/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

flacsoutforharam.be edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

When autism reaches critical levels, news will get posted in this thread.
Want it sooner? Do it yourself or read the old thread.

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


sadistic is /ourguy/

Nice dead meme you autistic fucking faggot

any pics of Nala yet?

Who is ddosing passthebleach?

t. Himitsu

books are fucking stupid and every book tracker should just be anime instead

>go to APO interview
>no need to wait
>give proofs of ratio from nya, bakabt and general ratios of your utorrent program
>tell few of your favorite albums
>YOURE IN, BOY! Welcome and GL!

>go to PassingHandPhone interview
>have to wait SEVERAL HOURS
>get scolded for asking invite (why not try your luck if you already waited so long, lol?)
>Copy paste answer to the question - "This looks like a quote from the interview site. You failed. Good luck next time"

Gee, i wonder which site is better and actually made FOR PEOPLE.

>continuing to false flag for pth

>>Copy paste answer to the question - "This looks like a quote from the interview site. You failed. Good luck next time"
>This answer is completely correct but we're denying because reasons

It's to filter 2 digit IQ retards like you

When you answer interview questions you have to make them sound somewhat stupid but not ''too' stupid.

has sementaco been banned yet?

Too much hassle.
I just said that APO is better, retard.
THIS. At least give me a another shot. Im not waiting for HOURS again you stubborn fucks!

wanna know how I know you're fat?

myspleen is so cucked


i hope this is hook shit


>tfw I can barely resist the temptation to shitpost on PTH's "BreatheTheWord (Christian Tracker)" invite thread

whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal"

whats dis



wow another awful OP by someone trying to shill his dead meme

colour me suprised

still no

i don't really care how cucked they are
best niche tracker out there, fantastic stuff

>Still falling for the jewish lie that file sharing is stealing
Wanna know how I know you're fat?



What youre listening today, /ptg/?

Piracy, I mean... file sharing is not stealing.

OPSEC, it's a great new band you should check out sometime


>wrong movie on THC gets FMotW

Solange - A Seat at the Table

>whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal"
What did Jesus do with the fish and the bread?

>some mainstream shitter's shitter sister
no thanks

way to /mark/ yourself, dumbass

>>way to /mark/ yourself, dumbass

marked yourself, consider yourself banned from MAM for using meanie words

Naughty Boy - Hotel Cabana

Well, seems like I've been banned on JPS (transferred accounts, didn't know this was prohibited back then, I'm such a baka desu). Very newfag question, will I be banned if I create another account using a different computer on my home connection? I can't remember if you could use a VPN there. Or it's better to just give up the tracker? I almost only listen to weeaboo songs, so it would be a shame. Also, I presume my invite tree got banned too, right? Hate and subscribe.

EXIF data in the screenshot

damn dude, need to work on that foobar rice

>covers without album art

yes, you faggot

Any recommendations for HDDs in Canada? All I can really find is an external 6Tb My Book that I guess i could Shuck but for $250 that seems a bit steep. My media drives are full ;(

>new gdp episode still isn't out

I know. I need to sort my shit out

I liked old DarkOne. New one is supposed to be better but not as comfy for some reason

I GIVE UP! There are no good Linux music players. I'm installing wine and foobar!!

mpd + ncmpcpp; or deadbeef, you fucktard

Neither of those support mTAGS


>relevant exif data from a screenshot

Damn, should have picked one up a month ago around boxing day, those 6tb mybooks were going for ~$150

Don't linux fags normally use mpd + ncmpcpp? I used it for some time before I gave up on timesink OS. It's pretty comfy once you get used to it.

mpd is HOOK.

i'm big pimpin' with LOLLYPOP

the fuck is that?

>join a tracker
>it's shit

what's its name /ptg/?

Can somebody explain why MTV is doing this?

Is it becoming SJW?

Survey Time.
>Top 3 most used private trackers:

>Favorite private tracker:

>Comfiest private tracker:

>First private tracker:

>Why you visit /ptg/:



>Top 3 most used private trackers:
emp, pth, ahd
>Favorite private tracker:
hard choice, but emp
>Comfiest private tracker:
>First private tracker:
>Why you visit /ptg/:
consequence free shitposting

>>Top 3 most used private trackers:
>>Favorite private tracker:
>>Comfiest private tracker:
>>First private tracker:
>>Why you visit /ptg/:
To read what you goys say while I use private trackers.

that NO SWEARS rule is one of the dumbest out there for how strict they enforce it

It's a component that lets you edit tags without modifying the audio files m-tags.org/

h-h-h-h-holy shit /maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarked/

>Top 3 most used private trackers:
PTH, AB, Bib
>Favorite private tracker:
>Comfiest private tracker:
>First private tracker:
What dot sea dee
>Why you visit /ptg/:
I'm just here to shitpost

>Top 3 most used private trackers:
AB, PTP, PTH in that order
>Favorite private tracker:
>Comfiest private tracker:
>First private tracker:
>Why you visit /ptg/:
Updates on happenings.

>Top 3 most used private trackers:
>Favorite private tracker:
>Comfiest private tracker:
>First private tracker:
PLD (no longer exists)
>Why you visit /ptg/:
Anonymous shitposting

what the fuck is LaZx?

>>Top 3 most used private trackers:
btn hdb ipt
>>Favorite private tracker: hdb
>>Comfiest private tracker: btn
>>First private tracker: demonoid
>>Why you visit /ptg/: shitposting

Post theme

I can't tell if you're FBI or cabal but...
There are no real comfy private trackers, they're all just functional
Too lazy to read any of the books I've downloaded, don't really feel like spending the time to watch movies.

>top 3
x264 APL AB




i'm an oldfag

>Survey Time.
>>Top 3 most used private trackers:
>>Favorite private tracker:
>>Comfiest private tracker:
>>First private tracker:
>>Why you visit /ptg/:
To entertain me while I torrent.

Is this a new meme? TPS believes everything lmao

fr*ck off

>>Top 3 most used private trackers:
By seeds, GGn (700), PTP (500), BTN (200)
By actual involvement, BTN, PTH, GGn
>>Favorite private tracker:
BH5 (RIP) | GGn
>>Comfiest private tracker:
BH5 (RIP) | HDBits
>>First private tracker:
>>Why you visit /ptg/:
What else am I gonna do? I like helping people when I can, and some of the shitposts can be alright. Like having instantaneous tracker updates


>DDL site(throw their integrated dropbox like feature)
stopped reading

man i was hoping tps wasn't full of marks

tps is autism central

[autisms in forum post]

do they have invite threads at least? official ones?

>tfw BH5 is gone

>>I like helping people
We need more people like you, user.

so they are just like us

you would 100% get warned for that on MAM

yep, suck it faggots!

this is why bib >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Pirate Bay > MAM

how do I pyramid from APL to HDB?

You don't

>weeb shit is winning FMotW


where ??? == TPS

>private tracker

>>Top 3 most used private trackers:
>>Favorite private tracker:
>>Comfiest private tracker:
>>First private tracker:
>>Why you visit /ptg/:
no fucking idea

lmao, nice one

>wah wah they had open signups
sry bby your sekrit privit klubs never were in the first place
wcd had open recruitment
you're almost assuredly on a tracker right now that held open recruitment

but yes somehow open recruitment means that the staff are unable to find bad users and remove them. they're somehow *different* from regular bad users who get in by sucking an existing member's dick

fuck off elitefag


Christianity is basically a jewish lie

calm down street shitter

pth, brokenstones, not on other trackers
to funpost about danny

does the emp recruiter care what 5 things i upload to pornbay?