w-why do you guys bully windows 10 so much?
W-why do you guys bully windows 10 so much?
>proprietary software
>forced upgrade
just for starters
it's shit
because those bulliers are unemployed jealous antisocial faggots. their only accomplishment in their life is installing gentoo or arch linux without reading a guide.
Hang on, I thought we were bashing windows 10, not OSX?
personally I think OSX is shit too, but you're right that some people here direct more shit towards windows 10 than OSX
It literally logs key presses and uploads images and software to be analyzed to check for kiddie porn and copyright media/software.
W hyphen why do you talk like this?
>It literally logs key presses and uploads images and software to be analyzed to check for kiddie porn and copyright media/software.
I really really really really really really like this meme.
but why would you have kiddie porn on your computer user?
No, im feeling just comfy running Xubuntu and Korora.
But it literally does do this. Yet it doesn't bother you there is a baked in rootkit into your os. Just run 8.1 with classic shell and spybot antibeacon.
>muh big bad boogieman software
Remove the default gateway and use a proxy server with Firefox or Chromium. It literally never sends any packets out to MS if it doesn't have a gateway.
*Uses window 7 comfortably*
Feeling just say knowing your os has a baked in rootkit. Run windows 8.1 with classic shell and spybot antibeacon you cuck.
Why even bother running it then? Just use 8.1 or 7.
>why even bother, just use
I'm lolling on the ground over here.
>ubuntu derivative
at least use good software
they don't know any better. linux is hit or miss depending on your hardware and gpu mix. it sucks balls due to X fucking up and causing screen tearing.
How is xfce not good software though?
Literally using Windows 10 right now to be honest famalam
uhh OSX doesn't use your internet to seed updates to other users i.e. botnet. and it doesnt force you to update either.
then theres shit like ads in the OS, resetting your browser/programs to system default, etc. OSX is MILES better than windows, just lacks certain software support (mostly games)
Ummm wut. Nvidia has great linux drivers. You need to download it from their site tho.
Really, komari?
Bullies always target the weak.