash?
so that when I type
man somet
and press tab, I get
man something


oh man!


This pajeet is still looking for the answer. No one help this ungrateful retard please.




>brings up an answer from 2010

you pajeets are both equally retarded and need some nukes from your friends in pakistan

What's wrong with that? the answer is still valid.

I have 100 Mbps connection that roughly translates to 12.5 MB/S (which is the speed I can get from Speedtest.net)

Now it just shits itself if its stressed at all by more than 1 program.

Already said I wouldn't help any more so I'm not gonna point out what's retarded about it. Someone who is more able to tolerate pajeets might though.

thanks, but I came across that thread already, didn't find it very helpful
I'm loking for a way to do this that won't take away too much of my time

Report a bug on Launchpad



so xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources doesn't work when I put it in .xinitrc
What am I doing wrong? i just want to not be blinded by my terminal

you've lost your mind user, get help

lmao that guy was right in the end

please go shitpost somewhere else, Sup Forums for example, they're full of idiots like you

can't save an idiot. just report and hide him.
also filter 'pajeet'


>/fglt/ throws a tantrum

fuck you no one cares about your faggot rules
but the pajeet finally understood after all the beatings he got
maybe this is how pajeets learn, hopefully pakistan will drop some nuclear fire on you to help you learn to not shit in the streets

>/fglt/ is one poster
you stop wasting oxigen and go end your pathetic existence, you've suffered enough

>/fglt/ is one poster
i was thinking that too. nice to see someone who agrees

>lone user destroys the shittiest general on a shitty board that worships a faggot communist

My job is done, kek

>being this mad

ignore him, or you'll catch his trigger

rms is a communist?

Meh, this seems to happen with actual modem too. What the fuck gives..

that thread is really old, I don't even have an /etc/bash_completion.d/ directory on my system, and I really don't have the time to write my own functions, I was just looking for a simple way to do this, if there even is one

can anyone who hasn't read comrade Marx's works really be acknowledged as a communist?


Now that the /fglt/ wars are over (for now), can someone answer this please

might as well be, which is why we need a Sup Forums communists general

okay, apparently I just needed bash-completion package installed
didn't think it was that easy
sorry for causing trouble

>the current state of these threads
very troubling

what the fuck is that?

Today is the day I replace Arch Linux with Gentoo. I've done quite a bit of research, but I'd like to ask some questions. What are some things I should know before installing? What are some things you wish you did differently?

youre going to need a lot of time
that's all

fug genkernel manual config stronk

pls notice me amid the shitposts ;_;

I have hard time between choosing a distro for my mom's computer (since I don't have any spare windows key's)

What do you guys recommend? Keep in my that my mom has not used any linux distro in her entire life
Should I just go with linux mint and call it day or install minimal ubuntu with windows 7 type interface?


This internet issue is so annoying.

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't fedora come with Gnome DE preinstalled?


how do I restart X?

I dunno I use only ArchLinux and OpenBSD.

From what I have heard, fedora and openSuse should be pretty gud on user friendliness.

Hi. It's me. The guy who answers all the questions in these threads. Nothing but inane comments so far. Back later.

I asked on one of these threads a few days ago a good way to learn Linux, and someone directed me to this free book: linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php/

to newbies: check that shit out, it's very helpful.

to the guy who recommended that: thank you so much

sorry, GNU/Linux

>tfw a pajeet and an autistic get pissed at me for telling them to cut their shut and they try to get me banned
What fucking autists we have in the Linux community

So, what's a lightweight, yet full featured Web browser that works with vim-like keyboard controls? Surf is doesn't want to emerge because of fucking webkit


Better than links thougj. Hence I said full featured, or at least able to display pictures
Not w3m though

>unset does variable expansion inside single quotes

midori should be better then.
its size is around 5.3MB

What music player do you guys use? There are so many to choose from. With Windows it was easy - just pick Foobar.

I've tried Clementine and Amarok now, but they feel bit clunky

>he uses a separate music player and web browser
>he doesn't have Nightingale

Midori uses webkit though. Currently trying to install that causes my cpu to go crazy and try melting

Nightingale looks like abandoned porject.

[spoiler]it is ;_;[/spoiler]

I have a GTX 970 video card and I'm trying to run Mint Cinnamon on VirtualBox, but it starts in software rendering mode and when I install drivers from PPA (I've tried different versions, in theory they should work) after restarting the machine xorg shits itself and I have to uninstall the drivers from the terminal and reboot to have the DE working again (in software mode). Wat do?

>fully featured
>with vim-like keyboard options
>doesn't use webkit
The most lightweight browsers out there are links and dillo.
They can both display pictures but aren't fully featured and they don't support vim-like keyboard controls.

Next in the line are Dwb and Uzbl which are fully featured and support vim keybindings but they aren't minimal and they are based on webkit.

Lastly you can give up and use Firefox and Chromium with vimfx and cvim respectively for vim capability.

man, most music players look like dead abandoned projects. Deadbeef seems to be updated but last time was 8 months ago

gmusicbrowser if you just want simple and intuitive GUI and ease of setup for using ALSA output. Maybe a little bit buggy on graphics, like the corrupted playback control buttons, but it doesn't matter.
If you mind the buggy graphics, and/or want a Foobar2000 counterpart on Linux, then DeadBeef. It also allows easy setup to use ALSA.

You mean here on Sup Forums?

Is the joke that the Gnu is eating something from its foot? If so, kudos to you, clever sir. Kudos.

cmus because I'm too retarded to figure out mpd+ncmpcpp.

How about JRiver or HQplayer?

What's there to figure out?

Yeah, I'm starting to realize that my options are either
a.) Really ducking lightweight but can't display a webpage post 1999
b.) Webkit based browsers that are fast light, but won't install
c.) Fucking Firefox in all its bloated glory

Quite a bit, actually. You should look into it for yourself.

I'm too stupid to figure out why I would need mpd.

How do I make portage ignore MAKEOPTS for a specific package?

you have to restart your DE/WM



I actually just ended using audacious, because rhythmbox went full retard with my library.